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Unreleased Games


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AJ, some things to consider for your list:


Caverns of Mars - Included in Flashback 2. I don't know if there is any connection between this and the Graduate version.


Entity - FOUND! Released August of 2003 at CGE.


Flap! - Wing War was a "working title" until Imagic finally decided to release it as PAL only. Flap! MAY have been what they had in mind before settling on Wing War. I "heard" this somewhere, but don't have documentation to confirm it, so consider it speculative.


Hercules - from the 1983 Xonox CES Press Kit:

post-118-128017842296_thumb.jpg post-118-128017844757_thumb.jpg

This is certainly not proof that code was never written for this game. The 8.5x11 "notice" informed dealers that it had been removed from their lineup BEFORE orders were taken.


High Seas - Working title for Sea Battle, released August of 2001 at CGE.


Kamikaze Saucers - FOUND!


Solar Defense - Released fall of 1983 by Imagic as Laser Gates.


Quest for the Idol, Space Robot, Spider Kong - from the 1983 Ultravision CES Press Kit:


The Spider Kong released by Funvision is actually Fox's Spacemaster X7. The Spider Kong released by Goliath is also known as Pac Kong, possibly the actual game referred to in this Price List.

Space Robot is an 83% hack of Atari's Missile Command, and was first released by Dimax, later by Goliath.

Quest for the Idol has been the subject of much speculation by Romhunter and I. Some hand-drawn artwork from the Press Kit, and the box art from the HES release of Challenge suggests that the code written for Challenge may be Quest for the Idol's "work in progress". Pure guesswork!


Stone Age - Here I must ask a question, AJ. What evidence is there that this was a Technovision title? Romhunter thinks this MAY be Dinograms by Zimag, and this seems logical. CCE released EVERY Zimag title except Spinning Fireball, but released ZERO Technovision titles. If Stone Age WAS by Technovision, and CCE pirated it, you'd think they would have pirated Nuts and/or Pharaoh's Curse and/or Save Our Ship as well. NEED INPUT!

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Caverns of Mars - I don't know if there is any connection between the Graduate version and the one for the 2600 that is part of the Flashback 2
According to my files, the FB2 version is a recent homebrew.



Entity - FOUND! Released August of 2003 at CGE.


Flap! - Wing War was a "working title" until Imagic finally decided to release it as PAL only. Flap! MAY have been what they had in mind before settling on Wing War. I "heard" this somewhere, but don't have documentation to confirm it, so consider it speculative.


High Seas - Working title for Sea Battle, released August of 2001 at CGE.


Kamikaze Saucers - FOUND!

I had these already for my next update (still work in progress). Flap! is indeed the working title of Wing War, according to my Aliases file. Don't know where I picked that info up from, though.



Hercules - from the 1983 Xonox CES Press Kit:

post-118-128017842296_thumb.jpg post-118-128017844757_thumb.jpg

This is certainly not proof that code was never written for this game. The 8.5x11 "notice" informed dealers that it had been removed from their lineup BEFORE orders were taken.

Well, the only change this makes is the game's full title.



Solar Defense - Released fall of 1983 by Imagic as Laser Gates.
This is a new one to me, thank you.



Quest for the Idol, Space Robot, Spider Kong - from the 1983 Ultravision CES Press Kit:


The Spider Kong released by Funvision is actually Fox's Spacemaster X7. The Spider Kong released by Goliath is also known as Pac Kong, possibly the actual game referred to in this Price List.

Space Robot is an 83% hack of Atari's Missile Command, and was first released by Dimax, later by Goliath.

I remember reading about the two different Spider Kongs before but didn't have that info in my Aliases file until now, thank you.



Quest for the Idol has been the subject of much speculation by Romhunter and I. Some hand-drawn artwork from the Press Kit, and the box art from the HES release of Challenge suggests that the code written for Challenge may be Quest for the Idol's "work in progress". Pure guesswork!
I'll mark that one as a possible alias.



Stone Age - Here I must ask a question, AJ. What evidence is there that this was a Technovision title? Romhunter thinks this MAY be Dinograms by Zimag, and this seems logical. CCE released EVERY Zimag title except Spinning Fireball, but released ZERO Technovision titles. If Stone Age WAS by Technovision, and CCE pirated it, you'd think they would have pirated Nuts and/or Pharaoh's Curse and/or Save Our Ship as well. NEED INPUT!
That is what was in the original list that I'm updating -- see post #1 of this topic; I have no other info on file, nor personal knowledge about Stone Age.
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Here's a new update. Aside from adding titles from Atariprotos.com, I have also added two new categories to the NOTES column: "FOUND-" for instances in which the most complete binary of a title is not publicly available, but one or more earlier versions is (example: Good Luck, Charlie Brown). And "VAPOR" for titles which are believed never to have had any coding started (example: Attack of the Baby Seals). There are not yet many titles using these annotations, so please let me know which should receive them. Also, I'm fairly sure there are several titles for which a publisher's item number was announced, but it is not yet included here -- please let me know of any I missed from Atariprotos, or any other sources.


Atari 2600 Carts Reported as Unreleased

Last updated 2010-07-27

ALIAS game is better known by another name-- in most cases, released
FOUND game exists and binary has become readily available to the public
FOUND- most complete known binary not publicly available, but earlier is
EXISTS game prototype, EPROM, or binary has been discovered or is believed
      to be in a private collection but the binary is not publicly released
MAY EXIST at least one credible source confirms that at least some coding of
         the game was started - perhaps as little as a 1-screen static demo
ALIAS+EXISTS Space Mission was a working title shown in ads for what Atari
            released as Star Ship. The game was also released by Sears
            as Outer Space. However, one person has found an Atari-branded
            cartridge bearing the Space Mission name.
EXISTS+ALIAS one copy of the Pink Panther game is known to exist. The game
            is known by several different titles.
VAPOR it is believed that no coding ever took place for this title

Titles without any entry in the NOTES column may never have been started.
If the NOTES entry is a system name, that title was not a VCS game.
If the NOTES entry is a different publisher, the game was released by that

