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E/A file access


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I am at a point in a certain project in which I need to be able to catalog a device whether it be DSK,SCSI,HDS or IDE. I have a good idea on how to set up the PAB and have generated my file descriptor(This was the easy part.)


At this point I am unsure on a couple of points....


1) Are sub directories handled as if they were devices IE would a FDR of SCS1.SUB. be enough to open the directory of SUB on device SCS1 or is there more to it ?


2) In E/A does opening and listing a catalog work as it does in XB IE same file type and EOF structure ?


3) Since I do not have an IDE card and have never seen one..... Does it have a file structure similar to HDSK or SCSI?


I really need someone to break this down for me. Although code examples are good I find myself usually bamboozled by others programming so perhaps a scripted example would be better.


I am not creating another manager here so only I need the ability to search a device/path. I am only interested in displaying sub directories or files with a certain prefix. Later these special files will be loaded but that is for a different day.


Thanks in advance...



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I can't give MUCH help here, I've never worked with the SCSI or MFM controllers. The IDE device using Thierry's DSRs just mounts floppy disk images, so everything on it works like floppies do. Fred's DSR is a port of one of the others so I imagine works the same as it, though I can't say what it is. :)


Most assembly language programs that read the floppy disk directory do so with sector access to sectors 2 and up, rather than opening the disk and reading it as a file. (Probably because sector access is easier to understand in assembly). I didn't need to add support to Classic99 for the file access mode of directories for a really long time. Of course that's completely non-portable coding, it only works with floppy disks and compatible devices.


I hope someone can talk more on the hard drive, I'm curious myself.

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I hope someone can talk more on the hard drive, I'm curious myself.



Me too.... Tim are you lurking ??


Me? Lurk?

Short answer: yes to all four questions File types are extended and floating point numbers returned via the DSR have to be considered, since up to 248MB is possible per hard device. This means 16-bit floats in RADIX 100 format need to be extended to 20 bits. Give me a little time to gather some thoughts and maybe a code snippet or two for you..

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I hope someone can talk more on the hard drive, I'm curious myself.



Me too.... Tim are you lurking ??


Me? Lurk?

Give me a little time to gather some thoughts and maybe a code snippet or two for you..




Sure Tim what 20=30 minutes ? ;-)


Thanks for chiming in !

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Sure Tim what 20=30 minutes ? ;-)


Thanks for chiming in !


That reminds me of something I periodically tell my peers at work... that I age in "company years" but am still working on figuring out the ratio ;) Kinda like dog years to human years.


I put a little time into it last night and will look at it when I get home tonight. I was looking for a level 3 DSR access tutorial I had written long ago but so far haven't found it....

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Sure Tim what 20=30 minutes ? ;-)


Thanks for chiming in !


That reminds me of something I periodically tell my peers at work... that I age in "company years" but am still working on figuring out the ratio ;) Kinda like dog years to human years.


I put a little time into it last night and will look at it when I get home tonight. I was looking for a level 3 DSR access tutorial I had written long ago but so far haven't found it....


I tend to age as a function of accumulative problems. As problems occur the age counter increments. when the exact problem repeats again the age counter shifts left. I try to not let problems repeat but.......... ;-) Here's to hoping we at least don't age out !

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As Tursi mentioned earlier, there are generally two methods used to catalog disk devices:


1. Direct sector access

2. Catalog "file"



Quite a few programs catalog floppy devices using direct sector IO (also referred to as level 1 access). Instead of a file PAB, one uses a subroutine pab, sector IO routine 0x10 and calls DSRLNK via the subroutine entry 10 (instead of 8 ) :

      DATA 10


To catalog the disk, you first read sector 0 (Volume Info Block/VIB) to determine the volume name, the proper sector-to-allocation unit ratio, and the bitmap. Sector/AU is important when a disk exceeds 1600 sectors, since the bitmap then allocates sectors by factors of 2.


