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FS: Fairchild System (Channel F) Multi-Cart, pre-order now.


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Hi guys, sorry for the delay, I've been swamped with work and there has been some troubles with the PCB-manufacturer. I've had troubles reaching them and now they have raised the price to almost double of what it was before. So I'm trying to save up some more money (hopefully I'll get a few more orders and it'll be solved that way) and in the meantime I'm also looking for a cheaper alternative. I could have them made locally at about five times the cost - but that really doesn't feel like an option.


So hang in there they'll get to you asap.


BTW. Toymailman should have gotten his, it has been sent a few weeks ago.

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I went through all payments yesterday and made a list and noticed I had missed two Swedish buyers that also have paid up front, I have updated the list in the first post.


How's it looking for delivery of the multi-carts? I posted a casual video of a direct capture of my Pac-Man cartridge and it's generating a lot of interest (http://www.armchairarcade.com/neo/node/3074). It has me excited to receive my multi-cart (hopefully) early on this new year.

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I'm sorry for the delays, it has been things out of my control, it's terribly sad I haven't been able to finish any more carts now that I've been free from work.


This is what has happened lately:


I had set up my little line of assembly and made a small batch of carts but when testing things went wrong, I finally understood that I had managed to break a few logic circuits and I couldn't understand why, checked the soldering very careful (as it's now almost all surface mounted circuits it takes a steadier hand), couldn't find anything wrong and after checking the pcb for bridges or defects of any kind I tried one cart more, same result...


After some extensive testing, de- and re-soldering and measuring I finally discovered that the surface mounted resistors were of the wrong value, I had gotten resistors 1/10 of the ordered value and I hadn't noticed - hard to do when you don't really expect it... Drawing 10 times more current per output isn't recommended, that's why the resistors are there...


Luckily none of the expensive circuits broke (they built fine circuits in the 70/80:s) so it's fixable.



The day before yesterday I got a short message from my supplier that all their packages sent out in one week of December have gotten stuck in the Chinese customs and that they (the people in the Chinese customs) were going to open all packages from that week manually and check them. They promised increasing discounts if it took too long - if it took 60 days I would get my money back...



So - I ordered new parts from an extremely more expensive supplier yesterday, I'm expecting shipment via UPS no later than Tuesday.

I have also extended my leave from my main job this week and plan to finish all ordered Multi-Carts this week unless I'm swamped with work from my other job, there are a few things I need to do but it should be feasable.



New plan is to start shipping next week, I'll build one cart at the time from start to finish instead so that the people early on the list don't have to wait much longer. Total building time will be longer but I understand if the early buyers are starting to get a little impatient.


Again, I'm sorry for the delay - I hope it's worth the wait.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just two questions. since i'm a new retro gamer i only have the saba console. will this cartridge be compatible with my console?

also how much is the price now?

thanks ;)



Yes all carts for the Fairchild System works for all brands (SABA, Luxor, ITT etc) and also this cart.


The current batch is sold out but you can make a pre-payment to reserve the next number in line, in that case the price is $125, shipping included. If you'd like to wait the price will be $150 plus shipping when all new materials are in and manufacturing begins.

Edited by e5frog
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The third batch is starting it's cycle.


As usual I need your funds to buy materials.


The one who books the first cartridge in this batch via a payment to my PayPal account (e5frog@gmail.com) gets it for $100, shipping included.

We are now on Multi-Cart #21.


Other pre-paying buyers will pay $125, shipping included.


If you'd like to wait until all parts are delivered and production starts the price is $150 plus shipping.



I have saved up some money and I need another four orders to make this happen, when this batch is sold out I can probably start making BOXES!



To get things started I'll offer a picture of your choice (scaled to the limitations of the Channel F) to be displayed at startup for the first four buyers - if you like - instead of name or other 15 character information (it has been mostly names).


Anyone interested?

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  • 2 weeks later...


To get things started I'll offer a picture of your choice (scaled to the limitations of the Channel F) to be displayed at startup for the first four buyers - if you like - instead of name or other 15 character information (it has been mostly names).


Anyone interested?


Hi there


I would love one of these?

If I pay now will I be in the First 4?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, see post 42 above: http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/149932-fs-fairchild-system-channel-f-multi-cart-pre-order-now/page__view__findpost__p__1929625


Current discounted price is $125, you pay via my PayPal-account: e5frog@gmail.com

Be sure to use "Personal Payment" and use the option "I'll pay the fee" so that I'll get the full amount.


Thanks for your support.

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  • 1 month later...

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