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GideonsDad's Blog - Yesterday, My "Granny" would've been 103


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Yesterday, 103 years ago my grandmother was born. She passed away on December 11, 2003. She made it too 97 - which in my book is a LONG time. She witnessed history, she dealt with change on a scale most of us probably can't fathom. She gave birth to 8 children and outlived some of them. My mom is the youngest and my "Granny" was such a blessing to my family and me as she took care of me while my family worked, she was my mother and my father. She would walk me to school, play board games with me, play Frisbee with me, watch TV with me, and she loved me more than anything in this world. She saw me safely into adulthood before the illnesses that ravage elderly people started to take effect. I couldn't write this yesterday, preferred not to think about it but I felt it would only be fair to share what a blessing my Granny was to me. I still believe she watches over me, I still feel her love. God Bless you Granny.


I Love You.


Her obituary - http://www.newbernsj.com/articles/sergent-20318-church-carter.html


Don't take anyone special in your life for granted,




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