Title                                 Publisher      Mfg #   NOTES
------------------------------------- -------------- ------- ---------------
3-D Asteroids                         Atari          CX26105
3-D Genesis                           Amiga                  EXISTS
3-D Ghost Attack                      Amiga                  EXISTS
3-D Ghost Attack (for Amiga Power Module)            1100    APM UNRELEASED
3-D Havoc                             Amiga                  EXISTS
3-D Havoc (for Amiga Power Module)    Amiga          2110    APM UNRELEASED
3-D Rubik's Cube                      Atari                  FOUND
4 in 1                                Atari          CX26137 FOUND
8 in 1 (AKA Supergames 8 in 1)        Atari          CX26193 FOUND
9 to 5                                20th/Fox
28 in 1                               Atari                  BOGUS???
30 in 1                               Atari                  BOGUS???
48 Hours                              Sega
$25,000 Pyramid                       Great Game Co.
Actionauts (AKA Microbots)            Atari                  EXISTS
AD&D: Tower of Mystery                Mattel         MT7175  EXISTS
AD&D: Treasure of Tarmin              Mattel         MT4325  EXISTS
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons           Mattel                 SEE 2 ABOVE
Adventures of the Pink Panther        Probe 2000             EXISTS+ALIAS
Adventures of Max, The                Atari                  MAY EXIST
Aerial Ace                            Imagic         IA3409  ALIAS
Air-Sea Attack                        Ultravision    1001    COLECOVISION
Airplane!                             Sega
Alligator People                      20th/Fox               FOUND
Androman on the Moon (for Androman)   Atari                  FOUND
Anteater                              Mattel                 EXISTS
Aquaventure                           Atari                  FOUND
Astro-Battle                          Ultravision            ALIAS/DIMAX
Astrochase                            Parker Bros.           EXISTS
Astrowar                              Artic          SM8002  DIMAX
A-Team, The                           Atari          CX26133 FOUND
Atom Smasher                          Cumma                  20TH/FOX/ALIAS?
Attack of the Baby Seals              20th/Fox               VAPOR
B-52 Bomber                           Ultravision    1003    COLECOVISION
B.C.'s Quest For Tires                Tigervision            COLECOVISION
B.C. II: Grog's Revenge               Tigervision            COLECOVISION
Baby Boom Boom                        Telesys                ALIAS
Bagman                                Atari                  MAY EXIST
Ballblazer                            Atari                  MAY EXIST
Baseball                              Panda Inc.
Baseball Best (AKA Baseball Top)      Ultravision    1004    COLECOVISION
BASIC                                 Unitronics
Battle of the Sexes                   Multivision            MAY EXIST
Bear Jam                              Chalkboard Inc.
Beginning Algebra                     Entex
Beginning Math                        Entex
Bionic Breakthrough (for Mindlink)    Atari                  FOUND
Bird                                  Activision             MAY EXIST
Blockade Runner                       Interphase
Blow Out                              M Network              MAY EXIST
Blue Angels                           Apollo
Bobby's Cosmic Adventure              Telegames
Boggle                                Atari                  FOUND
Boing!                                Atari          CX26128 FIRST STAR
Boing!                                First Star             FOUND
Boing!                                Xonox                  FIRST STAR
Bouncin' Baby Bunnies                 Telesys                EXISTS
Bouncing Baby Monkeys                 Telesys                ALIAS
Brain Ball                            Telesys
Buck Rogers: Caverns of Zagreb        Sega 
Buck Rogers: Marathon of Zenda        Sega
Buck Rogers: Secret of Sabar          Sega
Bugs Bunny                            Atari                  FOUND
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid    20th/Fox
Cabbage Patch Kids                    Coleco                 FOUND
Candyland Surfing                     20th/Fox               MAY EXIST
Care Bears                            Parker Bros.           FOUND
Catch the Fly                         U.S. Games     VC 2004 ALIAS
Cat-Nap                               Zimag                  ATARI8BIT/VIC20
Cat Trax                              UA Limited             FOUND
Cave-In                               Spectravision
Caverns of Mars                       Atari
  (a homebrew version of this game was released on the Flashback 2)
Caverns of Mars (for The Graduate)    Atari                  GRAD UNRELEASED
Challenger                            Atari
Changes                               Tigervision    7-013
Childrens Intro to Programming        Atari
CHIPs                                 Ultravision
Choplifter!                           Atari          CX26124
Circus Charlie                        Parker Bros.   PB5750  MAY EXIST
Clone Attack                          Starpath
Collision Course                      Zimag                  ATARI8BIT/VIC20
Combat Two                            Atari          CX26156 FOUND
Computer Corridor (=Computer Revenge) Mattel         MT4318  MAY EXIST
Confrontation                         Answer                 FOUND
Contenders                            Activision     AK-041
Conservation: The Watt Way            Panda Inc.
Cosmic Avenger                        Coleco         2464
Countermeasure                        Atari
Count's Castle                        Atari                  MAY EXIST
Crack'ed                              Atari          CX26142 FOUND
Cubicolor                             Imagic                 FOUND
Cumulus                               Mattel                 MAY EXIST 
Darts                                 U.S. Games
Day the Earth Stood Still, The        20th/Fox
Dazzler                               Unitronics
Deep Throat                           Games People Play
Depth Charge                          Amiga                  EXISTS 
Depth Charge (for Amiga Power Module) Amiga          1100    APM UNRELEASED
Dinograms                             Zimag
Domino Man                            CBS Electronics
Donald Duck's Speedboat               Atari          CX26108 FOUND
Donkey Kong (for The Graduate)        Atari                  GRAD UNRELEASED
Dragon's Lair                         Coleco
Dragonslayer                          Sega
Dreadnaught Factor                    Activision
Drive 'Em Krazy                       Spectravision  SA-216
Dual Scrolling (untitled)             Mattel                 MAY EXIST
Dukes of Hazzard (Stunt Cycle hack)   Atari          CX2678? FOUND
Dukes of Hazzard (original game)      Atari          CX2678  FOUND
Dumbo's Flying Circus                 Atari          CX26115 FOUND
Dune                                  Atari                  FOUND
Dungeon Master                        Telegames
Dutch Elm Defender                    20th/Fox               VAPOR
Eagle Mountain                        Spectravision  SA-221
Electronic Football (port of handheld) Mattel
Elevator Action                       Atari          CX26126 FOUND
Elk Attack                            Atari                  FOUND
Emergency! (AKA Emergency I)          Ultravision            COLECOVISION
Energy Quizz                          Hydro Quebec?          COLECOVISION?
Entity, The                           20th/Fox       11036   FOUND
Escape From Alcatraz                  Sega
Escape from Argos                     Imagic                 ALIAS
Exus Health Cycle Program             Exus
Fail Safe                             Atari
Fall Guy, The                         20th/Fox       11018
Family Feud                           Great Game Co.
Family Finances                       Atari
Fire!                                 Palmex
Flap!                                 Imagic         EIZ-002-041 ALIAS
Flapper (AKA Beanie Bopper, Jumper)   Mattel                 MAY EXIST
Flashlight (untitled)                 Mattel                 MAY EXIST
Flesh Gordon                          Wizard Video           MAY EXIST
Flintstones, The                      M Network
Flipper                               Technovision
Food Fight                            Atari          CX2693
Football (AKA Red vs. Blue)           Atari                  FOUND
Football Fanatic                      Sports Comp-U-Stat
Forest                                Panda Inc.             SANCHO/PAL
Formula I                             Technovision   TVS 1008
Foxbat (=RealSports Baseball???)      Atari
Frantic                               Starpath
Frenzy                                Coleco
Friday the 13th                       Sega
Frog Demo                             Commavid               FOUND
Frogger                               Atari          CX26147 PARKER
Frog Pond                             Atari          CX2665  FOUND
Funky Fish                            UA Limited             FOUND
Galactic Invaders                     Panda Inc.
Galaga                                Atari          CX26116 MAY EXIST
Galaxy Invader                        Action Hi-Tech         EXISTS
Gamma Attack                          Gammation              FOUND
Garfield                              Atari                  FOUND
Getcha                                Multivision
Ghostbusters II                       Activision             SALU/PAL
Glactic Tactic                        Spectravision  SA-211
Going-Up??                            Starpath               EXISTS
Good Luck, Charlie Brown              Atari          CX26112 FOUND-
Grover's Music Maker                  Atari          CX26106 FOUND
Harem                                 Multivision            FOUND
Harem 1                               Multivision            ???
Harem 2                               Multivision            ???
Heartbreak                            Multivision
Hercules vs. the Titans               Xonox
High Seas                             M Network              ALIAS
Holey Moley                           Atari          CX26130 FOUND
Home Finance                          Entex
Honker Bonker                         Atari                  ALIAS?
Hop to It                             Imagic                 ALIAS
Hot Rox                               Atari          CX2615  ALIAS
Hydroplane                            Mattel                 MAY EXIST
Ice Trek                              Imagic
Immies & Aggies                       Zimag                  FOUND
Impossible Game, The                  Telesys                MAY EXIST
Incredible Hulk, The                  Parker Bros.
In Search of the Golden Skull         M Network      MT4627  EXISTS
Inner Space                           Venture Vision
Intuition                             Tigervision    7-009
Ixion                                 Sega                   FOUND
James Bond 007 as Seen in Octopussy   Parker Bros.           MAY EXIST
James Bond in Moonraker               Parker Bros.           MAY EXIST
Jaws                                  Parker Bros.
Jeopardy                              Great Game Co.
Jinks                                 Atari 
Joker's Wild, The                     Great Game Co.
Jumbo Jet Pilot                       Thorn EMI
Jungle Jim                            Technovision   TVS 1005
Jungler                               Gakken
Jungle Raid                           Starpath               ALIAS
Kabobber                              Activision             FOUND
Kamikaze Saucers                      Syncro                 FOUND
Kerplop                               Zimag                  ATARI8BIT/VIC20
Keystone Kapers II (speculative title) Activision
Kickman                               CBS Electronics        MAY EXIST
Klax                                  Atari          CX26192 NTSC FOUND
Knight Rider                          Studio Games
Kyphus                                Apollo         AP 2007 FOUND
Labyrinth                             Starpath               ALIAS
Lady Bug                              Coleco         2463
  (a homebrew port of this game has been released)
Lasercade                             Videa                  FOUND
Laser Raid                            Technovision   TVS 1015
Last Line of Defense                  Starpath
Last Starfighter, The (Doug Neubauer) Atari          CX26134 ALIAS
Last Starfighter, The (Tod Frye)      Atari                  EXISTS
Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrush             Chalkboard Inc.
Leo's Links                           Chalkboard Inc.
Leonardo's Logo                       Chalkboard Inc.
Loco-Motion                           M Network      MT4323  EXISTS
Locomotive                            Technovision           EXISTS
Logic Master                          Chalkboard Inc.
Logo                                  Entex
Look Ahead                            Cumma
Look Ahead                            20th/Fox
Looping                               Coleco         2654    FOUND
Lord of the Dungeon                   Probe 2000
Lord of the Rings: Journey to Rivendell Parker Bros. PB5950  FOUND
Madden Football (AKA Maddenness)      CBS Electronics
