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Elite must be ported to A8


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I guess on all versions the action slows down considerably when many objects are within view and so worrying about a few cycles here or there seems an odd argument to me?

You can bump the frame rate a little by optimizing the line drawing but you aren't going to get massive improvements.

It just takes time to draw lines. With a 256 pixel wide bitmapped screen you can eliminate 16 bit math through much of the line drawing and that offers a noticeable reduction in clock cycles but the math is still a bottleneck.


Now, if you have a 65816 you could probably speed things up since it supports 16 bit math so a 320 pixel wide screen isn't as big of a deal... still slower than 256 but not as much.

Too bad they didn't include a multiply instruction on the 65816. That would save a lot of clock cycles.

That's one place Motorola has a huge advantage with the 6803 and 6809.



Saving a few cycles here or there makes the difference between the game still being fun and the game being unplayable. For the smooth animation you really need a 6502 at a much higher clock rate.

Edited by JamesD
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You can disable the screen refresh on the Plus/4 if I remember right... it would let you run full speed but it wouldn't do you much good. Elite would have a much better frame rate but you couldn't actually see it.


You can turn the screen off and get fill processor speed all the time yes, some decompression schemes do that to get the job done more quickly. What you can also do is shorten the screen vertically (as well as expand it) because the raster register is read/write - you can "lie" to the machine about which scanline it's currently on and it'll take your word for it.

Well, like I said about the Atari... in this case it's a moot point.

Now, if I were writing a compiler or some other really time intensive utility that could be really useful.


For this topic I'm not sure messing with the screen size would be of much use.

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Atari is actually a bit quicker than Plus/4 in default screen mode.


Plus/4 has less Refresh (5 vs 9 per line normally), but it has two "badlines" per character row rather than one.

Oops, yes forgot about the dual badlines. It's ~1.2 MHz on +4.


Fastest "net speed" of Atari should be ~ 1.63 MHz if screen DMA is disabled on PAL.

Yeps, but for a screenmode used to run Elite I'd guess it's ~1.3 MHz.

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Both my BBC and C64 conversions are using a narrow screen mode rather than normal width. Made sense as the play area was 256 pixels wide.

I'd guess they are calculating for 256 and centering it on a 320 screen. Not as efficient as an actual 256 pixel screen width though.

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Both my BBC and C64 conversions are using a narrow screen mode rather than normal width. Made sense as the play area was 256 pixels wide.

I'd guess they are calculating for 256 and centering it on a 320 screen. Not as efficient as an actual 256 pixel screen width though.


Although you can set to 256 pixels on A8 with LMS or narrow mode, an efficient line algorithm doesn't need that power of 2 width. If you add the deltaX fractional overflow to screenaddr (carry flag) and then deltaY fractional overflow with a branch on carry to add the width amount, it's same for powers of 2 or non-powers of two.

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Although you can set to 256 pixels on A8 with LMS or narrow mode, an efficient line algorithm doesn't need that power of 2 width. If you add the deltaX fractional overflow to screenaddr (carry flag) and then deltaY fractional overflow with a branch on carry to add the width amount, it's same for powers of 2 or non-powers of two.

An efficient line drawing algo would simply use a table for that. Oh and to troll a bit: That table does not care if it's linear A8 adressing or char-based C64 adressing :)

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Although you can set to 256 pixels on A8 with LMS or narrow mode, an efficient line algorithm doesn't need that power of 2 width. If you add the deltaX fractional overflow to screenaddr (carry flag) and then deltaY fractional overflow with a branch on carry to add the width amount, it's same for powers of 2 or non-powers of two.

An efficient line drawing algo would simply use a table for that. Oh and to troll a bit: That table does not care if it's linear A8 adressing or char-based C64 adressing :)


I guess you mean table for the slopes-- store the fractional dy & dy in some look-up table.

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@Heaven, yes - for the C64 port I've re-worked the line-draw routines (LDR) to work on a bitmapped screen. Generally the LDR will use a table to find the start address but then things are done relative to that. So in an A8 bitmap this is simple, up/down is -/+ 32 byte and left/right is a bitshift and then -/+ 1 byte on a char boundary. On the C64 this up/down is -/+ 1 byte but then -/+ 8*40 bytes on a char boundary but then left/right is a bitshift and then -/+ 8 bytes. (Hope that makes sense)


@JamesD - the BBC looks to be handling this in H/W but the C64 just adds 4 characters to the Xpos to centre everything.

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You can get more speed on 256 pixel mode on the A8, simply because you don't need to do anything with the high address byte after the initial table lookup dependant on Y-Pos (assuming you map your screen out properly).


No point having a slope lookup table in something like Elite - the angles possible are virtually infinite.


The Bresenham algorithm can be further optimised, although I'd suspect existing versions probably already do so. The DeltaX/Y calculations are often carried out for both dimensions in generic draw routines (and our OS one), but in reality you only need do the "short" one, the "long" one simply alternates between 0 and Line_length each iteration.

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Scanline skip would look cheap IMO, kinda like that Spectrum Doom clone.


VBXE blit might make filled polygons a reality - for a stock machine I reckon it'd be something of a slowdown. The absolute best optimisation would equate to 4 cycles per pixel (for 2 bpp multicolour modes), plus <whatever> overhead per scanline. Might work OK in a lower rez like OS Gr. 7 or 5 but it's a big sacrifice to get that bit of extra colour.

Edited by Rybags
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You can get more speed on 256 pixel mode on the A8, simply because you don't need to do anything with the high address byte after the initial table lookup dependant on Y-Pos (assuming you map your screen out properly).

I bet testing for high byte change and changing it on change is slower than just LDA table,Y STA HIBYTE :)


The main reason for 256 pixels is that you can use 8 bit Bresenham instead of 16 bit.

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There are other quick wins, if you know its a straight line (x1=x2 or y1=y2) then no need to use Bresenham's.


[Edit] and then on the X axis its quicker as you can easily draw the 'ends' and then (if needed, e.g. x2-x1>pixels per byte) you quickly loop through slapping the 'full' byte value onto the screen.

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Yep, but you can also gain advantage with Ypos changes during the linedraw.


No need to do another table-lookup, just inc or dec the high byte of the screen pointer, low byte remains the same unless XPos changes.

But you have to test that so only every 8 lines the high byte is increased. And that test is most likely slower than just updating the high byte from a table.


LDA temp
SBC dy
BCS noychange
ADC dx
LDY table_lo,X
STY zp
LDY table_hi,X
STY zp+1
STA temp


would be:


LDA temp
SBC dy
STA temp
BCS noychange
ADC dx
STA temp
LDA table_lo,X
STA zp
AND #$07
BNE noychange
INC zp+1

Edited by Lazarus
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