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no your wrong you see beasue it is completly romadom but i did forget timeing that is ture no one sadi but i realised it last night so least say it'sa 60 sec match i have to take my 8000*180 ylets say you hit a botton every 3rd of second so my chances are about 1.5 million in one if i factor in tioming which i thnk i don't have to but the odds are still better than winning the lotto

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Guess who now owns a Neo Geo! Me!


Cool!The MVS?All I have is a Neo CD,it is sweet but I wish I had the cash to get a MVS.What games did you get?And did you get it from Gibralter? :D :ponder: :?


I got a home console, picked it up at gibralter. I got Fatal Fury and Cyber Lip with it, both boxed, along with two original style sticks. In all it cost me 200 bucks. I don't have to worry about getting games too fast, since Robotron is letting me borrow some of his, currently Fatal Fury Special and Samurai Shodown 3.


My friend Brandon is getting an MVS machine, mostly just because he wants Magical Drop 3 and Last Blade 2 cheap.

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what is the MVS??


The MVS is the arcade version of the NeoGeo. SNK made it so that the home console and the MVS didn't use the same cartridges. As a result, some games are easier to find on MVS instead of the home system (Metal Slug is one I believe).


I think you can get an adaptor to play home games on the MVS, but not vice versa (Or maybe I have that backwards... I'm not a big Neo Geo guy)



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Fatal Fury Special is a pretty fun game...borrowing Robotron's copy, and I want to get it myself. Unlocking Ryo is a pain though..have to go 2-0 every match, if you screw up you can have player 2 challenge and beat player one and keep the record untarnished, but even on beginner its tough and I keep running out of continues. When it can do charge moves without charging, I cry. When it can do the impossible, I cry. When it can get out of DUCK KING'S INFINITE, I want to smash the machine.

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what system is it on that MVS thingy? and when the hell is a new KOF coming to the ps2


I know KOF 2k came out in Japan on ps2 this month, 2k1 comes out next year. 2k2 has had no announcement as far as ports to the ps2 or any other platform.


Yeah the version of Fatal Fury Special I'm playing is Neo Geo home cart version. Arcade perfect, due to it being pretty much the arcade game ;p I haven't played it again today, not feelin very good, and thus my reactions would suffer bad.

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play as tung fu rue if you are feeling bad.. no matter how bad or good i feel i still suck as tung


I finally did it, just in time too...friend wants his memory card back for king of fighters 2002. I used Duck King and played real defensive. Krauser ate my continues up though, but I finally got him by landing the Duck infinite, until he dizzied, followed with his crouching C into Blanka Ball combo. That killed him one round, second one I ended up beating him barely with a cheese damage victory. Then I got Ryo easy, he was a simple victory, so vulnerable to getting crossed up.

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