Magnum, P.I.                          Studio Games
Marathon Man                          Sega
Marathon of Zenda                     Sega
Mark of the Mole                      Atari                  EXISTS
M*A*S*H II                            20th/Fox               MAY EXIST
Master Cylinder                       Spectravision  SA-222
Masters of the Universe II            Mattel                 MAY EXIST
McDonald's                            Parker Bros.           FOUND
Meltdown                              20th/Fox       11029   FOUND
Metamorphosis                         Data Age
Mickey and the Beanstalk              Atari
Mickey and the Great Outdoors         Atari
Micro Maestro                         Chalkboard Inc.
Microsurgeon                          Imagic
Midnight Rider                        Panda Inc.
Millipede (alternate version)         GCC                    FOUND
Millipede (hard version)              Dave Staugas - Atari
Mind Maze                             Atari                  FOUND
Mission: Impossible                   Sega
Mission Omega                         CommaVid       CM-010  MAY EXIST
Mission X                             Mattel                 MAY EXIST
Miss Piggy's Wedding                  Atari          CX26113 FOUND
Mogul Maniac (for Amiga Power Module) Amiga          3105    APM UNRELEASED
Monkey Business                       Mattel                 MAY EXIST
Monstercise                           Atari          CX26131 FOUND
Moon Base                             Technovision   TVS 1010
Moon Corridors (=Computer Corridor)   Mattel                 INTELLIVISION
Motorcycle Game (title unknown)       Activision             MAY EXIST
Motor Mouth                           Technovision   TVS 1006
Motor Psycho                          Atari          CX26141
Mouse Highway                         Technovision   TVS 1013
Mr. Bill's Neighborhood               Data Age
Mr. T                                 Data Age
Muffett                               Sega
Music Math                            Chalkboard Inc.
Mystic Castle                         M Network
Nineball                              Zimag                  ATARI8BIT/VIC20
Noah and the Ark                      Sunrise
Nova Blast                            Imagic
Number Games                          Entex
Off Your Rocker                       Amiga          3130    FOUND
Off Your Rocker (for Amiga Power Module)             3115    APM UNRELEASED
One Fish, Two Fish by Dr. Seuss       Coleco
Password                              Great Game Co.
Password Plus                         Great Game Co.
Papa Smurf's Treasure Hunt            Coleco
Peek-A-Boo                            Atari          CX26137 FOUND
Penetrator                            Avalon Hill            MAY EXIST
Pepper II                             Coleco         2655    MAY EXIST
Pepsi Invaders                        Atari                  FOUND
Pick Up                               20th/Fox       11034   FOUND
Pink Panther, The                     Probe 2000             EXISTS+ALIAS
Pipeline                              Atari                  MAY EXIST
Pizza Chef                            Zimag          713-111 FOUND
Planet of the Apes                    20th/Fox               FOUND-?
Pleiades                              UA Ltd.                FOUND
Pogoman                               Computer Magic
Polo                                  Atari                  FOUND
Poltergeist                           Cumma
Pompeii                               Apollo         AP2011  FOUND
Popeye                                Atari                  PARKER
Porky's (alternate version)           20th/Fox               MAY EXIST
Power Lords                           Probe 2000             EXISTS
Power Play Arcade 1 (multi-cart)      Amiga
Power Play Arcade 2 (multi-cart)      Amiga
Power Play Arcade 3 (multi-cart)      Amiga
Power Play Arcade 4 (multi-cart)      Amiga
Power Play Arcade 5 (multi-cart)      Amiga
Preppie                               Atari
Price is Right, The                   Great Game Co.
Protobob                              Spectravision  SA-209
Pursuit of the Pink Panther                                  EXISTS+ALIAS
Qix                                   Atari
Quest for Inca Gold                   Zimag                  ATARI8BIT/VIC20
Quest for the Idol                    Ultravision            ALIAS?
Rally-X                               Atari
RealSports Basketball                 Atari          CX2679  FOUND/PAL
Real Time Chess (untitled)            Atari                  MAY EXIST
Relax                                 Synapse
Rescue of Emmanuelle, The             Multivision            MAY EXIST
Ripley's Believe It or Not            Roklan
River Rat                             Zimag                  ATARI8BIT/VIC20
Roaring 20s                           20th/Fox               ALIAS
Robotron: 2084 (for The Graduate)     Atari                  MAY EXIST
Rocky & Bullwinkle                    Atari                  MATTEL
Rocky & Bullwinkle                    Mattel         4646    FOUND
Rocky Battles the Champ               Coleco         2652
Romper Room #1: Do Bee's 1st Alphabet Spectravision  SA-224
Romper Room #2: Countdown to Fun      Spectravision  SA-225
Romper Rm #3: The Str. Where You Live Spectravision  SA-226
Round-Up                              Atari
Rush Hour                             CommaVid       CM010   FOUND
Sabotage                              Ultravision
Saboteur                              Atari          CX26119 FOUND
S.A.C. Alert                          Amiga                  EXISTS
S.A.C. Alert (for Amiga Power Module) Amiga          2105    APM UNRELEASED
S.A.C. Alert (for Amiga Power Module) Amiga          3135    APM UNRELEASED
Safecracker                           Imagic
Save Mary                             Atari          CX26178 FOUND
Save the Whales                       20th/Fox       11035   FOUND
Scavenger Hunt                        Amiga          2100
Scavenger Hunt (for Amiga Power Module)                      APM UNRELEASED
Scooby Doo                            Atari
Scooby Doo                            M Network
Scramble                              Milton Bradley 3501
Scraper Caper                         Tigervision    7-010
Sea Battle                            Mattel         5860    FOUND
Secret Agent                          Data Age               FOUND
Sector Alpha                          Spectravision  SA-220
Sewer Sam                             Interphase
Sharp Shot                            Mattel                 MAY EXIST
Shooting Arcade                       Atari          CX26169 FOUND
Shoot-Out                             Technovision   TVS 100P
Silly Safari                          Technovision   TVS 1007
Sinistar                              Atari          CX26122 FOUND
Sinistar (Lou Harp version)           Atari?
Six Pack                              20th/Fox
Sky Blazer                            Br0derbund             MAY EXIST
Sky Lancer                            Tigervision    7-014
Sky Patrol                            Imagic         IA3409  FOUND
Smokey Bear                           Data Age
Smurfette's Birthday                  Coleco
Snark                                 Atari                  MAY EXIST
Snowplow                              Sunrise                MAY EXIST
Snow White                            Atari          CX26107 FOUND
Soap Suds                             First Star             ALIAS
Solar Defense                         Venture Vision         IMAGIC/ALIAS
Solo                                  Br0derbund             MAY EXIST
Space Grid                            Action Hi-Tech         EXISTS
Space Maze                            Telesys
Space Mines                           Zimag                  ATARI8BIT/VIC20
Space Mission                         Atari          CX2603  ALIAS+EXISTS
Space Robot                           Ultravision            DIMAX+OTHERS?
Space War                             Ultravision    1002    COLECOVISION
Speed Reading                         Entex
Spelling Games                        Entex
Spider Kong                           Ultravision            GOLIATH?
Spinning Fireball                     Zimag                  FOUND
Splendour                             Bomb                   MAY EXIST
Squish 'em                            Sirius
  (a homebrew port of this game has been released)
Squoosh                               Apollo         AP2012  FOUND
St. Valentine's Day Massacre          20th/Fox
Star Raiders II                       Atari          CX26134 ALIAS?
Star Trek: The Motion Picture         Milton Bradley 3500
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan       Sega
Star Trek III: The Search For Spock   Sega           007-01
Star Wars: Ewok Adventure             Parker Bros.   PB5060  FOUND
Star Wars: RotJ: Game I               Parker Bros.   PB5060  FOUND/ALIAS
Star Wars: RotJ: Game II              Parker Bros.   PB5065
Steeplechase                          Atari          CX2614  SEARS
Stellar Track                         Atari          CX2619  SEARS
Stomp It                              CBS Electronics
Stone Age                             Technovision   TVS 1014
Strafe (for Amiga Power Module)       Amiga          2115    APM UNRELEASED
Street Fight                          Atari          CX26167
Stunt Cycle                           Atari                  FOUND-?
Submarine Commander                   Atari          CX2647  SEARS
Submarine Simulator (untitled)        Atari                  MAY EXIST
Subterfuge                            Sega                   ALIAS
Super Crush                           Tigervision    7-015
Super Cycle                           Epyx
Super Pac-Man                         Atari                  MAY EXIST
Super Scramble                        Konami
Super Soccer                          Atari          CX26138
Surfing (see Candyland Surfing)
Surf's Up                             Amiga          3125    FOUND
Surf's Up (for Amiga Power Module)    Amiga          3110    APM UNRELEASED
Surround II                           Atari          CX26158
Survival Run                          Data Age (not MB)      FOUND
Sweat: The Decathlon Game             Starpath               FOUND
Swim Meet (AKA Swimming Contest)      Ultravision    1005    COLECOVISION
Sword and the Sorceror, The           Coleco         291905
Sword Fight (AKA Sword, Swordfighting)Mattel                 FOUND
Swordquest Airworld                   Atari          CX2672  MAY EXIST
Tachyon Beam                          Technovision   TVS 1012
Tank Blitz                            Milton Bradley         MAY EXIST
Tank City                             Action Hi-Tech         EXISTS
Targ                                  CBS Electronics        FOUND
Tarzan                                Coleco         2662    MAY EXIST
Telepathy                             Atari                  FOUND
Tempest                               Atari          CX2687  FOUND
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (alt.)   Wizard                 EXISTS
Thundarr the Barbarian I/II           Xonox          X404X   ALIAS+?
Thunderfox                            Atari          CX26153
Thwocker                              Activision             FOUND
Tic-Tac-Dough                         Great Game Co. 
Tic-Tac-Strip                         Multivision
Time Scape                            Spectravision  SA-213
Touch Typing                          Entex
Trail of the Pink Panther             U.S. Games             EXISTS+ALIAS
TRON Deadly Discs/Adventures of TRON  M Network      MT4609  RELEASED(seprt)
Turbo                                 Atari          CX26148 DROPPED/COLECO
Turbo                                 Coleco         2455    EXISTS
Typo Attack                           Atari
Underworld                            CommaVid               MAY EXIST
Unexpected Dangers                    Ultravision    1009    COLECOVISION
Unknown Activision Game #1 (SCRMNN)   Activision             FOUND
Unknown Activision Game #2 (MM)       Activision             FOUND
Unknown Universal Game                Universal              FOUND
Up & Atom                             Telesys
Venetian Blinds Demo                  Activision             FOUND
Vertinko                              Spectravision
Video Fitness                         System Garden
Vortex                                Spectravision
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea       20th/Fox               ALIAS
War Room                              Probe 2000
War Zone                              Action Hi-Tech         EXISTS
War of the Worlds                     Sega
Wheel of Fortune                      Great Game Co.
White Water Madness                   Atari          CX26184
Wild Western                          Coleco         2660
Wings                                 CBS Electronics        FOUND
Wizard                                Atari                  FOUND
Word Games                            Entex
Xevious                               Atari          CX2695  FOUND
XIV Winter Olympics                   M Network      MT4324
Zaxxon                                Atari          CX26149 COLECO
Zenji                                 Activision
Zookeeper                             Atari          CX26121 PARTS EXIST

