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Displaying and moving simple sprites on the Jag


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Anyone want to tackle a little lesson on this?


By sprites you can mean one of three things. OPL objects as sprites, Blitted Sprites or

straight up software sprites. I recommend using the OPL. However this is not a 'little'

lesson as you do need to understand how the OPL and it's list(s) operate.


I think you should start out with a software based sprite, then use the blitter to replace the

software draw, then use the OPL. Regardless, you will still need to know what to do with the OPL

before you can use any of these methods on the Jaguar as it is the OPL that allows you to put

anything on the screen to begin with. The OPL is indeed the backbone of the Jaguar's video system

and you can't display anything without it...unless you want to write with really tight timing and

precision directly to the line buffers...but you still need to set up the OPL minutely even for this.


You have the 6 lessons I posted. Take a look at those as you will see how the OPL is dealing with

the screen. If you want help. Let me know. I will show you how to add more objects to the list.


I am working on a skeletal source for using the OPL as a sprite engine. It's got a ways to go but

it uses the GPU to deal with the list where the lessons use the 68k and that setup is intended mainly

for a 3D buffer and not exactly ideal for a 2D sprite based engine, although it will work for that if

you want it to.

Edited by Gorf
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Hello JagChris!


Displaying and moving simple sprites on the Jag


Anyone want to tackle a little lesson on this?


As Gorf already said, it depends on your development environment or coding approach.


Of course you just need to set the usual "sprite"-attibutes (where is the pixel-data? position (x|y) and so on), this requires just some few lines of code.

But because the Jaguar doesn't have a operating system with built in support for Input/Ouput, you'll need some few hundreds of code to get a working Jaguar-program-framework set up

(doing stuff like initializing the Jaguar, setting up the videodisplay, reading the Joypad(s), perhaps doing sound-output and so on).



Kind regards


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  • 10 months later...

Bumping this thread from the dead


If you want to display simple sprites around on the screen look for starcats older examples he released. they are in 68k asm and contain VERY basic setup of video and the object list which manages sprites and allows you to manipulate their x, y position, and many other things. In my opinion this can give you a very basic understanding of how it all works and you can branch from there and try new methods to update the object list and build it (ie gpu) there are a few diffrent ways to do the object list as well. the one that starcat shows in his examples is very similar if not the exact same as the Native demo setup.

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Was just discussing basic graphics on the Jag with Tursi. I want to start with C if anything. Its what most people will know. Perhaps Sebs libraries for a start, or none at all. As simple as it can be, whatever that is on the Jaguar and not relative to anything else.


As for Gorfs first post in this thread as to what what


By sprites you can mean one of three things. OPL objects as sprites, Blitted Sprites or

straight up software sprites. I recommend using the OPL. However this is not a 'little'

lesson as you do need to understand how the OPL and it's list(s) operate.


hell pick one and go from there. Waste time dancing around like that.


Perhaps building on Bozs Jag256 program or somesuch. something Basic to get the ball rolling.

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