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Reviving a sears telegames unit


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I'm on a little project to revive a six switcher telegames unit.


Now I don't plan on spending a lot of money because it wouldn't be worth it.


But, it's fun to take something that was obviosly junked and revive it.


The unit is circa 1978-1979. Could't tell since that little paper that is often taped to the RF box with the date was smugged. Inside, there was (and still is) a considerable amount of corrision. Given it's age, and this being Western PA, there was a lot of soot in it. Also, I think someone must have spilled a coke in it.


Regardless, I clean it all up physically. I used ethanol to clean the hardware, but there is still a lot of corrosion left over. Most of the plastic casing was in pretty good shape. After three hours of elbow grease, you almost can't recognize it. I still have a some issues.


1. What is good to clean the corrosion off the electronic parts? Still a fair amount there.

2. The six switches other than power seem touchy, especially the color/BW switch and the difficulty swithches. No signs of breakage in the solder joints, and the swithches are not physically stuck.

3. More RF noise than normal

4. Seems like only one channel of sound is working--related to corrosion?

5. Power adapter. I have a multi one, 9 volts 300 ma, but I need 500 ma, correct? Maybe that is causing problem #4?


Otherwise, i have it more or less working.


Thanks for any help.

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4. Seems like only one channel of sound is working--related to corrosion?


What do you mean? Not stereo? If so, that's normal.


5. Power adapter. I have a multi one, 9 volts 300 ma, but I need 500 ma, correct? Maybe that is causing problem #4?


Rating is 9V 500ma, but 300ma should be fine unless you use a SuperCharger or Cuttle Cart etc.!

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4. Seems like only one channel of sound is working--related to corrosion?


What do you mean? Not stereo? If so, that's normal.


5. Power adapter. I have a multi one, 9 volts 300 ma, but I need 500 ma, correct? Maybe that is causing problem #4?


Rating is 9V 500ma, but 300ma should be fine unless you use a SuperCharger or Cuttle Cart etc.!


Half of the sounds are missing. Space invaders is an example. The back ground sound is there, but every time an invader is hit, there is no "blump" sound. In air sea battle, there isn't any sound at all. Both sound fine in the 7800.


So maybe it's more correct for me to say that certain frequencies are missing.

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Half of the sounds are missing. Space invaders is an example. The back ground sound is there, but every time an invader is hit, there is no "blump" sound. In air sea battle, there isn't any sound at all. Both sound fine in the 7800.


So maybe it's more correct for me to say that certain frequencies are missing.


There are two sound channels coming off the TIA. Pins 12 and 13. They are both supposed to be connected together on the board. Ensure that the pins are making good contact with the socket, and that the solder connections on the bottom of the board are good. Could also be a faulty TIA.



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Half of the sounds are missing. Space invaders is an example. The back ground sound is there, but every time an invader is hit, there is no "blump" sound. In air sea battle, there isn't any sound at all. Both sound fine in the 7800.


So maybe it's more correct for me to say that certain frequencies are missing.


There are two sound channels coming off the TIA. Pins 12 and 13. They are both supposed to be connected together on the board. Ensure that the pins are making good contact with the socket, and that the solder connections on the bottom of the board are good. Could also be a faulty TIA.




There is a heavy amount of corrosion in this area. I tried getting rid of that, but it looks like I made things worse. Just a black screen now.


Well, in hindsight, I probably would have used a different approach in cleaning up the unit... such as asking first :-). Well, some new games for the 7800 at least.

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There is a heavy amount of corrosion in this area. I tried getting rid of that, but it looks like I made things worse. Just a black screen now.


Well, in hindsight, I probably would have used a different approach in cleaning up the unit... such as asking first :-). Well, some new games for the 7800 at least.


Should not be hard to repair. Simply desolder and remove the old socket, and replace it. Clean the legs of the TIA to remove the corrosion, and plug it into the new socket.



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There is a heavy amount of corrosion in this area. I tried getting rid of that, but it looks like I made things worse. Just a black screen now.


Well, in hindsight, I probably would have used a different approach in cleaning up the unit... such as asking first :-). Well, some new games for the 7800 at least.


Should not be hard to repair. Simply desolder and remove the old socket, and replace it. Clean the legs of the TIA to remove the corrosion, and plug it into the new socket.




Assuming the TIA functions, that would work. Time isn't on my hands at the moment, and I have to figure out place to stash it so the WAF doesn't go down...hard in a small house where I already have "unfinished projects".


Have to decide if this is worth it too. If this were a true heavy sixer, definitely.



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