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Game Unicon in Marlboro the end of August

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I understand the price issue but look at the value. You get three days of 24 hour gaming for only $30-$40. You also get to attend two concerts for free included in that pass. So look at it as $10 a day. What convention costs less than $10 a day? If there are any other concerns please feel free to contact us, this convention it for the gaming audience in New England and we want to make it as good as possible.

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Hey guys, I have pitched in a little to help Jeff and the folks at Game Universe with this, mostly by putting them in contact with various people I know through 2old2play and local coin-op collectors. Given that this is the first year for Game Unicon, they certainly have some growing to do. But compared to most gaming conventions, $30 for the weekend is a steal. If any of you are going to go to PAX-East next March, that will set you back $50 ($55 at the door). By Comparison, I gladly forked over $75 plus hotel and airfare to go to the 2old2play LAN in Chicago next week. Considering that NE and the East Coast in general gets screwed when it comes to such events, I try support anything that will bring more video game conventions to this area. I would be attending Game Unicon, but I will be out of town for that weekend.

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