You now know the disk characteristics and can read sector 1, which contains the File Descriptor Index Record (FDIR), containing 16-bit pointers to the File Descriptor Records (FDR) of each file. The FDR pointers are sorted alphabetically - not only to keep order but to allow a binary search, reducing IO time when locating a file.


To catalog the files, you would loop through the list of FDR pointers and read the respective FDR. Each FDR contains the filename and other critical info needed to identify and access the file content. Of importance for most catalog routines are the file status flags, records per sector, and total sectors. File clusters can be reviewed to determine fragmentation, if desired.


The Myarc FDC and Myarc HFDC (and the Geneve) allow for three subdirectories on a floppy. Pointers to the three additional FDIRs are stored in sector 0. (most programs ignore this functionality)




Most people are familiar with the BASIC/XB file catalog routine. It is printed in the disk controller manuals and is the common way for someone programming in BASIC/XB to check out a disk. But what happens behind the scenes?


The DSR EPROM is programmed to catalog the disk device using sector IO. It then presents the catalog data as if it were a file. In this manner the DSR can pass, on a per-record basis, file information to your program.


Reading a file catalog via assembly requires the programmer to set up a standard PAB. The catalog file is opened as INPUT, INTERNAL, FIXED and usually SEQUENTIAL. IO operations are no different than reading a regular file.


A catalog file will return the program name, file size, file type (signed to note protected/unprotected), and record length/program bytes. The record is 38 bytes though some DSRs extend the record length to include extra info such as date/time stamps. Programmers should be aware that unless they force a 38 byte rec size, their input buffer may overflow.

 1     10       1    8       1     8      1      8

Each record is composed of a space-padded filename and three 8 byte floating point values in RADIX100 format. The values must be converted and interpreted.



File types 1-5 [DV,DF,IV,IF,PRG] are common to all devices. Hard drive devices may extend the file types during a catalog operation:

6 - subdirectory

7 - emulation file


Additionally, files copied from Myarc devices (and possibly other hard disk devices) may have the archive bit set. This can be masked with a bit-wise function in XB or assembly.



A program written to accommodate both floppy and hard devices should at minimum:

1. Reserve space for 127 files and 114 subdirectories during the catalog phase

2. Account for the extended file types

3. Account for space used/free values greater than 65,535.


A hard disk may be catalogged using the direct sector IO method; however, one must account for a 31-sector bitmap and up to 114 subdirectories. The process is similar to that of a floppy with a few considerations:


1. SCSI and Myarc HFDC use the same sector IO subroutine, 0x20. Unfortunately, level 2 IO is based on device number not device name. Therefore..

2. To distinguish between the two devices, the programmer must ensure his/her DSRLNK and calls select the proper card. This can be done at program initialization by searching the DSR for card-specific information, and storing the CRU address for each device type.

3. The IDE card uses sector IO subroutine 0x80, requiring further intervention.



Both options are valid and workable. It is my opinion that the catalog file is the better option, simply due to its standard support across most devices and integrated support within each cards' respective DSR.



I'll try to get a few code examples this week... that's all for now. -Tim

Edited by InsaneMultitasker
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  • 2 months later...

I don't have any GOOD example code. :)


But for the standard TI devices, yes, the PAB must always be in VDP RAM. Anything that's compatible with them will expect that as well, and also the OS itself expects this when it does the DSR search, which needs the PAB.

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I don't have any GOOD example code. :)


But for the standard TI devices, yes, the PAB must always be in VDP RAM. Anything that's compatible with them will expect that as well, and also the OS itself expects this when it does the DSR search, which needs the PAB.


With a modified DSRLNK, both PAB and buffers may reside in either CPU or VDP RAM. Of course, this depends on the device; the HFDC and possibly Myarc FDC are capable of CPU transfers, the IDE card will also be compatible when Fred releases the next DSR revision. The SCSI card may allow buffers to reside in CPU but IIRC, the PAB is restricted to VDP.