9x Unknown Titles                     J.S. & A. Group, Inc.
                                     (= Joseph Sugarman and Associates)
(these titles may not be originals, but merely existing titles whose rights
 J.S. & A. purchased to help sell their unreleased PROM Blaster copier)

Edited by A.J. Franzman
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Solar Defense - Released fall of 1983 by Imagic as Laser Gates.
This is a new one to me, thank you.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Laser Gates' original title Inner Space?

I'm working on updating my Aliases file now. Here's what I have so far for Laser Gates:

Laser Gates
Ataque Laser; Cavern Blaster; Inner Space; Laaser Voley; Laser Gate;
Laser Volley; Solar Defense; Space Channel; Weltraum Tunnel; Weltraumtunnel

Edited by A.J. Franzman
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Microsurgeon                          Imagic


I believe that the entry above should be changed to the following:


Microsurgeon                          Imagic                 INTELLIVISION


I know this was intended to be made for the Intellivision, and possibly other systems more capable than the 2600. I believe, though have not verified, that it was indeed released for the Intellivision.


I do not feel that there ever would be a consideration to implement such a game on the 2600 (especially at the time... Look out for the guy that ported StarCastle ;) ) due to the complexity of the graphics, etc.


So, I strongly question the likelihood of there ever having been an announcement for this game to be released on the 2600.

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Solar Defense - Released fall of 1983 by Imagic as Laser Gates.
This is a new one to me, thank you.



Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Laser Gates' original title Inner Space?

Yeah I thought so too. Weren't there supposed to be three titles in that series?



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@bfstats: Per MagMax667 and Tempest's comments, can you provide a reference for Solar Defense = Laser Gates? I don't remember anything particularly "solar" in the game. Not that that's probative, mind you...


AJ, that was based on memory. After CGE, I'll dig into my archives and try to find verification. That said, I may be mis-remembering, but I know ONE of the two unreleased VentureVision games IS Laser Gates.

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@bfstats: Per MagMax667 and Tempest's comments, can you provide a reference for Solar Defense = Laser Gates? I don't remember anything particularly "solar" in the game. Not that that's probative, mind you...


