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My Atari Halloween Story (and Contest)


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The children that live in my neighborhood are undoubtedly the best kids in the world. Every single one of them dressed as an Atari 2600 character! I made a list of everyone who stopped by. Like Sniderman's contest, see if you can figure out which Atari 2600 game they combined to represent. If you're the first to figure it out and explain how you did it, you win the contest and the mystery cart!


6:04 P.M.

My first treater! Look at you. I know that game I cried out in joy. 604.JPG As he left I could see the Atari symbol on his back.


6:12 P.M.

Doorbell rings. Look at this little guy! 612.JPG What a cute costume!


6:18 P.M.

Whack, whack, whack. I opened my door just in time to catch a stick in the head from this kid. 618.JPG


"Take some candy and get the puck outta here!!" I yelled


6:25 P.M.

This time they came as a pair. Nice kids and cute costumes I thought.





6:37 P.M.

I didn't recognize this kid so I asked, "Do you live around here?"

"Yes, I'm one of the Zellers" he replied.



6:43 P.M.

Ding-dong. I answered the door but no one was there.


6:48 P.M.

What in the world is this I ask myself. I don't know but it looks like pure chaos I respond.





Instead of ding-dong, I hear ding, ding, ding, ding. I nearly flipped out when I saw this costume.



7:01 P.M.

Thump, thump, thump. Sounds like arrows hitting my door. 701.JPG No wonder. "Why do you look so sad on Halloween?" I ask. "Because I have to trick or treat alone tonight" was the reply.


7:08 P.M.

I heard the faint cry "HELP!" and there she was.


"What's wrong?" I asked. "I'm afraid of heights both the smelly ape and man keep taking me higher" she replied. I gave her some airheads seeing how her name was already on the wrapper.


7:13 P.M.

Knock, knock, knock. Greedy pig took a whole handful before I could say "just one".



7:21 P.M.

Ding-dong. I answered the door but again no one was there.


7:25 P.M.

I think to myself "Weren't these guys here earlier tonight?" but give them more candy anyhow. The one on the right really seems to like those Reeces Pieces.




7:30 P.M.

Last beggar of the night. I gave him the rest of the candy.





Now, just like Snider-man's contest, you need to figure out the cart that these treaters collectively make. Good Luck!

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Amazingly I've discovered that I have two extras of the prize cart! Therefore, I'll give them both away. The first person to answer correctly will win one of the carts. I will then randomly select someone else from all of the later remaining correct answers and they will win also. This way, even if someone beats you to the answer, you still get a shot to win.


Because of this, you can only submit one answer until I reset the guesses and allow you to try again.

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Hmm... well, lets start by identifying all the games at least:


6:04 P.M. - Berzerk

6:12 P.M. - Pressure Cooker? Not sure about this one...

6:18 P.M. - Ice Hockey

6:25 P.M. - Gravitar & E.T.

6:37 P.M. - Inca Gold (I think)

6:43 P.M. -

6:48 P.M. - Hmm... don't recognize this one.

6:56 - Video Pinball (I noticed there was no 'P.M.' after this one... wonder if that's significant)

7:01 P.M. - Robin Hood

7:08 P.M. - Donkey Kong

7:13 P.M. - Oink

7:21 P.M. -

7:25 P.M. - Gravitar & E.T. (again)

7:30 P.M. - Taz




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By rearranging the letters that each game starts with, I get (almost) "Atari Video Cube"... However, I'm still not entirely sure which game the chef is from (It can't be Pressure Cooker if my logic is right), and I also still don't recognize the 6:48 PM game...


One of them would have to start with a U, and the other with a C by my guess.



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Hehe, sorry... Lucky timing I guess ;) Just to summarize:





Robin Hood

Inca Gold


Video Pinball

Ice Hockey

Donkey Kong





Universal Chaos




I keep thinking that there's a clue as to the order in the times... although I haven't noticed anything yet...



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You may not have gotten Cakewalk, but I didn't get Asteroids! Oh, the shame of it all!...


And to be honest, I almost screwed up the Robin Hood one... I had initially thought Crossbow (I have neither game, so it was a bit of a guess)... but edited my post almost immediately after I had submitted it (I didn't copy you, I swear!) :)



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I have good and bad news:


First the good news - congratulations on identifying all of the games correctly. You guys are good.


The bad news - but you're not that good (yet). Even though the letters can be arranged to spell Atari Video Cube, that is not the answer :P


You didn't really think the solution to this one was going to be a duplicate of the Frankenstein contest did you? :D It's just coincidence that the first letters spell out another game *wink wink nudge nudge*


Identifying the games is an important step though. Keep trying.


Everyone is free to answer again.

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I remember thinking it was keystone capers from the very beginning :-) The last five letters of the first five games is almost keyst.



KeystoneKapers is also the correct number of letters... However I couldn't figure out where toneKapers was hidden, so I dismissed it as a correct answer :-)

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