For compatibility with standard TI devices, VDP is the way to go. But if you want to eek out some speed with newer devices, it can be done. ;)

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For compatibility with standard TI devices, VDP is the way to go. But if you want to eek out some speed with newer devices, it can be done.


I was specifically thinking about the CF7 compact flash device. Guess it won't work there as it emulates normal disk drives ?


Yep, VDP PAB/buffer is required with the CF7 device. It is essentially the TI floppy controller DSR modified for use with the IDE device. The parallel port DSR is, like the IDE portion, a modified TI-RS232 DSR.

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I ran across one of my old program source code files and thought it might

be a good example of Level 1 sector reads/writes. This works on floppy

devices only, so anyone wishing to use sector IO on a hard drive will need

to use the proper extensions to the DSR subprogram. I may post some further

examples as I come across them. There are some oddities, like using LIMI 0/2

in the VDP routines, for which I have no clue .. I would not have written

the DSRLNK and the VDP routines are questionably mine. Back then folks shared many

of the common utilities. I left the comments header as-is for posterity. ;)


PS - The Myarc HFDC manual is not always clear whether a numeric value is

ASCII or base 0.


* PROGRAM: Backup-Bit Remover v1.0                                             *
* -------                                                                      *
*          (C)1993 by Tim Tesch of S&T Software                                *
*          3804 North 75th Street                                              *
*          Milwaukee, WI 53216                                                 *
*          BBS: (414)-464-1978, 24hrs, 3-2400baud, 8N1                         *
*          GEnie: T.TESCH1; Delphi: TIMTESCH; TIECHO: TIM TESCH                *
*                                                                              *
* PURPOSE: This program removes the backup bit placed in byte 12d of the       *
* -------  File Descriptor Record (FDR) by the Myarc HFDCC.  This bit causes   *
*          problems for certain programs, especially those used with Horizon   *
*          RAMdisks.                                                           *
*                                                                              *
*          This program *AND* source code is released to the public domain.    *
*          Please pass this around - it may spark some interest, somewhere!    *
*                                                                              *
*          I hope you can follow my chaos <grin>                               *

      DEF  START

VDPWA  EQU  >8C02             VDP Write Address
VDPWD  EQU  >8C00             VDP Write Data
VDPRD  EQU  >8800             VDP Read Data

LEV1RD DATA >0110             Level-1 Sector Access Opcode
SAVR11 DATA 0                 R11 saver
SEC#   DATA 0                 Current Sector being read/written
ACCESS BYTE 0                 flag for read/write sector
DRIVE  BYTE >02               current drive number

MSG0   DATA 0*32+4
MSG00  DATA 2*32+6
      TEXT '(c)1993 by Tim Tesch^'
MSG#01 DATA 4*32+1
      TEXT 'This program will remove the^'
MSG#02 DATA 5*32+1
      TEXT 'back-up bit placed in byte 12^'
MSG#03 DATA 6*32+1
      TEXT 'of the FDR by the Myarc HFDC,^'
MSG#04 DATA 7*32+1
      TEXT 'which causes problems accessing^'
MSG#05 DATA 8*32+1
      TEXT 'files on Horizon RAMdisks^'
MSG#06 DATA 9*32+1
      TEXT 'and other storage devices.^'
MSG1   DATA 16*32+1
      TEXT 'One moment, fixing files...^'   *27
      TEXT 'Current file:^'
MSG2   DATA 12*32+1
      TEXT 'F9=exit, Drive 1-9,A-Z:^'
FIN1   DATA 20*32+1
      TEXT 'Files have been "fixed"^'

START  BLWP @START0           calls the program, when done, can do a simple
      RT                     return.  No need to worry about calling WS.