AJ, that was based on memory. After CGE, I'll dig into my archives and try to find verification. That said, I may be mis-remembering, but I know ONE of the two unreleased VentureVision games IS Laser Gates.

Solar Defense is the sequel to Rescue Terra I:



Laser Gates would have been a VentureVision game as well, but was eventually released by Imagic.



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I'm almost ready to post another update, but first maybe I can get some more info.


Does anyone know what the relationship was between Cumma and 20th Century Fox? Were they just a programming house under contract, like GCC was to Atari?


There seems to be some indication that the Entex titles were intended for a computer/keyboard add-on to the VCS, similar to the Spectravideo Compumate or Atari's The Graduate. Is this correct, and if so what was it to be called?

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I have not been able to find the press release I thought I read years ago that stated Imagic had acquired a VentureVision title and released it as Laser Gates. The Digital Press Collector's Guide states that game was indeed Inner Space, NOT Solar Defense, so apparently I remembered it wrong, as suspected.


Rom, thanks for your input.


I stand corrected.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, after three weeks, no answers to my questions, so here's my latest update:

Atari VCS 2600 Cartridges Reported as Unreleased

Last updated 2010-08-29

ALIAS game is better known by another name-- in most cases, released
FOUND game exists and binary has become readily available to the public
FOUND- most complete known binary not publicly available, but earlier is
EXISTS game prototype cartridge/board, EPROM, binary or source code has been
      discovered or is believed to be in a private collection but the
      binary is not publicly released
MAY EXIST at least one credible source confirms that at least some coding of
         the game was started - perhaps as little as a 1-screen static demo
ALIAS+EXISTS Space Mission was a working title shown in ads for what Atari
            released as Star Ship. The game was also released by Sears
            as Outer Space. However, one person has found an Atari-branded
            cartridge bearing the Space Mission name.
EXISTS+ALIAS one copy of the Pink Panther game is known to exist. The game
            is known by several different titles.
FOUND+ALIAS Computer Chess was the working title of Video Chess. The
           prototype has additional features that were removed from the
           released version for unknown reasons. The only known cartridge
           with this name has a production end label.
VAPOR it is believed that no coding ever took place for this title

Titles without any entry in the NOTES column may never have been started.
If the NOTES entry is a system name or "8 BIT COMPUTERS", that title was not
a VCS game.
If the NOTES entry is a different publisher, the game was released
(or intended for release) by that publisher.

