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Giant Label Variation PHOTO Website. Check it out!


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Ok, I think I'm back up for now.


First off, I added a Maze Craze box variation, #7 where it is the "limited ninety day warranty" version with a "tab" style flap. This was made in 1984 by Ivy Hill. It probably is the last orange box variation prior to the grey box release. I'll be adding a Pac-Man and Video Checkers box variation hopefully successfully within the hour. I'll reply/edit this if it doesn't happen. Actually I will reply/edit regardless informing exactly what this new variation is.


I may have problems with this because I need to rearrange the variations which means I need to rename the photos. Hopefully this will work. I'll start with Pac-Man, so I'll keep you informed of my success.


As for the copyright symbol thing, I think I may get around this. If I copy a page in my web, it seems the copyright symbol stays. If I copy it from an outside file like I did the first time, it seems to screw up. So I'll probably copy it from the web and see what happens.


As for my new pages, I'll have to work on those. I'm still trying to figure out how to do the navigation links that are at the top of my page with the "tree" in the program. Until that happens, I can't move forward with new content. I had to download my entire website back to my computer to undo what I had done previously. I guess if I can figure out the navigation tree thing, I may have been able to fix it that way, but I figure I'll start back from where I first got the program and work from there. I may as well give you the new variations before venturing on.




EDIT: Ok, Pacman worked. The new variation is #5. It is also a Not For Resale version, but the title is in blue on the front and the video game options is now listed on the back. This is similar to a later box from 1987, which is now variation #10. These are the only 2 I've seen that the title is blue.

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Video Checkers has been updated and rearranged. I put the boxes in order of printing, though most aren't proven from sight, but rather my research. The new version is #2 which has a white background warranty box. The front of this box was torn with a piece missing as shown. If anyone has this version and can send me a nice scan of the front of the box, please contact me. I'll keep you updated on any new pages made. I'll probably try again tomorrow.


I'm getting some more boxed games early this coming week, so I'll update any new found variations.



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I'm reviewing all the variations of boxes. On my general Atari variation page, I show the various labels, and below that get into some detailed info about the boxes. I list all confirmed titles under their respected variations. One thing I notice I didn't do was put titles I did not confirm the Rev number. I decided to add those who have a particular box variation, but no confirmed Rev at the end of each paragraph saying "Unconfirmed Rev number". If anyone owns those particular variations and can tell me the particular Rev number, please contact me.



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Got the next batch of boxed games in. I verified V9 of Kool-Aid Man along with the box variation #1, which I'll scan within a few days. I'll be going through the new batch of boxes. These were in really nice condition. I am pleased and possibly will be upgrading a few of my personal ones.



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I'm glad newer members to AA are getting to see the site. I've actually been working on it on and off for about 4 years now I think. It's come a long way, especially with much added info, but still have a ways to go. This weekend I'll try and tackle how to add my new pages with the Web Expression and see if I can get it to work correctly.



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I'm wondering exactly which games were the black ones that say game program.


It seems some of the CX carts are picture labels only. For example, Fatal Run does not have a "game program" black cart version.


Is there a part of the website that JUST lists those?


Basically dividing up the CX carts between label and no-label

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Ok, sorry to disappoint, but the Web Expression has no means of navigation. That means I can't put the new pages under their respective companies. What I used to do with Front Page is create a new page, say Frogger Boxes. Then I would go to the navigation tree and drag it under Parker Brothers and then the top would have the name Frogger Boxes with two links, "UP" and "HOME" automatically done correctly for me. This would then "UP" the page to the Parker Brothers page, and "HOME" the page to the initial page of the website. If I physically alter the name or links, they physically alter the entire website like I described a few posts back. This gave me a couple of hours extra work putting everything back the way it should be.


Good news is I can still alter whatever pages I already have without a problem, just can't create any new ones the old way.


Now I say the old way because I'm considering doing something and not sure how it will turn out. I have two choices. I can create new pages and not touch the navigation portion at the top of the page. This will give you a blank top on the new page and you can't go back anywhere once you get to the new page short of hitting the back button in your browser. The other thing I'm considering to do is leave the navigation paragraph, and then create under it a new paragraph physically writing the title and putting the two hyperlinks in there like I tried the first time. This time however, I'm not altering the navigation section, so the rest of the site would be unaffected. I'm not sure what the new page would look like adding a paragraph title and links. I'm hoping the worst would be there would be a space at the top, so aesthetically it won't look perfect. But at least I would have new pages that users can navigate to and from and still get all the info.


If this works, it will be a temporary fix, as I'm determined to somehow get a MS 2000 with Front Page, go back, and fix all the new pages how I originally had them. I'll try this within the next 2 days and get back here with my results. Worst comes to worst, I won't be adding any new pages at all and will just wait again.