START0 DATA MYWS,$+2          our own little WS
START2 BL   @CLEAR            clear screen
      BL   @MULMSG           let's display the intro screen
      DATA MSG0,MSG00,MSG#01
      DATA MSG#02,MSG#03,MSG#04,MSG#05
      DATA MSG#06,MSG2,0

      CLR  @>8374            setup KSCAN for normal mode
GETKEY BLWP @KSCAN            get a keypress
      MOVB @>8375,R2         get the key (if present)
      ANDI R2,>FF00          get rid of LSB
      CI   R2,>0F00          is it  a 'BACK' (F9)
      JNE  GET#01            no
      B    @DONE#1           yes, let's exit program!

GET#01 CI   R2,'1'*256        is it less than a '1'?
      JL   GETKEY            yes, get another keypress
      CI   R2,'9'*256        less or equal to '9'?
      JLE  GOTNUM            yes, so proceed as it must be a drive number.

      CI   R2,'Z'*256        no, so is it a 'Z' or less?
      JLE  NOTHIN            yes, go check some more
      AI   R2,->2000         no, make this possible lower case key upper!

NOTHIN CI   R2,'A'*256        if lower than 'A' or higher than 'Z', exit!
      JL   GETKEY
      CI   R2,'Z'*256
      JH   GETKEY

GOTNUM AI   R2,->3000         subtract 48 (>30) from ASCII value to get dr#
      MOVB R2,@DRIVE         put into drive
      LI   R0,409            now, let's display the drive press at location
      MOVB @DRIVE,R1         409.  Put drive into MSB of R1, and add 48 (>30)
      AI   R1,>3000          to get the ASCII number value back
      BLWP @VSBW             display the drive number/letter

START9 BL   @MULMSG           tell user we're starting

      CLR  @>8350            make sure no false errors happen
      CLR  @SEC#
      INC  @SEC#             set to read sector 1
      SETO R5                >ffff is flag to read
      BL   @LEV1             go get the sector
      MOVB @>8350,@>8350
      JNE  ERROR0

      LI   R0,SECTOR         put the bitmap into our buffer
      LI   R1,BITMAP         from VDP
      LI   R2,256
      BLWP @VMBR          read the bitmap from VDP at SECTOR to CPU at BITMAP

      CLR  R10
ANOTHR CI   R10,256           is R10=256?  (meaning we did max # of files - 127)
      JEQ  DONE#0            yes, go end this fiasco

      MOV  @BITMAP(R10),@SEC#       no, get the next FDR sector from the bitmap
      JEQ  DONE#0                   is it a >0000 (no more files)?  yes, exit

      SETO R5                no, set flag to READ a sector
      BL   @LEV1             do it!
      MOVB @>8350,@>8350     error?  if >8350 <>0, we had an error
      JNE  ERROR0            yes, report it!
      INCT R10               no, point to next file for next pass
      LI   R0,SECTOR         \
      LI   R1,SECBUF          \ read the current FDR into our buffer
      LI   R2,256            /  at SECBUF so we can manipulate it.
      BLWP @VMBR            /

      LI   R0,18*32+15       display the current file being worked on
      LI   R2,10
      LI   R1,SECBUF
      BLWP @VMBW

      LI   R2,256            make sure R2=256
      LI   R0,SECTOR
      MOVB @SECBUF+12,R3     PUT old value of byte 12 into R3
      ANDI R3,>EF00          Get rid of BACKUP FLAG
      MOVB R3,@SECBUF+12     put it back into our buffer
      BLWP @VMBW             and write it back to VDP to prepare for disk write

      CLR  R5                set ACCESS to >00 (flag for WRITE to disk)
      BL   @LEV1             do it!
      MOVB @>8350,@>8350     error?
      JNE  ERROR0            yes, exit.
      JMP  ANOTHR            no, DO ANOTHER SECTOR

DONE#0 BL   @MULMSG           Tell user we're all done
      DATA FIN1,ERR2,0

      CLR  @>8374
      CB   @>837C,@KEY1      any key pressed?
      JNE  GOOD1             no, keep checking
      B    @START2           yes, so restart program