Title                                 Publisher      Mfg #   NOTES
------------------------------------- -------------- ------- ---------------
3-D Asteroids                         Atari          CX26105
3-D Genesis                           Amiga                  EXISTS
3-D Ghost Attack                      Amiga                  EXISTS
3-D Ghost Attack (for Amiga Power Module)            1100    APM UNRELEASED
3-D Havoc                             Amiga                  EXISTS
3-D Havoc (for Amiga Power Module)    Amiga          2110    APM UNRELEASED
3-D Rubik's Cube                      Atari                  FOUND
4 in 1                                Atari          CX26137 FOUND
8 in 1 (AKA Supergames 8 in 1)        Atari          CX26193 FOUND
9 to 5                                20th/Fox
28 in 1                               Atari                  BOGUS?
30 in 1                               Atari                  BOGUS?
48 Hours                              Sega
$25,000 Pyramid                       Great Game Co.
Actionauts (AKA Microbots)            Atari                  EXISTS
AD&D: Tower of Mystery                Mattel         MT7175  EXISTS
AD&D: Treasure of Tarmin              Mattel         MT4325  EXISTS
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons           Mattel                 SEE 2 ABOVE
Adventures of the Pink Panther        Probe 2000             EXISTS+ALIAS
Adventures of Max, The                Atari                  MAY EXIST
Aerial Ace                            Imagic         IA3409  ALIAS
Air-Sea Attack                        Ultravision    1001    COLECOVISION
Airplane!                             Sega
Alligator People                      20th/Fox               FOUND
Androman on the Moon (for Androman)   Atari                  FOUND
Anteater                              Mattel                 EXISTS
Aquaventure                           Atari                  FOUND
Astro-Battle                          Ultravision            ALIAS/DIMAX
Astrochase                            Parker Bros.           EXISTS
Astrowar                              Artic          SM8002  DIMAX
A-Team, The                           Atari          CX26133 FOUND
Atom Smasher                          Cumma                  20TH/FOX/ALIAS?
Attack of the Baby Seals              20th/Fox               VAPOR
B-52 Bomber                           Ultravision    1003    COLECOVISION
B.C.'s Quest For Tires                Tigervision            COLECOVISION
B.C. II: Grog's Revenge               Tigervision            COLECOVISION
Baby Boom Boom                        Telesys                ALIAS
Bagman                                Atari                  MAY EXIST
Ballblazer                            Atari                  MAY EXIST
Baseball                              Panda Inc.
Baseball Best (AKA Baseball Top)      Ultravision    1004    COLECOVISION
BASIC                                 Unitronics
Battle of the Sexes                   Multivision            MAY EXIST
Bear Jam                              Chalkboard Inc.
Beginning Algebra                     Entex
Beginning Math                        Entex
Bionic Breakthrough (for Mindlink)    Atari                  FOUND
Bird                                  Activision             MAY EXIST
Birthday Mania                        Personal Games Company EXISTS
Blockade Runner                       Interphase
Blow Out                              M Network              MAY EXIST
Blue Angels                           Apollo
Bobby's Cosmic Adventure              Telegames
Boggle                                Atari                  FOUND
Boing!                                Atari          CX26128 FIRST STAR
Boing!                                First Star             FOUND
Boing!                                Xonox                  FIRST STAR
Bouncin' Baby Bunnies                 Telesys                EXISTS
Bouncing Baby Monkeys                 Telesys                ALIAS
Brain Ball                            Telesys
Buck Rogers: Caverns of Zagreb        Sega 
Buck Rogers: Marathon of Zenda        Sega
Buck Rogers: Secret of Sabar          Sega
Bugs Bunny                            Atari                  FOUND
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid    20th/Fox
Cabbage Patch Kids Adventures... Park Coleco                 FOUND
Candyland Surfing                     20th/Fox               MAY EXIST
Care Bears                            Parker Bros.           FOUND
Catch the Fly                         U.S. Games     VC 2004 ALIAS
Cat-Nap                               Zimag                  8 BIT COMPUTERS
Cat Trax                              UA Limited             FOUND
Cave-In                               Spectravision
Caverns of Mars                       Atari
  (a homebrew version of this game was released on the Flashback 2)
Caverns of Mars (for The Graduate)    Atari                  GRAD UNRELEASED
Challenge of Nexar                    20th/Fox               SPECTRAVISION
Challenger                            Atari
Changes                               Tigervision    7-013
Childrens Intro to Programming (Grad) Atari                  GRAD UNRELEASED
CHIPs                                 Ultravision
Choplifter!                           Atari          CX26124
Circus Charlie                        Parker Bros.   PB5750  MAY EXIST
Clone Attack                          Starpath
Collision Course                      Zimag                  8 BIT COMPUTERS
Combat Two                            Atari          CX26156 FOUND
Computer Chess                        Atari                  FOUND+ALIAS
Computer Corridor (=Computer Revenge) Mattel         MT4318  MAY EXIST
Confrontation                         Answer                 FOUND
Contenders                            Activision     AK-041
Conservation: The Watt Way            Panda Inc.
Cosmic Avenger                        Coleco         2464
Countermeasure                        Atari
Count's Castle                        Atari                  MAY EXIST
Crack'ed                              Atari          CX26142 FOUND
Cubicolor                             Imagic                 FOUND
Cumulus                               Mattel                 MAY EXIST 
Darts                                 U.S. Games
Day the Earth Stood Still, The        20th/Fox
Dazzler                               Unitronics
Deep Throat                           Games People Play
Depth Charge                          Amiga                  EXISTS 
Depth Charge (for Amiga Power Module) Amiga          1100    APM UNRELEASED
Dinograms                             Zimag                  ALIAS?
Domino Man                            CBS Electronics
Donald Duck's Speedboat               Atari          CX26108 FOUND
Donkey Kong (for The Graduate)        Atari                  GRAD UNRELEASED
Donkey Kong 3                         Atari?                 VAPOR?
Dragon's Lair                         Coleco
Dragonslayer                          Sega
Dreadnaught Factor                    Activision
Drive 'Em Krazy                       Spectravision  SA-216
Dual Scrolling (untitled)             Mattel                 MAY EXIST
Dukes of Hazzard (Stunt Cycle hack)   Atari          CX2678? FOUND
Dukes of Hazzard (original game)      Atari          CX2678  FOUND
Dumbo's Flying Circus                 Atari          CX26115 FOUND
Dune                                  Atari                  FOUND
Dungeon Master                        Telegames
Dutch Elm Defender                    20th/Fox               VAPOR
Eagle Mountain                        Spectravision  SA-221
Electronic Football (port of handheld) Mattel
Elevator Action                       Atari          CX26126 FOUND
Elk Attack                            Atari                  FOUND
Emergency! (AKA Emergency I)          Ultravision            COLECOVISION
Energy Quizz                          Hydro Quebec?          COLECOVISION?
Entity, The                           20th/Fox       11036   FOUND
Escape From Alcatraz                  Sega
Escape from Argos                     Imagic                 ALIAS
Exus Health Cycle Program             Exus
Fail Safe                             Atari
Fall Guy, The                         20th/Fox       11018
Family Feud                           Great Game Co.
Family Finances (for The Graduate)    Atari                  GRAD UNRELEASED
Fire!                                 Palmex
Flap!                                 Imagic         EIZ-002-041 ALIAS
Flapper (AKA Beanie Bopper, Jumper)   Mattel                 MAY EXIST
Flashlight (untitled)                 Mattel                 MAY EXIST
Flesh Gordon                          Wizard Video           MAY EXIST
Flintstones, The                      M Network
Flipper                               Technovision
Food Fight                            Atari          CX2693
Football (AKA Red vs. Blue)           Atari                  FOUND
Football Fanatic                      Sports Comp-U-Stat
Forest                                Panda Inc.             SANCHO/PAL
Formula I                             Technovision   TVS 1008
Foxbat                                Atari                  ALIAS?
Frantic                               Starpath
Frenzy                                Coleco
Friday the 13th                       Sega
Frog Demo                             Commavid               FOUND
Frogger                               Atari          CX26147 PARKER
Frog Pond                             Atari          CX2665  FOUND
Funky Fish                            UA Limited             FOUND
Galactic Invaders                     Panda Inc.
Galaga                                Atari          CX26116 MAY EXIST
Galaxy Invader                        Action Hi-Tech         EXISTS
Gamma Attack                          Gammation              FOUND
Garfield                              Atari                  FOUND
Getcha                                Multivision
Ghostbusters II                       Activision             SALU/PAL
Glactic Tactic                        Spectravision  SA-211
Going-Up??                            Starpath               EXISTS
Good Luck, Charlie Brown              Atari          CX26112 FOUND-
Grover's Music Maker                  Atari          CX26106 FOUND
Happy Trails                          Activision             INTELLIVISION
Harem                                 Multivision            FOUND
Harem 1                               Multivision            ?
Harem 2                               Multivision            ?
Heartbreak                            Multivision
Hercules vs. the Titans               Xonox
High Seas                             M Network              ALIAS
Holey Moley                           Atari          CX26130 FOUND
Home Filing Manager (for The Graduate)Atari                  GRAD UNRELEASED
Home Finance                          Entex
Honker Bonker                         Atari                  ALIAS?
Hoover Dam (The Levee Game)
Hop to It                             Imagic                 ALIAS
Hot Rox                               Atari          CX2615  ALIAS
Hydroplane                            Mattel                 MAY EXIST
Ice Trek                              Imagic
Immies & Aggies                       Zimag                  FOUND
Impossible Game, The                  Telesys                MAY EXIST
Incredible Hulk, The                  Parker Bros.           MAY EXIST
In Search of the Golden Skull         M Network      MT4627  EXISTS
Inner Space                           Venture Vision
Introduction to Programming (Grad.)   Atari                  GRAD UNRELEASED
Intuition                             Tigervision    7-009
Ixion                                 Sega                   FOUND
James Bond 007 as Seen in Octopussy   Parker Bros.           MAY EXIST
James Bond in Moonraker               Parker Bros.           MAY EXIST
Jaws                                  Parker Bros.
Jaws                                  Universal Pictures     PARKER BROS 
Jeopardy                              Great Game Co.
Jinks                                 Atari 
Joker's Wild, The                     Great Game Co.
Jumbo Jet Pilot                       Thorn EMI
Jungle Jim                            Technovision   TVS 1005
Jungler                               Gakken
Jungle Raid                           Starpath               ALIAS
Kabobber                              Activision             FOUND
Kamikaze Saucers                      Syncro                 FOUND
Kerplop                               Zimag                  8 BIT COMPUTERS
Keystone Kapers II (speculative title) Activision
Kickman                               CBS Electronics        MAY EXIST
Klax                                  Atari          CX26192 NTSC FOUND
Knight Rider                          Studio Games
Kyphus                                Apollo         AP 2007 FOUND
Labyrinth                             Starpath               ALIAS
Lady Bug                              Coleco         2463
  (a homebrew port of this game has been released)
Lasercade                             Videa                  FOUND
Laser Raid                            Technovision   TVS 1015
Last Line of Defense                  Starpath
Last Starfighter, The (Doug Neubauer) Atari          CX26134 ALIAS
Last Starfighter, The (Tod Frye)      Atari                  EXISTS
Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrush             Chalkboard Inc.
Leo's Links                           Chalkboard Inc.
Leonardo's Logo                       Chalkboard Inc.
Loco-Motion                           M Network      MT4323  EXISTS
Locomotive                            Technovision           EXISTS
Logic Master                          Chalkboard Inc.
Logo                                  Entex
Look Ahead                            Cumma
Look Ahead                            20th/Fox
Looping                               Coleco         2654    FOUND
Lord of the Dungeon                   Probe 2000
Lord of the Rings: Journey to Rivendell Parker Bros. PB5950  FOUND
Lost and Found
Madden Football (AKA Maddenness)      CBS Electronics
