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Damnit Dungeon (or Fredy vs Jason vs Ash)- where to start?


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Unfortunately, I Lost my job and my car and have a decent amount of free time (more than I care for). I was thinking of trying to turn a board game I designed into a 2600 game. The board game was like a cross between battleship, hunt the wumpus, and a dungeon crawl game. Each player built and occupied a dungeon for the other player to get through. I also made a solo variant.


Here's the main ideas:


1. The playfield is a 6x6 grid with randomly generated walls and contents in each room.

2. player has 20 health. game over when it reaches 0

3. items: sword, shield, rope, potion, flares, treasure - sword is needed to fight enemies, shield is needed to fight dragon and saves one health point in each fight, rope is used to avoid pits, potion can restore health, flares are used to look into an adjacent room before moving into it. Treasure- the goal of the game is to find the treasure.

4. Enemies: Dragon, bat, goblin, rogue, Dragon guards the treasure and is always placed close by the treasure. Te player must have both the sword and the shield to fight the dragon. Bat picks up the player and drops them in a random room. Goblin is the regular sword fodder and are just in the way. The player must have a sword before they can fight a goblin. Thief, randomly steals on of the players items.

5. Fighting: when the player is fighting an enemy, they must choose on of 6 "areas" of the enemy to attack for instance, head, arms, legs, torso. only one space will kill the enemy. for each wrong attack, the player takes one damage.

6: goal, the player must locate the trasure, and then the exit and get out alive in the fewest possible turns. The exit is only visible after the treasure is found. The dungeon shifts and is repopulated after the treasure is found.

7. THe screen - along the bottom should be the inventory of items, health, and number of turns. One side would have an overhead map that appears as the player explores, and the other side would be a window to show what is encountered. Like pit, enemy, and item graphics.


What do you think?


THe big question, Where should I start. Could you guys maybe point me at some links to Batari basic tutorials that would particularly help? I have a little bit of experience with qbasic and actually made a very similar game some time ago, but with no graphics at all. ANy Help would be much appreciated. re there any graphics utilities out there?


I'll post a link to the board game later.

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The grid also wraps around. Like in pacman where if you exit the right side, you come out the left side.


The game would play a bit similar to Pirate. Except It would have walls. Another problem is making it so the walls don't completely cut off an area of the grid. Or have the walls constantly shifting, but that may become annoying while playing. Have one rough "theory" of how to implement the walls. That would be to actually make the grid 12x12 instead of 6x6 and have either the odd or even grid numbers represent the walls. So when generating the grid, each even square would be empty, contain an item, pit, or enemy. The odd squares would either be open of blocked. But then, every time the player moves, they would have to be moved 2 spaces instead of one. I think that may take up too much space on the screen to also have a window to show the encounters.


WHen generating the grid, each room can only contain one object, and I want it so no items are placed adjacent to each other. The same for the enemies and the traps. The only exception would be the treasure and the dragon. The dragon must be in an adjacent room to the treasure.


Also wondering how to implement the fighting. Whether the whole game can be put on just one screen or have to switch screens for fighting. I would prefer one screen for gameplay and a title screen. The gameplay screen would include the game map that gradually appears as the player explores, an encounter window that would show graphics of the enemies, items, and traps. And a section on the bottom to show Health, item icons for what has been found, score, and possibly coordinates.


Would this even be possible on 2600? Can anyone please recommend a starting point and where to look for tutorials and information on how to implement the particular features of this idea?


Btw, I'm not idea peddling. I'm asking for advice on a game I intend to create myself.

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The grid also wraps around. Like in pacman where if you exit the right side, you come out the left side.


The game would play a bit similar to Pirate. Except It would have walls. Another problem is making it so the walls don't completely cut off an area of the grid. Or have the walls constantly shifting, but that may become annoying while playing.


Would this even be possible on 2600? Can anyone please recommend a starting point and where to look for tutorials and information on how to implement the particular features of this idea?


Btw, I'm not idea peddling. I'm asking for advice on a game I intend to create myself.


Have you read and attempted the tutorials above? That would seem to be a good jumping off point. If you've programmed in a Basic variant before, bB doesn't seem that different, so you should draw on that experience. It's sounds like the game you have planned is simply a matter of mapping out the variables and inputs, like a text adventure but with pictures.


Are you asking for help in defining the variables, or help with using bB?

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I wouldn't really call it like a text adventure like the dark mage IF for 2600.


unfortunately, I no longer have the original program that I did and it was many years ago.


I have a general idea about defining variables. I know the basics of how the "if xxx =X then xxx" works. I think anyways. I suppose I'm asking for a little bit of both. I also have no clue on graphics.


My original program had no graphics what so ever. It simply displayed coordinates and said what you had encountered. It also had no fighting mechanic, level exit, or walls.


I'm also not to clear on how kernels work. I'm just now looking at the newbies forums. I hope to get started tonight or tomorrow.


The main issue would probably be generating a new random map at the beginning of each game. That's where I plan to start. Also wondering how to place the exit, but have it hidden until the treasure is found.


I was thinking of taking a look at VBbasic.

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Some more notes on the map. Each item only appears once at generation. There shouldn't be more that 3 pits, bats, or goblins in a single map (unless difficulty levels get added).


ONce a bat is encountered, it should be relocated in an empty room.


Pits always remain in the same room.


