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Price/Interest Check: Activision Decathlon Training Suit


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got my hands on this sweet training suit by activision from a former activision member. it was worn once for the 1984 CES party. anyone has one? for how much did u get it? and anyone interested? you can send me offers via PM





Edited by jahfish
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well, u want something, then u get nervous at the end and raise your max. bid :P


and i really wanted the other jacket more that this one.


i'm surprised that noone else was bidding on it. i've seen those go for a lot more ...and they're mostly used and look rougher.

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WOW Jah, you ol hunchback. You made some pretty sweet deals on those. :thumbsup:

Both auctions would have gone much higher if the sellers would have mention some Atari related stuff in the descriptions!


Not to tell that both are worth a few $$ more than what you have paid! :)

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Why not just sell it for what you actually paid and call it good since you won the other jacket that you want more? You would break even and pass on a pretty cool piece of Activision history to someone.


i though the other jacket would end up around 90-100$ ... so i'd rather keep both of them before i just sell it for the same price again. i dont think i would get my hands on that again, at least not for that price.


i was more interested to see what the jacket/pants went for in other auctions. i won't sell it right away unless i get an insane offer :P

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