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Gaming With Rogmeister - Video Games For My Birthday!


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My birthday was May 7 and I wasn't really expecting much of anything from anybody...but one of the regulars at a message board I frequent wanted to send me a game for my birthday...I told him he didn't have to but he seemed to want to. I was kind of expecting one used game from his collection...he actually wound up sending me four games, all still sealed in their original plastic wrapping. Obviously, I was quite flabbergasted but deeply grateful. I'm not buying much in the way of games these days (I had only bought 2 so far this year myself) so this was a nice addition to my collection. I don't have the latest systems (Wii, PS3, Xbox 360) so the games I got are for their forerunners, the GameCube, PS2 and original Xbox. Here's what he sent me...


1. Def Jam Vendetta (GameCube)

2. NFL Street 2 (GameCube)

3 PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2)

4. Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus (Xbox)


I have been a bit preoccupied with my health and all so I've not had time to really try these games out but I will try to finally play them some this upcoming weekend. What little gaming I've been doing is playing my favorite baseball game, MLB Power Pros 2008. I am in the home stretch of that game, playing in the final month of the regular season so it's nearly playoff time in that game. Once I get through that, I will happily give it a rest for at least a month or two.



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