On a good note, I'm modifying the MS word document to coincide with everything that's on the site. At least I want the document to match all the listings with new additions and info. This will take awhile and is actually my first priority at this time. I will also update the pdf document too so you don't need to download the word document and can just view everything. New additions will also be included in the document that isn't on the website yet like Parker Brothers, Sears, and Imagic that I have never gotten to.


If anyone is interested in any scans of carts or boxes that is not on the site, I can email them to you. Some people are curious as to what something looks like or maybe want to compare their own item with what the one in the list looks like. Just give me until the document is fully updated, which I'll post here when it's ready, before asking as the variation letters/numbers may change with new additions.


Thanks for all help and for understanding the situation. Let's hope I can move forward from here.




EDIT: I just received a small batch of manuals and catalogs and in it was a small card featuring a "free poster of Robot Tank". I haven't seen this before and just added it to the document. I currently put it at the end of the document as additional paperwork under Activision. Sometimes I add specific game papers under their respective titles. Does anyone know where this came from? Did it come with Robot Tank or other game?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the help. I'll get those boxes added by the weekend. I'm off from school come Friday for a week, so I'm hoping to get a little work on the site. Need to do lots of appointments though so I'm hoping to get time. Do you have any idea about the Sorcerer's Apprentice cart? I saw someone from Germany with one and would like to know a little more about it before adding it.



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The 1986 Atari Corp was for sale by a guy in France, the 1983 one was from a guy in Germany. I assume this label is only on PAL format games. Both were from eBay auctions.

It makes sense that an 86 label would be out there considering there is an Atari corp 1986 box on the list.

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  • 1 month later...

While going through the box variations, I noticed that I was probably wrong with the print order, and will be correcting it sometime soon.


It seems that when a box has the back with the white warranty background, when the date of 1981 is printed below the box, the printing of the boxes seem to be in the range of 3/81 to 5/81.

When the copyright date is printed inside the white warranty box, even if it is dated earlier than 1981, the printing of the boxes I've seen so far usually lie between 6/81 to 9/81.

So when I get some time this week, I'll be rearranging the order of this on my General Atari Variations page.


I actually wish I had more boxes of these variations to check the printing dates. I've sold so much over time that those I did scan went to someone's collection before I had decided to document the print dates, and not just the printer.


Anyone who can verify print dates on any of these can help me out and I appreciate it.



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1986 E.T. Label Variations:


Left: .3cm from bottom of Trademark text to bottom of label

Right: .6cm from bottom of Trademark text to bottom of label


Both Cart 2, EL scans for both


Those are not variations. It's just part of the printing process.

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Great site with superb content - I love to see the variations lists.


However, the layout of the site is hurrible, It would be much nicer to get an

overview of the variations in order to compare them directly.

The word/pdf file is there, though it needs to be updated. So all the variations are listed in order and easily read. Photos of course would not be in the document, but you can look at the descriptions of the variations. As for the layout, I kept it simple on purpose. This is something I do in my spare time and I'm not being paid for it, nor am I a professional website developer. I decided to do this for the hobby and no one else wanted to take on the task. In the past 10 years, I've done a huge amount of work on this list, including verifying the existence of pretty much everything listed, which the previous editors of the list did not do. I also added all the variations of the manuals, which no one has done up to this date in any document that I could find. I've also gone to the trouble of trying to document who printed what box and exactly when, so I can get a timeline of the release of all the box variations.


Speaking of that, I plan on researching what I have and putting dates with the box descriptions. I believe there are a slim amount of exceptions as to the print dates, but overall I should be able to get a good timeline on when the boxes were printed. Saying that, I hope to do this by the weekend. I've already switched the variations that I just mentioned in the previous post. But I'm not going to put that live until I can put general printing dates. I will probably also list the printer under those variations, since there are very few of those too.


If anyone thinks this task is easy, feel free to undertake it. I've probably spent a few thousand hours working on this. The photo site alone has been in existence now for I think 5 years and I'm still not done. I wish I had more time to put the rest, and hopefully I will through the summer as I now have to look for another teaching job for next school year. I'm still not happy with the fact I'll have to fudge making the new web pages because I can't find my MS Office 2000. I liked Front Page and the Web Expressions just does not cut it for what I'm doing. I'm keeping things basic. No glitz and glamour. Al is nice enough to host this for me, so I don't want to waste his space with flashing lights and stuff.


If I didn't add the cart variations yet, I soon will. I do have to agree with Andre that the ET is not really a variation as probably a miscut. If the info below the picture was a different distance away on both labels, that would be a different story. We've seen that before on a few games, though offhand I can't remember exact games.



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You did excellent work and I really appreciate all the information I cannot find somewhere else.

For sure much better content than all of the other variation sites.


I just thought it would be even more usable when getting the pictures of the variations next to each other

so you can see the differences immediately - just by using the same pics scaled down.

However, I do understand that this is a time consuming task


Thanks for your work!

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