DONE#1 BL   @CLEAR            clear screen adn
      BLWP @>0000            do a RESTART of computer / branch to title screen

KEY1   BYTE >20
ERR1   DATA 20*32+1
      TEXT 'ERROR encountered...^'
ERR2   DATA 22*32+1
      TEXT '-Press Any key to continue-^'
      DATA ERR1,ERR2,0       tell user we had a problem!
      CLR  @>8374
      CB   @>837C,@KEY1      any key pressed?
      JNE  ERROR1            no, keep checking
      B    @START2           yes, restart

CLEAR  CLR  R0                routine to clear the 32x24 screen
      LI   R1,' '*256
      INC  R0
      CI   R0,768
      JNE  CLEAR1
* Multiple Message Display
*      BL   @MULMSG
*      DATA Msg1,Msg2,0
ENDTXT BYTE '^'               carat, end-of-line marker

      JEQ  MULL2
      MOV  *R2+,R0
      CB   R1,@ENDTXT
      BLWP @VSBW
      INC  R0
      JMP  MULL1

LEV1   MOV  @SEC#,@>8350         LEVEL 1 READ/WRITE routine
      MOVB @ACCESS,@>834D       flag for read/write (0=write, <>0 = read)
      MOVB @DRIVE,@>834C        drive number
      LI   R0,>0FF0             2 byte PAB in VDP, start @ >0ff0
      LI   R1,LEV1RD            opcode for level 1 rd/write
      LI   R2,2                 2 bytes long
      BLWP @VMBW                write to VDP

      MOV  R0,@>8356            put VDP pab location into >8356
      LI   R0,SECTOR            R0 has location of 256 byte buffer to read the
      MOV  R0,@>834E            sector into, put that value into >834E for DSRL
      DATA >A                   do it
      LIMI 0
      BL   @VDP#          Setup VDP write address
      MOVB @2(R13),@VDPWD    Write the character
      LIMI 2

VDP#   MOV  *R13,R0
      SOC  @WRTMSK,R0
      MOVB R0,@VDPWA     Send LOW BYTE
      SWPB R0
      MOVB R0,@VDPWA     Send HIGH BYTE

      LIMI 0
      BL   @VDP#
      MOV  @2(R13),R1    Bring in CPU String Address
      MOV  @4(R13),R2    Bring in # of Bytes to write
      LI   R3,VDPWD
VMBW20 MOVB *R1+,*R3       Write character
      DEC  R2            Finished?
      JNE  VMBW20        No
      LIMI 2

      LIMI 0
      BL   @VDP#3        Go setup VDP Address
      MOVB @VDPRD,@2(R13)    Put character in R1 MSBYTE
      LIMI 2
      RTWP               of calling workspace (WS#1)

      BL   @VDP#3        Go setup VDP Address
      MOV  @2(R13),R1    Get CPU Buffer address
      MOV  @4(R13),R2    Get # of Bytes to read
      LI   R3,VDPRD
VMBR20 MOVB *R3,*R1+   Move first byte
      DEC  R2            Finished?
      JNE  VMBR20        No
      LIMI 2

VDP#3  MOV  *R13,R0       Get VDP Address for read
      ANDI R0,>3FFF      Reset BITS 0 & 1
      JMP  VDP#2         Go finish up write address

      LIMI 0
      MOV  *R13,R0       Get reg & data to write
      BL   @VDP#2        Go do it
      LIMI 2

*                       *
*                       *
SAVE1  DATA >0000
SAVE2  DATA >0000
SAVE3  DATA >0000
SAVE4  DATA >0000
SAVE5  DATA >0000
HEX20  DATA >2020
H2000  DATA  >2000
CYC1   DATA  0
H1300  DATA  >1300

