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Can't make 8k cartridge run


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Hi, I need to make a cartridge with a mod of space invaders deluxe. It is an 8k rom


The .bin runs ok on Sptella and on my Harmony


I have a Willem GQ-4x programmer running on Vista. I select a generic 2764A (12.5Vpp) as device. I have programmed 4k eproms with this programmer.


The 8k bankswitching logic reads: Atmel 0641 ATF22V1DC-15PC


As you can see in the pictures, I'm using a SARA board. I connected two pins of the SARA print as instructed by CPUWIZ, to be able to use it without the SARA.


Then I insert the board in the Atari with the eprom facing up: i get some horizontal lines. I turn it around with similar results.

After a couple of times, I get only blank screens.


The Atari runs ok.


Any idea?

Maybe I destoyed some component on the board because it was upside down?

What is the correct position?



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I don't know which way is up (someone will answer that for you) but by inserting it both ways you might have fried your chips. You don't want to insert a cart board reversed for pretty much the same reason you don't want to install chips backwards - you end up putting system power on address/data (or other logic) lines and you end up with a nice silicon toaster pastry. At least that can happen, maybe you got lucky but first thing I'd do is ask CPUWIZ what the proper orientation is and hope for the best.



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