Magnum, P.I.                          Studio Games
Marathon Man                          Sega
Marathon of Zenda                     Sega
Mark of the Mole                      Atari                  EXISTS?
M*A*S*H II                            20th/Fox               MAY EXIST
Master Cylinder                       Spectravision  SA-222
Masters of the Universe II            Mattel                 MAY EXIST
McDonald's                            Parker Bros.           FOUND
Meltdown                              20th/Fox       11029   FOUND
Metamorphosis                         Data Age
Mickey and the Beanstalk              Atari
Mickey and the Great Outdoors         Atari
Micro Maestro                         Chalkboard Inc.
Microsurgeon                          Imagic                 INTELLIVISION
Midnight Rider                        Panda Inc.
Millipede (alternate version)         GCC                    FOUND
Millipede (hard version)              Dave Staugas - Atari
Mind Maze                             Atari                  FOUND
Mission: Impossible                   Sega
Mission Omega                         CommaVid       CM-010  MAY EXIST
Mission X                             Mattel                 MAY EXIST
Miss Piggy's Wedding                  Atari          CX26113 FOUND
Mogul Maniac (for Amiga Power Module) Amiga          3105    APM UNRELEASED
Monkey Business                       Mattel                 MAY EXIST
Monstercise                           Atari          CX26131 FOUND
Moon Base                             Technovision   TVS 1010
Moon Corridors (=Computer Corridor)   Mattel                 INTELLIVISION
Motorcycle Game (title unknown)       Activision             MAY EXIST
Motor Mouth                           Technovision   TVS 1006
Motor Psycho (AKA Motorcycle)         Atari          CX26141
Mouse Highway                         Technovision   TVS 1013
Mr. Bill's Neighborhood               Data Age
Mr. T                                 Data Age
Muffett                               Sega
Music Math                            Chalkboard Inc.
Mystic Castle                         M Network
Nineball                              Zimag                  8 BIT COMPUTERS
Noah and the Ark                      Sunrise
Nova Blast                            Imagic
Number Games                          Entex
Off Your Rocker                       Amiga          3130    FOUND
Off Your Rocker (for Amiga Power Module)             3115    APM UNRELEASED
One Fish, Two Fish by Dr. Seuss       Coleco
Password                              Great Game Co.
Password Plus                         Great Game Co.
Papa Smurf's Treasure Hunt            Coleco
Peek-A-Boo                            Atari          CX26137 FOUND
Penetrator                            Avalon Hill            MAY EXIST
Pepper II                             Coleco         2655    MAY EXIST
Pepsi Invaders                        Atari                  FOUND
Pick Up                               20th/Fox       11034   FOUND
Pink Panther, The                     Probe 2000             EXISTS+ALIAS
Pipeline                              Atari                  MAY EXIST
Pizza Chef                            Zimag          713-111 FOUND
Planet of the Apes                    20th/Fox               FOUND-?
Planet Protector
Pleiades                              UA Ltd.                FOUND
Pogoman                               Computer Magic
Polo                                  Atari                  FOUND
Poltergeist                           Cumma
Pompeii                               Apollo         AP2011  FOUND
Popeye                                Atari                  PARKER
Porky's (alternate version)           20th/Fox               MAY EXIST
Power Lords: Quest for Vulcan         Probe 2000             EXISTS
Power Play Arcade 1 (multi-cart)      Amiga
Power Play Arcade 2 (multi-cart)      Amiga
Power Play Arcade 3 (multi-cart)      Amiga
Power Play Arcade 4 (multi-cart)      Amiga
Power Play Arcade 5 (multi-cart)      Amiga
Preppie                               Atari
Price is Right, The                   Great Game Co.
Protobob                              Spectravision  SA-209
Pursuit of the Pink Panther                                  EXISTS+ALIAS
Qix                                   Atari
Quest for Inca Gold                   Zimag                  8 BIT COMPUTERS
Quest for the Idol                    Ultravision            ALIAS?
Racer                                 Roklan                 EXISTS
Raiders of the Lost Ark (Spielberg)   Atari                  MAY EXIST
Rally-X                               Atari
RealSports Basketball                 Atari          CX2679  FOUND/PAL
Real Time Chess (untitled)            Atari                  MAY EXIST
Red Sea Crossing                      Steve Stack, Inc.      MAY EXIST
Relax                                 Synapse
Rescue of Emmanuelle, The             Multivision            MAY EXIST
Ripley's Believe It or Not            Roklan
River Rat                             Zimag                  8 BIT COMPUTERS
Roaring 20s                           20th/Fox               ALIAS
Robotron: 2084 (for The Graduate)     Atari                  MAY EXIST
Rocky & Bullwinkle                    Atari                  MATTEL
Rocky & Bullwinkle                    Mattel         4646    FOUND
Rocky Battles the Champ               Coleco         2652
Romper Room #1: Do Bee's 1st Alphabet Spectravision  SA-224
Romper Room #2: Countdown to Fun      Spectravision  SA-225
Romper Rm #3: The Str. Where You Live Spectravision  SA-226
Round-Up                              Atari
Rush Hour                             CommaVid       CM010   FOUND
Sabotage                              Ultravision
Saboteur                              Atari          CX26119 FOUND
S.A.C. Alert                          Amiga                  EXISTS
S.A.C. Alert (for Amiga Power Module) Amiga          2105    APM UNRELEASED
S.A.C. Alert (for Amiga Power Module) Amiga          3135    APM UNRELEASED
Safecracker                           Imagic
Save Mary                             Atari          CX26178 FOUND
Save the Whales                       20th/Fox       11035   FOUND
Scavenger Hunt                        Amiga          2100
Scavenger Hunt (for Amiga Power Module)                      APM UNRELEASED
Scooby Doo                            Atari
Scooby Doo                            M Network
Scramble                              GCE                    MILTON BRADLEY
Scramble                              Milton Bradley 3501
Scraper Caper                         Tigervision    7-010
Sea Battle                            Mattel         5860    FOUND
Secret Agent                          Data Age               FOUND
Sector Alpha                          Spectravision  SA-220
Sewer Sam                             Interphase
Sharp Shot                            Mattel                 MAY EXIST
Shooting Arcade                       Atari          CX26169 FOUND
Shoot-Out                             Technovision   TVS 100P
Silly Safari                          Technovision   TVS 1007
Sinistar                              Atari          CX26122 FOUND
Sinistar (Lou Harp version)           Atari?
Six Pack                              20th/Fox
Sky Blazer                            Br0derbund             MAY EXIST
Sky Lancer                            Tigervision    7-014
Sky Patrol                            Imagic         IA3409  FOUND
Smokey Bear                           Data Age
Smurfette's Birthday (for KidVid)     Coleco
Snark                                 Atari                  MAY EXIST
Snowplow                              Sunrise                MAY EXIST
Snow White                            Atari          CX26107 FOUND
Soap Suds                             First Star             ALIAS
Solar Defense                         Venture Vision
Solo                                  Br0derbund             MAY EXIST
Spacechase (monogrammed)              Apollo                 EXISTS
Space Grid                            Action Hi-Tech         EXISTS
Space Maze                            Telesys
Space Mines                           Zimag                  8 BIT COMPUTERS
Space Mission                         Atari          CX2603  ALIAS+EXISTS
Space Robot                           Ultravision            DIMAX+OTHERS?
Space War                             Ultravision    1002    COLECOVISION
Speed Reading                         Entex
Spelling Games                        Entex
Spider Kong                           Ultravision            GOLIATH?
Spinning Fireball                     Zimag                  FOUND
Splendour                             Bomb                   MAY EXIST
Sports Statistics                     Entex
Squish 'em                            Sirius
  (a homebrew port of this game has been released)
Squoosh                               Apollo         AP2012  FOUND
St. Valentine's Day Massacre          20th/Fox
Star Castle                           Atari          CX2655  ALIAS       
Star Raiders II                       Atari          CX26134 ALIAS?
Star Trek                             GCE                    MILTON BRADLEY
Star Trek: The Motion Picture         Milton Bradley 3500
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan       Sega
Star Trek III: The Search For Spock   Sega           007-01
Star Wars: Ewok Adventure             Parker Bros.   PB5060  FOUND
Star Wars: RotJ: Game I               Parker Bros.   PB5060  FOUND/ALIAS
Star Wars: RotJ: Game II              Parker Bros.   PB5065
Steeplechase                          Atari          CX2614  SEARS
Stellar Track                         Atari          CX2619  SEARS
Stomp It                              CBS Electronics
Stone Age                             Technovision   TVS1014 CCE?
Strafe (for Amiga Power Module)       Amiga          2115    APM UNRELEASED
Street Fight                          Atari          CX26167
Stunt Cycle                           Atari                  FOUND-?
Submarine Commander                   Atari          CX2647  SEARS
Submarine Simulator (untitled)        Atari                  MAY EXIST
Subterfuge                            Sega                   ALIAS
Super Crush                           Tigervision    7-015
Super Cycle                           Epyx
Super Pac-Man                         Atari                  MAY EXIST
Super Scramble                        Konami
Super Soccer                          Atari          CX26138
Surfing (see Candyland Surfing)
Surf's Up                             Amiga          3125    FOUND
Surf's Up (for Amiga Power Module)    Amiga          3110    APM UNRELEASED
Surround II                           Atari          CX26158
Survival Run                          Data Age (not MB)      FOUND
Sweat: The Decathlon Game             Starpath               FOUND
Swim Meet (AKA Swimming Contest)      Ultravision    1005    COLECOVISION
Sword and the Sorceror, The           Coleco         291905
Sword Fight (AKA Sword, Swordfighting)Mattel                 FOUND
Swordquest: Airworld                  Atari          CX2672  MAY EXIST
Tachyon Beam                          Technovision   TVS 1012
Tank Blitz                            Milton Bradley         MAY EXIST
Tank City                             Action Hi-Tech         EXISTS
Targ                                  CBS Electronics        FOUND
Tarzan                                Coleco         2662    MAY EXIST
Telepathy                             Atari                  FOUND
Tempest                               Atari          CX2687  FOUND
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (alt.)   Wizard                 EXISTS
Thundarr the Barbarian I              Xonox          X404X   ALIAS
Thundarr the Barbarian II             Xonox                  ?
Thunderfox                            Atari          CX26153
Thwocker                              Activision             FOUND
Tic-Tac-Dough                         Great Game Co. 
Tic-Tac-Strip                         Multivision
Time Scape                            Spectravision  SA-213
Touch Typing                          Entex
Trail of the Pink Panther             U.S. Games             EXISTS+ALIAS
TRON Deadly Discs/Adventures of TRON  M Network      MT4609  RELEASED(seprt)
Turbo                                 Atari          CX26148 DROPPED/COLECO
Turbo                                 Coleco         2455    EXISTS
Typo Attack (for The Graduate)        Atari                  GRAD UNRELEASED
Underworld                            CommaVid               MAY EXIST
Unexpected Dangers                    Ultravision    1009    COLECOVISION
Unknown Activision Game #1 (SCRMNN)   Activision             FOUND
Unknown Activision Game #2 (MM)       Activision             FOUND
Unknown Activision Game #3 (Submarine Game)
Unknown Bear Game                     Sega
Unknown Datatech Game                 Datatech
Unknown Universal Game                Universal              FOUND
Up & Atom                             Telesys
Venetian Blinds Demo                  Activision             FOUND
Vertinko                              Spectravision
Video Fitness                         System Garden
Vortex                                Spectravision
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea       20th/Fox               ALIAS
War Room                              Probe 2000
War Zone                              Action Hi-Tech         EXISTS
War of the Worlds                     Sega
Wheel of Fortune                      Great Game Co.
White Water Madness                   Atari          CX26184 VAPOR
Wild Western                          Coleco         2660
Wings                                 CBS Electronics        FOUND
Wizard                                Atari                  FOUND
Word Games                            Entex
Xevious                               Atari          CX2695  FOUND
XIV Winter Olympics                   M Network      MT4324
Zaxxon                                Atari          CX26149 COLECO
Zenji                                 Activision
Zookeeper                             Atari          CX26121 PARTS EXIST