DSR1   MOV   *R14+,R5
      SZCB  @HEX20,R15
      MOV   @>8356,R0
      MOV   R0,R9
      AI    R9,>FFF8
      SWPB  R0
      MOVB  R0,@VDPWA
      SWPB  R0
      MOVB  R0,@VDPWA
      MOVB  @VDPRD,R1
      MOVB  R1,R3
      SRL   R3,>8
      SETO  R4
      LI    R2,NAMBUF
      INC   R4
      C     R4,R3
      JEQ   DJUMP1
      SWPB  R0
      MOVB  R0,@VDPWA
      SWPB  R0
      MOVB  R0,@VDPWA
      MOVB  @VDPRD,R1
      MOVB  R1,*R2+
      CB    R1,@PERIOD
      JNE   DLOOP1
      JEQ   DJUMP6
      CI    R4,>0007
      JGT   DJUMP6
      CLR   @>83D0
      MOV   R4,@>8354
      MOV   R4,@SAVE3
      INC   R4
      A     R4,@>8356
      MOV   @>8356,@SAVE4
SROM   LWPI  >83E0
      CLR   R1
      MOV   @H2000,@CYC1
      LI    R12,>1100
      JMP   DLOOP2
SROM1  LI    R12,>0F00
      MOV   @H1300,@CYC1

DLOOP2 MOV   R12,R12
      JEQ   DJUMP2
      SBZ   >00
DJUMP2 AI    R12,>0100
      CLR   @>83D0
      CI    R12,>2000
      JEQ   SROM1
      C     R12,@CYC1
      JEQ   DJUMP5
      MOV   R12,@>83D0
      SBO   >00
      LI    R2,>4000
      CB    *R2,@HEXAA
      JNE   DLOOP2
      A     @5*2+DREGS,R2
      JMP   DJUMP3
DLOOP3 MOV   @>83D2,R2
      SBO   >00
      JEQ   DLOOP2
      MOV   R2,@>83D2
      INCT  R2
      MOV   *R2+,R9
      MOVB  @>8355,R5
      JEQ   DJUMP4
      CB    R5,*R2+
      JNE   DLOOP3
      SRL   R5,>8
      LI    R6,NAMBUF
DLOOP4 CB    *R6+,*R2+
      JNE   DLOOP3
      DEC   R5
      JNE   DLOOP4
      MOV   R1,@SAVE5
      MOV   R9,@SAVE2
      MOV   R12,@SAVE1
      BL    *R9
      JMP   DLOOP3
      SBZ   >00
      MOV   R9,R0
      SWPB  R0
      MOVB  R0,@VDPWA
      SWPB  R0
      MOVB  R0,@VDPWA
      MOVB  @VDPRD,R1
      SRL   R1,>D
      JNE   DJUMP7
      MOVB  R1,*R13
      SOCB  @HEX20,R15
* KSCAN routine  -  will work properly on Geneve AND TI without funky
* duplicate keypresses.
      LIMI 0
      LI   R1,>00FF          >04FF
      MOV  R1,@>8374
      LIMI 1
      LIMI 0
      BL   @>000E
      LIMI 2
      MOVB @>837C,R1         CHECK STATUS
      JNE  KLPNOK            NO
      MOVB @>8375,@KEY       YES, PUT IN key
KLPNOK SETO @KEY              no key, set to >FFFF

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  • 2 weeks later...

This might be a stupid question, but must interrupts be enabled for file access to work ?


Looking at TI Intern I found a section of code in the interrupt routine that checks DSR roms.

So I suppose interrupts must be enabled ? Right ?

Not stupid at all.... There are times you may wish to enable interrupts to allow a peripheral card to be serviced by the ISR, such as the RS232 input ring buffer. I believe this is what you are seeing and referring to in the interrupt routine. But for file and most other DSR control, no, interrupts need not be enabled. The DSR routines usually do not enable interrupts either, to avoid conflict conditions between cards and problems with setting the VDP addresses.

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This might be a stupid question, but must interrupts be enabled for file access to work ?


