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HSC Season 2:

Flag Day Pot Luck Craptacular


Competition begins Thursday, June 10 at 5 PM EDT and concludes Monday, June 21 at 3 AM EDT


Games In This Tourney:

Eagle (selected by rmaerz - Easter Weekend Pactacular champion)

Galaga 88 (selected by FlyingTurtle - Mario Memorial Day Weekend Tourney Runner-up)

Space Invaders II (selected by darthkur - Easter Weekend Pactacular Runner-up)

Mr. Do's Wild Ride (selected by roadrunner - Mario Memorial Day Weekend Tourney third place)

Datsun 280 Zzzap


Tempest Tubes

Centipede [3 minute timer]

Meadows Lanes

Moon Patrol (1 Life/No Bonus)

Gee Bee




1. rmaerz 115 pts.

2. roadrunner 105 pts.

3. LarcenTyler 104 pts.

4. FlyingTurtle 19 pts.

5. mightymage 11 pts.


Updated 6.21.10 11:14 EDT





Fly your tri-stage spaceship through wave after wave of alien bird-like ships. Dock your ships onto one another for greater score and firepower! From Attract Mode: "EAGLE" "You can have a lot of fun and thrill".


Game Information

Game Name: Eagle (Set 1)

Released By: Centuri, 1980

MAME ROMset: eagle

Dip Switches: defaults

ROM Location: http://romhustler.net/download/mame/1324

Twin Galaxies World Record: 194,170 (Arcade)



1. 50,750 rmaerz

2. 7,040 roadrunner

3. 2,000 LarcenTyler





Galaga 88

The player's ship moves from side to side and the player attempts to shoot all advancing enemy ships. Enemy ships are in formation above, and also individual enemy ships come at the player to attack his ship. There are items to collect as they fall, and bombs to avoid from the attacking enemy ships.


Game Information

Game Name: Galaga '88

Released By: Namco, 1987

MAME ROMset: Galaga88

Dip Switches: defaults

ROM Location: http://romhustler.net/download/mame/6522

Twin Galaxies World Record: 1,543,970



1. 116,300 LarcenTyler

2. 111,690 rmaerz

3. 103,990 FlyingTurtle

4. 92,980 roadrunner






Space Invaders II

Like the classic original, this game requires the player to destroy advancing invader ships. This game has a competitive mode where two players fight to destroy each other in addition to the advancing attackers.


Game Information

Game Name: Space Invaders II (Midway, cocktail)

Released By: Midway, 1980

MAME ROMset: invad2ct

Dip Switches: Bonus Life: 1500

ROM Location: http://romhustler.net/download/mame/4473

Twin Galaxies World Record: 6,535



1. 1,680 roadrunner

2. 1,200 rmaerz

3. 350 LarcenTyler





Mr. Do's Wild Ride

Mr Do!, the clown, runs along a rollercoaster track, which loops around the screen, attempting to reach the goal. He must avoid on-coming cars moving down the track by climbing ladders. Pick up cherries and flags for additional bonuses. Played against the clock.


Game Information

Game Name: Mr. Do's Wild Ride

Released By: Universal, 1984

MAME ROMset: DoWild

Dip Switches: Difficulty: 1 [beginner]; Difficulty of Extra: Easy; Special: Given; Lives: 3

ROM Location: http://romhustler.net/download/mame/3019

Twin Galaxies World Record: 115,679



1. 14,810 roadrunner

2. 13,757 LarcenTyler

3. 8,228 rmaerz









Datsun 280 Zzzap

A racing game


Game Information

Game Name: Datsun 280 Zzzap

Released By: Midway, 1976


Dip Switches: Time: 80; Extend Time Score: >= 2.5

ROM Location: http://romhustler.net/download/mame/1089

Twin Galaxies World Record: 4.62



1. 4.08 LarcenTyler

2. 2.25 rmaerz

3. 1.89 roadrunner






Pac-Man hack


Game Information

Game Name: Joyman

Released By:

MAME ROMset: joyman

Dip Switches: Lives: 3; Bonus: 10,000; Difficulty: Normal; 2x Speed Cheat: Disabled

ROM Location: http://romhustler.net/download/mame/2192

Twin Galaxies World Record: 51,360



1. 34,740 rmaerz

2. 27,720 FlyingTurtle

3. 27,340 roadrunner

4. 18,520 LarcenTyler






Tempest Tubes

Tempest hack


Game Information

Game Name: Tempest Tubes

Released By:

MAME ROMset: temptube

Dip Switches: Difficulty: Hard; Rating: 1,3,5,7,9; Bonus Life: 70,000; Lives: 2

ROM Location: http://romhustler.net/download/mame/5097

Twin Galaxies World Record: N/A

Note: You may start on any level



1. 64,132 rmaerz

2. 11,297 roadrunner

3. 9,491 LarcenTyler







Centipede [3 Minute Timer]

It's a timed variant of Centipede


Game Information

Game Name: Centipede [1 Player, Timed]

Released By: Atari, 1980

MAME ROMset: CentTime

Dip Switches: Difficulty: Hard; Lives: 3; Bonus: Every 12,000; Game Time: 3 mins

ROM Location: http://romhustler.net/download/mame/749

Twin Galaxies World Record: 58,351



1. 30,232 rmaerz

2. 21,226 LarcenTyler

3. 18,512 roadrunner





Meadows Lanes

A black and white bowling game from Meadows Games.


Game Information

Game Name: Meadow Lanes

Released By: Meadows Games, 1977

MAME ROMset: MedLanes

Dip Switches: Game Timer: On; Time: 5 Seconds

ROM Location: http://romhustler.net/download/mame/2789

Twin Galaxies World Record: 300



1. 244 rmaerz

2. 224 roadrunner

3. 125 LarcenTyler








Moon Patrol (1 Life/No Bonus)

Player drives a moon buggy jumping over craters, rocks and land mines, shooting simultaneously at rocks in front and aliens above while dodging their missiles. Features very catchy background music and cute bouncing tires when the buggy is destroyed. Foreground and background terrain scroll at different rates giving the illusion of depth.


Game Information

Game Name: Moon Patrol

Released By: Irem, 1982

MAME ROMset: mpatrol

Dip Switches: Lives: 1; Bonus: None

ROM Location: http://romhustler.net/download/mame/2964

Twin Galaxies World Record: N/A for these settings



1. 15,060 mightymage

2. 10,330 rmaerz

3. 10,300 LarcenTyler

4. 6,200 roadrunner






Gee Bee

A fun combination ball and paddle/pinball-style black and white game with a color overlay where you rebound a ball into the blocks.


Game Information

Game Name: Gee Bee

Released By: Namco, 1978

MAME ROMset: GeeBee

Dip Switches: Lives: 3; Bonus Life: None

ROM Location: http://romhustler.net/download/mame/1697

Twin Galaxies World Record: 88,990



1. 42,940 rmaerz

2. 16,290 roadrunner

3. 7,450 LarcenTyler

Edited by rmaerz
  • 3 weeks later...

Tempest Tubes: 9,491


Eagle: 2,000


Galaga '88: 116,300


Space Invaders 2: 350 (just warming up)


Datsun 280 Zzzap: 4.08


Joyman: 18,520 (what a hack)


Mr. Do's Wild Ride: 13,757


Moon Patrol: 10,300


Meadows Lanes: 125


Centipede: 21,226


Gee Bee: 7,450

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