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I picked up a spare He-Man, complete with comic, for 20 bucks... not sure why, but I did.


Maybe to have on hand for someone here looking for it and you can sell it for purchase price? I bought 2 Super Cobras for that purpose. Sold one here, for my cost, sold one on ebay.

A little variant shopping ;) http://rover.ebay.co...984.m1497.l2649


But I am afraid that the bottom flap is competely ripped off. If you like these versions maybe take a look to Ebay.de and Ebay.it, there are often games like that.

These games never seem to hold up well, not sure why. My Vectron and Burgertime are in mediocre shape, although my Mission X is minty ;-) It also has that neat catalog.

Edited by JasonlikesINTV

I am pretty sure the cardboard used was thinner, more like the later Atari style... almost all of my European versions show more wear that the NA counterparts

I check the Euro eBay sites often, I still need Shark! Shark! ;) I am just biding my time, and saving for all of the new releases!

I still need Shark! Shark! ;) I am just biding my time, and saving for all of the new releases!


You may have something to trade? I bought a lot some days ago with Shark Shark. I first want to keep it for my collection, but finally I want to go for the 125 before I am going for variants.




The lot isnt by me right now, but I hope it comes tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If you want to I can make detailed pictures. I hope its CiB. By the way: Turbo and QBert are for my collection, I have a trade opportunity for Fathom, but the others games are for trading to. Feel free to ask for Super Cobra :)

Hey, I am kinda new here but..... I need jetsons CIB , Melody Blaster CIB, and Major League WSB CIB to complete my collection.

I have lots to trade from different systems, or If you only want Intelivision I have Choplifter!, Scarfinger and Christmas Carol CIB for trade. Let me know, send me a message!

I finally ordered the Wing War Box. I had this in mind for weeks, but I wasnt sure if I will pay nearly 30€ for that. Well, I guess I wont regret it





Hello, where did you buy it ? I would like one of them. Still available ?


I wrote to the seller (he is from Germany). If there is a problem (maybe a old link) I let you know, but I also think that everything is all right.


Ok. Just to know, I bought the Reproduction Boxes Set 1 last year and I received it quickly. He is a serious and nice guy.

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