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Conversion of Drunken Pooper


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So, here's this Giant Enemy Crap!


This is an Atari 2600 conversion of Drunken Pooper.



You get 3 levels of Blood Alcohol Concentration at the far left. Every miss lowers your BAC until all 3 are used up - game over! Every direct hit into the tub replenishes all your BAC.


I take no credit for the game as it is merely an homage to the original developers awesome concept, gameplay and art.



* Code is sloppy at best. My only excuse is this is my first Batari game.


UPDATE: Bogax implemented the hi-score support from examples posted here at AtariAge!





Edited by theloon
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Thanks for the screen-shots :) "Reverse Kaboom"? I'm sure there's a double entendre in there somewhere :P As stated, that darn 56 hiscore is present in the screen-shot. Ack!



haa just loaded it up on my supercharger wow its hard


Supercharger? Do you not have a Harmony Cart? I had a supercharger forever and i still do infact. I prefer to play the supercharger games (Starpath Frogger is the shizznit) on a supercharger instead of my Harmony. If i didnt i would have no use for it :P.


To the OP the games definitely not bad for a first time around, good job bro. Keep up the good work and thanks for contributing to the homebrew scene :cool:

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Nice game, nice music. From the screen shot I thought it looked like "Plinko" from the TV show The Price Is Right. I was thinking poop would be bouncing around.


Anyway I'm looking at your code.. I see the following:


if !collision(missile1, player1) then if pfscore1 < 2 then goto die


I didn't even know that was possible.. I thought it should be like this


if !collision(missile1, player1) && pfscore1 < 2 then goto die


Now on to fixing your problem..

after your draw_title remove score = highscore.. you don't need that. :) Problem solved.


Okay, hmm it does fix the high score, but when you press the fire button it zero's out. It also doesn't stay next round.. will fix that now.


Haven't figured that out yet.

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Many thanks for the feedback! Really, even this tiny morsel of a game wouldn't be possible without the support I've been given here. You guys rock! The Harmony Cart also helps me get enthused about making games. The dream of producing a real cart is too irresistible =)


@Yuppicide: If you can't figure out why the high score reverts to 56 then I don't feel so bad :) I appreciate the effort though!

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Oh I'll take a look at it again soon as I get a chance.. sometimes I like to take a look and if I get pissed off I come back another time. Can't be that hard to figure out.


I mean, your scanlines for look okay (262 for NTSC).


That bucket thing pisses me off when it changes direction lol.. sometimes I think it knows.

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Ya, different AI variations would be a good upgrade. Also, maybe using the ball as an obstruction.

The high score problem turns out to be the fact that score is the only 6 digit value allowed. "hiscore = score" wont work because hiscore only allows 0-255 as a value. Apparently you have to do some pretty tricky stuff to mess with the score besides adding or subtracting. It'd be nice if a tutorial to store and compare the score showed up.

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  • 2 years later...

The score takes is a 3 bytes variable and the highscore is only 1 byte variable. If batari BASIC allow you to read from the $92,$93,$94 RAM, where your 3 digit score is located, then you should be able to get variable $93 saved to hiscore. The $94 isn't used, so ignore. Unless you're extremely good at this game, there no need to save $92. If needed, then another variable declared needed to save that digit. Sorry, your blog brought me here and had to solve this case ><. This game is basically reverse kaboom. So the baby is trying to drop the bomb into the basket. You have control of the baby, the computer is controlling the basket. Really neat idea.

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The score takes is a 3 bytes variable and the highscore is only 1 byte variable. If batari BASIC allow you to read from the $92,$93,$94 RAM, where your 3 digit score is located, then you should be able to get variable $93 saved to hiscore. The $94 isn't used, so ignore. Unless you're extremely good at this game, there no need to save $92. If needed, then another variable declared needed to save that digit. Sorry, your blog brought me here and had to solve this case ><. This game is basically reverse kaboom. So the baby is trying to drop the bomb into the basket. You have control of the baby, the computer is controlling the basket. Really neat idea.


I've tried to follow examples on how to use hi-score. Alas, I keep failing. If anyone wants to take a stab at it the source code is in this topic. Full credit where credit is due. If I could see the magic work then the rest of my games would get a hi-score makeover :)

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I've tried to follow examples on how to use hi-score. Alas, I keep failing. If anyone wants to take a stab at it the source code is in this topic. Full credit where credit is due. If I could see the magic work then the rest of my games would get a hi-score makeover :)


So this example program doesn't work for you?



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bah! this a game sucks


(my hi score is 1700, I was trying not to score :P )


I didn't have any trouble with the hiscore

but every fourth game the score is gone

from the title screen and it's back to 0,

can't figure out how that happens.

(and with your original it just doesn't do anything,

it sticks at the titlescreen with out the (hi)score)



I messed with it some.

don't know how much I may have messed it up.

but then, it was already pretty messed up ;)



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WOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!!!!! bogax did it!!!!!! BAM!


Now I just have to read through his changes and, er, learn. My newest game could use some hi-score lovin'!


THANKS bogax, R.T. and the rest of the AtariAge gang for paying attention to this topic even after three years :)


It's still not perfect. If you get a high enough score on there

so that it's recognizeable as the hiscore and then just keep

firing so that you don't linger on the title screen sometimes

it doesn't show the high score. sometimes it continues to show

the last score and sometimes (it seems) to show 0

I can't see how that happens.



look at your stop_shooting routine (in the original)

then hang your head.. ;)


(I know, it's your first game, I forgive you :P )



edit :

I think I got it

moved where score gets set to hiscore

and scorecolor gets set to the hiscore color

to before goto MusicSetup



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