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Panky the Panda - new WIP homebrew


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This is looking really good so far. I don't mind the falling off the screen killing you thing, though it would be helpful to have control over the speed in which the panda moves. However, I don't know how that would be comfortably implemented into a joystick with only one button.

Edited by Nateo
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Somewhat technical update:


I've been working on an epic 96-pixel wide title screen. Thing is, I only have about 700-some bytes free in one bank and 300-some in the other, and the data alone for this title screen will be at least 1K. So... looks like I'm gonna be going to 16K.


I hate wasting an entire bank though, so maybe I'll have to add more bells and whistles, i.e. a super-fancy ending sequence or something. :)

Edited by Ben_Larson
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Love the game and the look of it--title screen is swell as well. Not really a fan of the "unsevered penis" thing--seems unnecessary for such an amazing game that stands on its own without the weird humor. Also, would love some kind of ongoing Pitfall 2 type music that you could possibly toggle on/off. I think that would be a big bonus.


Great work!

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Having your junk bobbitized for black market Chinese herbal products and/or aphrodisiacs is no laughing matter guys.


And frankly I think Panky would be offended that some of you would view his noble quest to save his brother's member - not to mention his future nephews and nieces from never existing - as some kind of joke. This is serious business... about the ability to get down to business... and every panda's unalienable right to that.


Now think about that for a minute... and if you still insist, I will provide a PG version too. But rest assured that the PG will stand for Panda Guilt...


*dramatic pause*


...because that's what you'll be feeling when you play it...



Edited by Ben_Larson
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I also don't care for the title. It doesn't add anything to the game except juvenile humor for juvenile humor's sake. I know I wouldn't buy a game with a title that made me feel "unclean" just reading it. I've played the game, and seriously, the game is fun enough without needing to have an "unclean" title. It's completely unnecessary! There's plenty of much better ways to add "quirky humor" without resorting to being dirty. The pandas spoofing Contra is a great example.


Besides, I won't even consider buying the game unless you change the title to something far less disgusting. I do not wish to be thinking about genital mutilation while playing Atari. It's as simple as that.


I don't buy your "Panda Guilt" explanation for not changing the title either. :P


Game: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Title: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

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Quest for the Lower Horn?


I'd recommend a title that's not so obvious, but still hints at the objective. You know how Ratchet and Clank has all those suggestive titles like Going Commando, Up Your Arsenal, etc.? Go for something like that. Some suggestions include "Upright Carnivore's Brigade," "Members Only," and "Panky vs. The Mean Peen Machine."

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Love the title screen! Looks awesome. How about Panky the Panda: Securing the Future for a title? That is more family friendly. :D It is your game, of course, you call it what you want it.

I'm glad you brought this up Trek. Time to get a little bit serious on my part now: :)


I actually made this game from the beginning with the express purpose that it have no violence in it whatsoever - you don't actually kill anything during the course of the game. I did this because I wanted to see if it was possible to do it and still make an interesting game. In fact, I will note that the stated goal of the game is to *prevent* violence from occuring. Now I won't lie, the title was borne from sheer absurdity, and yes maybe my sense of humor is a bit juvenile. That I won't attempt to rebut :) - but this does bring up an interesting point here:


If a game has no violence or killing in it but has some crude sexual aspect to it - is it more or less family friendly than most video games where you kill things indiscriminately with no repercussions?


Something to think about...

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but this does bring up an interesting point here:


If a game has no violence or killing in it but has some crude sexual aspect to it - is it more or less family friendly than most video games where you kill things indiscriminately with no repercussions?



We're talking about a society where games that you stomp on animals for points to be considered E but if you dare flash a "revealing" bikini it's instantly upped to T or M, regardless of any killing aspect or lack thereof.


It's also a society where the difference between a T rating and an M rating was the difference between whether your fatality drove both swords through your opponent's chest or if one was driven through their skull.


I would expect if you passed it through a rating committee, you'd have a better chance at an E rating if you changed the name to Panky Panda: Army Corps and gave it a machine gun.

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