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Question about my new purchase.

Dastari Creel

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I just got the 7800 that I bought on ebay in the mail. I have a couple of questions. I see the expansion port. I believe that I read on the internet that that was never used for anything. Is that correct? Has anyone ever homebrewed anything to go in there? I see a thread on the 7800 forums regarding someone designing something to utilize that slot but is he the first one?

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The expansion port was originally intended for a Laser Disc add-on that was canceled before it made it off of the drawing board.




Oh I knew that much but the question is "was it ever used for anything by anyone" based on the knowledge of the people on these boards.


Also, just because I read something on the internet doesn't mean its true which is why I was confirming that first part but I wanted to know if anyone had ever made anything to use it. Even though it was intended for a laserdisc add-on, Im sure someone clever could convert it to something else. Heck, someone could probably make it accept a DVD add-on and do a 7800 game with cutscenes or something. :-) Just curious since I'm new.


The questions I'd really like more answers to are the ones about maintenance of the system and storage of the games. if there are no tutorials about system maintenance then I may just write some. I wrote some tutorials for changing out batteries in an NES cartridge because I figure that if I do something with a game or system it should be documented so that others will have an easier time when they do it (and because the only tutorials at that point were poorly written and/or inaccurate).

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