9x Unknown Titles                     J.S. & A. Group, Inc.
                                     (= Joseph Sugarman and Associates)
(These titles may not be originals, but merely existing titles whose rights
 J.S. & A. purchased to help sell their unreleased PROM Blaster copier.
 It's also possible that they never existed at all.)


Here for your convenience are the unanswered questions from my previous posts in this topic:

Squish 'em would have been released as The Fall Guy by TCF
I knew that, but what I don't know, is whether the game was changed at all in order to fit the name change. Is it just an alias, or are we looking for two slightly different games, like Saboteur and The A-Team? Or perhaps games with bigger differences, such as The Last Starfighter and Solaris, Solaris and Radar Lock, or even The Last Starfighter and Radar Lock?



Thundarr the Barbarian was a WIP name for Tomarc the Barbarian

I knew that, but what's with the "I/II"? Were there really two games in the pipeline, and if so, what happened regarding "II"?



Does anyone know what the relationship was between Cumma and 20th Century Fox? Were they just a programming house under contract, like GCC was to Atari?



There seems to be some indication that the Entex titles were intended for a computer/keyboard add-on to the VCS, similar to the Spectravideo Compumate or Atari's The Graduate. Is this correct, and if so what was it to be called?
Edited by A.J. Franzman
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Does anyone know what the relationship was between Cumma and 20th Century Fox? Were they just a programming house under contract, like GCC was to Atari?


I doubt it. Cumma Technology Corporation was behind the MetaWriter, another one of those electronic software distribution systems.


There seems to be some indication that the Entex titles were intended for a computer/keyboard add-on to the VCS, similar to the Spectravideo Compumate or Atari's The Graduate. Is this correct, and if so what was it to be called?


Entex had the Piggyback.

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Thanks for the info, CRV. The Piggyback stuff will be in my next update. That AGH page is very informative, but someone needs to look up the word "laud" :lol:.


The reason I asked about the relationship (if any) between Cumma and 20th Century Fox, is that this list has "Atom Smasher" as by Cumma, while it's reported elsewhere that Atom Smasher was a working title for 20th's Meltdown. So the question now is, is that info correct, and if so, are they the same game? Or were the two uses of the "Atom Smasher" name by two different companies merely coincidental?

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The reason I asked about the relationship (if any) between Cumma and 20th Century Fox, is that this list has "Atom Smasher" as by Cumma, while it's reported elsewhere that Atom Smasher was a working title for 20th's Meltdown. So the question now is, is that info correct, and if so, are they the same game? Or were the two uses of the "Atom Smasher" name by two different companies merely coincidental?


Per Digital Press:


According to programmer Howard Delman, the game was completed at Videa (under the name Atom Smasher), but after deciding not to produce it, sold it to 20th Century Fox. They renamed it Meltdown, but also chose not to release it, and instead sold it to Atari (who- surprise, never released it). Since Videa received $ each time it was sold, this was probably the only unreleased title that actually made $! Uber historian Leonard Herman notes Cumma Technology used Meltdown (under the name Atom Smasher) with their MetaWriter display at the same show!
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Wait a minute... Atom Smasher/Meltdown was last an ATARI title, not 20th Century Fox? And it was really made by Videa... so did Cumma actually have rights to it at some point? Or did they have nothing to do with it, other than "borrowing" it for the 1983 Winter CES?


Nolan Bushnell, Al Alcorn, and Joseph Keenan started Cumma. Pizza Time Theatre, which involved Bushnell and Keenan, bought Videa. I'm leaving out details, but I think you can make the connection.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wait a minute... Atom Smasher/Meltdown was last an ATARI title, not 20th Century Fox? And it was really made by Videa... so did Cumma actually have rights to it at some point? Or did they have nothing to do with it, other than "borrowing" it for the 1983 Winter CES?


Nolan Bushnell, Al Alcorn, and Joseph Keenan started Cumma. Pizza Time Theatre, which involved Bushnell and Keenan, bought Videa. I'm leaving out details, but I think you can make the connection.

There was an original game by Atari called Meltdown, don't confuse the two. It was released for the 7800 but it was also planned for the 2600.



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