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Planet Bob - Playing Desolator (C64)


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Hi there!


Digging kneedeep into obscurity tonight, with this one:




I only realized when reading the fine print on the title screen, that this game is based on a Sega Arcade. Trying to figure out some more about it, the only bit of additional info I have is that the coin-op was eventually called "Halls of Kyros".


Thinking about that, paying for an arcade license to rename the game is about the oddest thing I ever heard of :ponder:


Judging by some reviews, the low lemon64 score, and the notorious 'Choice Software' as developers I feared the worst, but actually the the game isn't as desolate as the name suggests.


Well, it isn't particular good either, but a playable enough vertical scrolling mixture between Commando and Gauntlet. It reminded me a bit of other Sega games like Ninja Princess and The Ninja, albeit at least on the C64 this is nowhere reaching that kind of quality.


The graphics are rather of the ugly kind, the music is barely tolerable. On the plus side it is also rather short ;)


I decided to not waste space on the ending screen. With the standart font it says "The End" and that it'll reload the first level once you press fire :roll:


Some future day the "Playing..." series may see another Ninja game from Sega in the form of "Shinobi", but first it'll continue with something else.






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