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My light sixer has no color..


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So, I posted earlier that my light sixer wasn't working. Turns out it was a defective cartridge. I got a new cartridge from the person and it works, but everything is in black and white now.


I have it apart now and adjusted the one pot.. picture looks fine.. except it's always in b/w so I can't really see my game. However, since I'm very familiar with my game since I designed it I can clear the first two levels even though I can't see much, so I'm sure the cartridge is okay.


If you've ever seen the inside of a 2600 there's the cartridge slot with the shield around it and then there's the board with the switches on it. If I have no video, I push (touch? move? what's the correct word) the board and the video will turn on. If I let go it'll disappear again. There's a spot where the RCA video cable plugs in and next to that is a metal box with a hole in it. I wonder if that's some sort of pot to adjust also.


PS - I downloaded the service guide. I can do the simple stuff such as replace the RF cable or replace chip A201 if I can find one, but if the RF Module needs to be replaced that's beyond my experience.


Think I should return this since the guy said he'd guarantee it for 30 days.

Edited by yuppicide
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If it were me, I wouldn't go poking around in that "other metal box with a hole in it." That's the RF modulator. I only say that for me, because I think RF is a dark art. The only "adjustable" things in there are likely all chokes and other variable inductors. If you mess them up you may never get your picture back. You've been warned. :)



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