Looking at TI Intern I found a section of code in the interrupt routine that checks DSR roms.

So I suppose interrupts must be enabled ? Right ?

Not stupid at all.... There are times you may wish to enable interrupts to allow a peripheral card to be serviced by the ISR, such as the RS232 input ring buffer. I believe this is what you are seeing and referring to in the interrupt routine. But for file and most other DSR control, no, interrupts need not be enabled. The DSR routines usually do not enable interrupts either, to avoid conflict conditions between cards and problems with setting the VDP addresses.


Thanks for pointing that out. That is good news :)

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  • 3 years later...

I may have to revisit the directory stuff in a few weeks, Tim, particularly how the hard drive works. I have an upcoming project of my own that I'd like to be as generic as possible. icon_smile.gif




I hope you don't mind me asking.... Is this a TI related HD project?

If it is, even though you said, ".. project of my own...", please document EVERYTHING,

because I'm sure if you think it's useful and worthy, others will think so too. ;)


If it's "generic" enough, and probably affordable, other's might be able to obtain parts.

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I am at a point in a certain project in which I need to be able to catalog a device whether it be DSK,SCSI,HDS or IDE. I have a good idea on how to set up the PAB and have generated my file descriptor(This was the easy part.)


At this point I am unsure on a couple of points....


1) Are sub directories handled as if they were devices IE would a FDR of SCS1.SUB. be enough to open the directory of SUB on device SCS1 or is there more to it ?


2) In E/A does opening and listing a catalog work as it does in XB IE same file type and EOF structure ?


3) Since I do not have an IDE card and have never seen one..... Does it have a file structure similar to HDSK or SCSI?


I really need someone to break this down for me. Although code examples are good I find myself usually bamboozled by others programming so perhaps a scripted example would be better.


I am not creating another manager here so only I need the ability to search a device/path. I am only interested in displaying sub directories or files with a certain prefix. Later these special files will be loaded but that is for a different day.


Thanks in advance...



RXB has full Hard Drive support built in. The REA (Rich Editor Assembler) has the same built in cataloger that works with any Hard Drive.

A bonus is RXB / REA both will work with CS1 or CS2 or oddball devices like RAMDISK or GRAM based devices.

RXB also has a SECTOR program for Hard Drives and you can copy sector by sector an entire Hard Drive to another of the same size. (This has been tested on SCSI and RAMDISKs)

RXB also allows you to from just XB to edit sectors on the hard drive and modify them, then write them back. A document page from RXB on SECTOR access subprogram.


SECTOR subprogram PAGE S2
Format CALL SECTOR(pathname,read/write-flag,#sectors,
CALL SECTOR(number,number,number,string
CALL SECTOR(string-variable,numeric-variable,
The SECTOR subprogram reads or writes sectors on disk or
hard drives. The pathname determines the device used and the
pathname can be up to 255 characters in length. The Myarc
HFDC can only support 29 characters pathnames plus the
filename of 10, so that would add up to 39 characters total.
The pathname must end with a period and the directory may
only be 10 characters in length. The read/write-flag may be
any number to read sectors and 0 will write sectors. The
#sectors ranges from 1 to 32 sectors being read/written
at one time. The sector-string is a Hexadecimal string of
the sector to read or write. Sector-string may be a "0" or
up to "FFFFFFFF" or in other words in decimal form ranges
from 0 to 4294967295 sectors. (2 Terabyte Hard Drive)
NOTE: The lower 8K for assembly support is used as a buffer
for SECTOR so anything in the lower 8K will be corrupted.
That means two things.
1. AMS support can store the sectors for duplication.
2. SECTOR is totally compatible with CORCOMP, MYARC, PARCOM,
RAMDISKS, and SCSI drive controllers.
This line writes 1 sector 0 to| >CALL SECTOR("DSK1.",0,1,"0")
drive 1 from lower 8K. . |
This line reads sector 0 and | >100 CALL SECTOR(2,1,2,"0")
1 from drive 2 to lower 8K. |
This line puts the 2 sectors | >110 CALL MOVE("RV",512,8192,
onto the screen from the lower| 0)
8K. (See MOVES for info) |
This line reads sector 1048575| >100 CALL SECTOR("SCS1.",9,
putting 32 sectors into lower | 32,"FFFFF")
8K (32*256=8192) |
Only works when 32K available and destroys lower 8K data.
Give it a try and see what you think.
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Does RXB support the personality card hard disk DSR/FAT etc? Most "hard disk supporting" tools will read the root directory but no sub dirs..






