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UHF Modulator

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I just got one of these with a power plug, it was in a box with a Atari 2600. I'm not sure what the advantage of this is, looking this up on the net I see that it can take input from channel 3/4 and broadcast it on any UHF station. Why would I want to do that? Any ideas?


I also read in a few places that this type of hardware is now illegal so I got that going for me. ;)



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I've always thought it would be awesome to build a short-range transmitting antenna that would accept a video input from an Atari or whatever, and broadcast it on a channel that my TV could pick up. Since the cord on the Atari is so long, it's probably pointless... but I'm an engineer at heart, and any chance I have to block out TV around the neighborhood with a rousing game of Pitfall 2 is a chance I have to take ;)


A UHF modulator would be good for this, since UHF frequencies would use a smaller antenna (the higher frequency the better). Other than that, you might get less interference at higher frequencies... VHF might be somewhat overrun by local stations (UHF isn't usually used for local stations).



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