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Planet Bob - Playing Dark Side (Amiga)


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Hi there!


The second game powered by Incentives Freescape engine:




I always regarded those Freescape games a fascinating technical achievement, albeit I never really played one of them. On the C64 they simply seemed to run way too slow, IIRC at 2-3 frames per second. And later on the Amiga I had better games, I thought ;)


I always loved the C64 soundtracks of Driller and Dark Side though. They're backed by incredibly epic 10-15 minute psychedelic tunes which do an impressive jobs of creating ambient atmospheres. Even if one hates the games, I at least recommend listening to those tunes once :music:


The game itself is playing on the dark side (Aha!) of a moon, where you have to disrupt some evil alien plan by destroying their power grid and installatons.


While it was considerably fast, the Amiga version I was playing tonight unfortunately seemed to be buggy though. I always ran out of time very fast, even though destroying the power grid was supposed to slow down the timer. In my final try I equipped myself with a map and went straight along a walkthrough and still ran out of time halfway through the mission... :sad:


So I decided to have a look at the C64 version instead tomorrow. Maybe it's halfway playable at 500% emulation speed :ponder::lolblue:






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