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What's with gamecube eject?


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Like the topic says. What is up with the Gamecube's eject button? I went to swap a game the other day, and my cube's button got stuck. Now the lid won't stay down, I got a soda sitting on it to keep it closed :lol:


Unfortunately, the other two cubes I got have the exact same problem. And one of my friends has a cube with that problem (don't know of other people around here with the system)


Any easy more permanent fix for this? I thought about sanding the button down or greasing it up or something. If it wasn't for lack of Gameboy player support, I would probably just move to the wii, I don't have any of the other expansion devices for the cube (though the modem is the only one I know of)


Anyhow, anyone else have this problem? do I just got bad luck, is it swelling cause of high humidity :lol: Anyways, it just sucks.

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The outer case comes off pretty clean with no wiring attached to it, leave the internals alone, they are pretty fragile when they're exposed. After that the case is all plastic and easy to work with.


You'll have that button gliding in no time.


Be very careful when putting the cover back on. The lid up switch is easily broken so make sure the lid is in the open position when you put the 'cube back together or you'd crush the switch and it'd register lid open permanently.

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