There is only one of each item in each game. If it is stolen by the thief though, it should be replaced in a random empty room.


When encountering a thief/rogue the player has one chance of stopping them. This will work in the same way as fighting. THe only difference is that there will only be one round of fighting no matter if the thief was killed or not. IF the player has no items when encountering the thief, the player takes damage and the thief gets away and is relocated like the bat.


I'm wondering how to use the potion. In the original board game that I made, the player can use the potion whenever they wanted except during a fight. I suppose I could use the fire button for this. But during a fight, it requires the use of the fire button to choose the target area of the enemy. I would prefer not to have separate screens for the fights. I want to have a selector appear in the view window and the player would choose between each limp, head, and torso. Is this possible? THe fire button would have to serve two functions, but the player is not allowed to use a potion during a fight.


I'm also working on advice for how certain things work. The idea is that the player needs at least a sword to fight a goblin and both sword and shield to fight the dragon. The player needs a rope to get past the pits. IF the player encounters these without the proper equipment, should they instantly die and game over, take damage and move back to the beginning, Or have a certain number of lives and they move back to the beginning? The entrance(starting point) to the dungeon is also random;y generated at the beginning of the game as well. Just wondering what people think is best. The original board game I made is mainly a two player game so the player just moved back to the starting point, but had infinite lives until someone found the treasure and exit.


The name may change. At the time when I was creating the board game, I couldn't think of a name that was either too cheesy or generic. SO, on the top of my design notes, I wrote "Come up with a DAMN NAME!". So, out of the irony of the frustration I was going through, I named the game Damnit Dungeons. Just a little side note.


I'm also considering changing the theme a little so it is not so much like a generic fantasy game. Maybe a slightly darker theme like demons and such.

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In my experience, it's quite easy to increase the rom size. The main thing to watch is that you'll have to say things like gosub foo bank2 instead of just gosub foo2. But I'd say you have a case of analysis paralysis. Just get started programming, and you will learn as you go. ^_^

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I've been reading the manuals and tutorials for about 3 days now. I am starting. I've created several board games before. I always spend a lot of time planning before executing. Just the way I do it really. And of course, the programming is more complicated to implement and requires more than imagination than physical component mechanics.


I was also thinking of a re-theme. Instead of the generic fantasy setting, I was thinking...


Freddy vs Jason vs Ash.


The player would be Ash. The sword would be the Chainsaw. The treasure would be the Necronomicon. THe shield would be the "Boomstick".

The dragon would be Freddy. THe thief would be replaced with Jason and just be made unstoppable, but avoidable. The goblins would be Deadites. The bats would be winged Deadites. THe potion would probably stay the same or maybe change it into something a bit more campy like beer or a hot chick that could make Ash "feel better" to heal his wounds. The rope would stay the same.


Just gotta figure out what the setting would be instead of a dungeon. Suppose a cabin at Crystal lake would obvious, put not sure how to explain the pits and maze like structure. Unless of course it was in Freddy's dreamworld.


A couple of the main mechanics would probably have to change to go with this theme idea.


I'm gonna finish the bare bones mechanics of the game before I add the theme into it. BUt was wondering what you guys think? Generic fantasy dungeon romp? Or campy, wise crackin, chainsaw wielding hero vs undead and horror movie icons?


Btw, anyone wanna comment on what they think of the game idea? If it sounds fun at all? I'm gonna stick with it and make the game anyways, but just curious of what others think.

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My 2 cents - I like the Evil Dead theme, but I think adding in Freddy and Jason actually takes away from it. If you're looking for enemy to focus on besides the posessed, maybe you could use a Sumerian Priest?


As far as mazes and pits, couldn't the woods around the cabin, and graves like the one Ash dug serve? In the movie, the trees themselves impeded movement.


Either way, sounds more interesting than yet another D&D themed game.


Get coding! :)

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Evil Dead theme, but I think adding in Freddy and Jason actually takes away from it


The idea is based on the movie that almost got made and the comic book they did make.






I'd probably change the name though. It's a little stale. I think it's just a fun idea. No reason to be taken all that seriously.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Legend! You get around sir! I liked Damit Dungeon.


Yeah I do get around. Musician/board game designer/ artist/beer drinker and hellraiser. lol. Hopefully I can add 2600 game programmer.


You played my original game? cool. Glad you like it. Did you play both the 2 player version and the solo version? You try Mortuum or Shrine? I think I posted links in the same thread on BGG. I gotta re upload them though. Maybe give them their own page on the geek.


ANyways, I'm still working on learning the programming. Hopefully have something playable in a month or so. I hope the game translates well over to the 2600.


I'm also working on another pnp game. There is a thread on the geek. It' called Dark Valhalla.

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Legend! You get around sir! I liked Damit Dungeon.


Yeah I do get around. Musician/board game designer/ artist/beer drinker and hellraiser. lol. Hopefully I can add 2600 game programmer.


You played my original game? cool. Glad you like it. Did you play both the 2 player version and the solo version? You try Mortuum or Shrine? I think I posted links in the same thread on BGG. I gotta re upload them though. Maybe give them their own page on the geek.


ANyways, I'm still working on learning the programming. Hopefully have something playable in a month or so. I hope the game translates well over to the 2600.


I'm also working on another pnp game. There is a thread on the geek. It' called Dark Valhalla.


Just the solo version. I haven't tried the others yet. Good luck with the translation sir!

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