RXB has full Hard Drive support built in. The REA (Rich Editor Assembler) has the same built in cataloger that works with any Hard Drive.

A bonus is RXB / REA both will work with CS1 or CS2 or oddball devices like RAMDISK or GRAM based devices.

RXB also has a SECTOR program for Hard Drives and you can copy sector by sector an entire Hard Drive to another of the same size. (This has been tested on SCSI and RAMDISKs)

RXB also allows you to from just XB to edit sectors on the hard drive and modify them, then write them back. A document page from RXB on SECTOR access subprogram.


SECTOR subprogram PAGE S2
Format CALL SECTOR(pathname,read/write-flag,#sectors,
CALL SECTOR(number,number,number,string
CALL SECTOR(string-variable,numeric-variable,
The SECTOR subprogram reads or writes sectors on disk or
hard drives. The pathname determines the device used and the
pathname can be up to 255 characters in length. The Myarc
HFDC can only support 29 characters pathnames plus the
filename of 10, so that would add up to 39 characters total.
The pathname must end with a period and the directory may
only be 10 characters in length. The read/write-flag may be
any number to read sectors and 0 will write sectors. The
#sectors ranges from 1 to 32 sectors being read/written
at one time. The sector-string is a Hexadecimal string of
the sector to read or write. Sector-string may be a "0" or
up to "FFFFFFFF" or in other words in decimal form ranges
from 0 to 4294967295 sectors. (2 Terabyte Hard Drive)
NOTE: The lower 8K for assembly support is used as a buffer
for SECTOR so anything in the lower 8K will be corrupted.
That means two things.
1. AMS support can store the sectors for duplication.
2. SECTOR is totally compatible with CORCOMP, MYARC, PARCOM,
RAMDISKS, and SCSI drive controllers.
This line writes 1 sector 0 to| >CALL SECTOR("DSK1.",0,1,"0")
drive 1 from lower 8K. . |
This line reads sector 0 and | >100 CALL SECTOR(2,1,2,"0")
1 from drive 2 to lower 8K. |
This line puts the 2 sectors | >110 CALL MOVE("RV",512,8192,
onto the screen from the lower| 0)
8K. (See MOVES for info) |
This line reads sector 1048575| >100 CALL SECTOR("SCS1.",9,
putting 32 sectors into lower | 32,"FFFFF")
8K (32*256=8192) |
Only works when 32K available and destroys lower 8K data.
Give it a try and see what you think.


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Does RXB support the personality card hard disk DSR/FAT etc? Most "hard disk supporting" tools will read the root directory but no sub dirs..






How DO you read the subdirectory index.. is it the same way as reading the root, ie: open "HD1.SUBDIR." and read that?

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I think that's how it works on the modern (hfdc/scsi/ide) controllers




Yea to use RXB command DIR or CAT just type:






or from REA (Rich Editor Assembler)


then the DEVICE (example: SCS1.)

then the Volume name (expample: XBGAMES)

then the Subvolume name (example: GAMES92)

then the sub subvolume name (exampe: NEWGAMES)




The Redo key will put the last directory into the buffer on screen so you can review the directory a second time in case you did not hit the space bar to pause the listing.


RXB / REA can handle pathnames up to 255 characters long.

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