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2 worthy video game podcasts


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I finally stumbled upon 2 video game(classic of course) podcasts that doesn't feel like 2 icepacks shoved into my eardrums.


The Retro League - They have a podcast. It's typically NES on up, but still worth listening to.


Racketboy This one's also worth listening to. They interviewed Eugene Jarvis. Can't get more classic(ie before the NES) than that.


They switched co-hosts on Retrocore. Colin, that one who sounds like a fast food drive-through order taker, has been replaced by a female co-host. She has better sound quality and doesn't suck up to Chris, which is all Colin did. Perhaps upgrade this from "worst podcast evar" to "don't listen".


RetroforceGO! supposedly has discontinued. No more BAAHHAAHAHHH from Jeremy.

i just figured out how to use the podcast thing on my iphone...but I can't sit that long (1:26!) for Racketboy...does the iPhone 4s have the ability to d/l to listen to in the car, and can i bookmark it, since it takes less than 30 minutes to get to work, not 1:26.

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i just figured out how to use the podcast thing on my iphone...but I can't sit that long (1:26!) for Racketboy...does the iPhone 4s have the ability to d/l to listen to in the car, and can i bookmark it, since it takes less than 30 minutes to get to work, not 1:26.


Check out Downcast for iOS. It's $2.99 and you can subscribe to both iTunes-based podcasts and any podcast with an RSS feed. You can choose how many episodes of each podcast to store (I do "5 newest"), how to sort them, how often to check for new episodes, whether to limit updates to wifi only, etc. If you use iCloud you can sync your settings between iOS devices as well. Best $2.99 I ever spent on my iPhone, hands down.

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Check out Downcast for iOS. It's $2.99 and you can subscribe to both iTunes-based podcasts and any podcast with an RSS feed. You can choose how many episodes of each podcast to store (I do "5 newest"), how to sort them, how often to check for new episodes, whether to limit updates to wifi only, etc. If you use iCloud you can sync your settings between iOS devices as well. Best $2.99 I ever spent on my iPhone, hands down.

There are so many words there I don't understand, but I'll figure it out after work. Thanks for the info!

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Hate to go all nongaming, but a coupla Star Wars 'casts I wanna mention:


Star Wars Collectors Archive Podcast (Vintage Pod)- for collectors of 1977-1989 SW toys/memorabilia. For masters & padawan alike. A little heavy on the segment intros but an enjoyable listen. One certain ep. mentioned/linked to...



Star Wars In Character- 4 guys w/ a great, friendly rapport discuss not-so-memorable side & minor characters from the SW movies. I'm learning things I should've known 30 yrs ago.


One host sounds like Jason Segel, another like the host from VH1's "World Series of Pop Culture", a 3rd has a laugh too infectious to be annoying. Again, these 4 do it so well, IMO it's the ideal model for any multi-host podcast, w/ a certain amount of tolerable silliness.

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Listening to Cartridge Freaks now. Needs work. Said he was influenced by his friend Nick, woiuldve been nice to mention Nick's podcast- assuming he has one. Main host is panting, out of breath, audio quality notably changes (improves?) when the other guy talks.


He just got a Jaguar & already shitting on it. Dont need to hear more of that, it's been going on 20 yrs. He's gonna be let down if he was expecting greatness. It's an acquired taste. This is a common anti-Jag attitude from kids who weaned on NES (to a degree), SNES & Genesis.


& now, back to the show!


EDIT: main host is WAY too breathy for me to even finish either episode. I'm detecting lots of these podcasts are coming from the other side of the Mason-Dixon line. Not a big deal, I just dont want all my retro 'casts done by Bubba & Billy Bob. And, wrestling is becoming the new FF. Ixnay.


I'm reminded of the Crash where the market became oversaturated & quality began to suffer.

Edited by RJ
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And, wrestling is becoming the new FF. Ixnay.


I'm reminded of the Crash where the market became oversaturated & quality began to suffer.


Wrestling sub-forums seem to be everywhere. Heck, I think there's even one on here. I still don't know why. There's a lot of wrestling forums on the Internet. I guess there's a lot to talk about for wrestling.


As for a crash, I welcome it. We could use a video game crash, and afterwards, the industry would come back stronger & wiser.


So far, only 5 podcasts found on my document(ie new for 2014). Yes, that's high, but it makes up for the months sometimes we go without new 'casts. They space out the episodes(and keep releasing 'em), we have something to listen to. If the quality suffers, they get low letter grades on here.


As for the latest RGR, they are really ganging up on SoCalMike here. Heh.

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As for a crash, I welcome it. We could use a video game crash, and afterwards, the industry would come back stronger & wiser.

Well...I was using the gaming crash as an analogy to the numerous podcasts lately...lots of quantity, not so much quality, & seems lots of "me too" podcasts.

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Another retro podcast has been discovered. Wow, busy week for discovering new casts. This one's been around since 2012.


Continue Cast - Just found this whilst browsing Itunes. Also has another 'cast within it called TangentCast which is smaller. . http://continuecast.podomatic.com/ Rating pending



And yet another one has been found(I think).


Retro Thought Pod - Started in Nov last year, seems to cover post-crash. http://retrothoughtpod.podomatic.com/ Rating pending

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Wow, that's a massive list! How do you manage to get to them all? (I ask this question from the perspective of someone who doesn't listen to many podcasts.)


This thread, basically. And word of mouth elsewhere.


BTW Retro Domination started to go on an "old episode downloading spree", which was strange. And it sucked all the bandwidth out of anything else. ugh.

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This thread, basically. And word of mouth elsewhere.


BTW Retro Domination started to go on an "old episode downloading spree", which was strange. And it sucked all the bandwidth out of anything else. ugh.

I think Austin meant how do you listen to them all. I had to do a purge recently, I couldn't keep up and my music listening was suffering for it.

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I'm currently subscribing to roughly 50 podcasts but I just don't have the time to listen to them all. I set up Radio Downloader to fetch podcasts on my PC and am still using Downcast for my iOS devices, so I think I'm going to cut down my subscription list on my phone to a dozen or so shows and keep subscribing to all of the podcasts on my PC -- that way when I have some time around the house during the weekend or go on a road trip I can always load up some episodes on a USB stick and listen to them that way.


I'll be looking forward to reviews of some of the new shows you guys mentioned to see if they're worth investing time into. I'm also dumping most of the video-casts I'm subscribed to for the time being. I rarely watch them.


I envy you guys who can listen to podcasts all day long at work. I get the 30 minutes each way to and from work, and occasionally some time at home. These 2, 3, and 4 hour shows literally take me a week to get through.


If all goes according to plan both YDKF and Sprite Castle will start up next week, with Sprite Castle coming back as a 30 minute audio show.

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I work in an industrial environment where co-worker interaction & moving around are both minimal. Including commute time, I can listen to nearly 10 straight hrs of podcasts if I wanted. Not always a blessing- the night I chose to catch up on past RetroGaming Radio shows, I couldnt get past 6 hrs...it was Shane Monroverload.

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