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Transfering files to Atari Portfolio


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I've checked out a ton of sites, but the solutions seem to require old PCs. Does anyone know how to transfer software and data to and from the Portfolio using a modern PC? Are there any modern connectivity solutions that would use, for example, USB?


(a) I do not have the serial interface... but there doesn't seem to be much point. From what I've read, it requires new software to be installed on the Portfolio to transfer software. Can't get the software onto the Portfolio, since I need the software to transfer software in the first place. Chicken or the egg problem.


(b) The original PC card drive required an internal 8-bit expansion card slot. That is obviously a non-starter, since I have no PCs with internal 8-bit expansion.


© I have the parallel interface, which most sites recommended. I don't have any computers with a parallel port. Should I buy a parallel card (fairly cheap) and go that route? Does anyone have experience with this as a working solution?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated ;)

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I've checked out a ton of sites, but the solutions seem to require old PCs. Does anyone know how to transfer software and data to and from the Portfolio using a modern PC? Are there any modern connectivity solutions that would use, for example, USB?


(a) I do not have the serial interface... but there doesn't seem to be much point. From what I've read, it requires new software to be installed on the Portfolio to transfer software. Can't get the software onto the Portfolio, since I need the software to transfer software in the first place. Chicken or the egg problem.


(b) The original PC card drive required an internal 8-bit expansion card slot. That is obviously a non-starter, since I have no PCs with internal 8-bit expansion.


© I have the parallel interface, which most sites recommended. I don't have any computers with a parallel port. Should I buy a parallel card (fairly cheap) and go that route? Does anyone have experience with this as a working solution?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated ;)


I think the best route is to use the parallel port interface with a parallel card. However, you might have an issue with your OS on the PC. Windows XP / Vista / WIn7 dos not allow direct parallel port access via DOS programs.


personally, I use the parallel interface but I have an old laptop that boots into DOS for handling such things, so I would suggest an MS DOS boot disk.

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OK, so this problem got me thinking about a better way than having an old laptop sitting around for transferring files to / from the Portfolio. After a bunch of failed attempts, I think I have a better solution, not perfect but at least usable IMHO.


The Idea is to create a bootable MSDOS, USB jump drive - and boot to DOS from the Jump drive so the FT.com utility will run ,and then boot back into windows or what ever the usual OS is, and read the files off the jump drive or put files on the jump drive to be transferred . Also, this idea, If the PC doesn't have a Parallel port, a Parallel port interface card that has a DOS driver can be added and the driver files can be installed on the jump drive as well. ( but I haven't tested that)


Just a quick disclaimer: I know the following works and is relatively easy and safe, you will be using a format command and changing boot options, so be cautious and take your time , I will not take responsibility if you somehow wipe out your PC doing any of this!


Here we go:



1. an old (or new) USB jump drive. I say old, because a 256 or 128mb should be plenty of room.

2. a PC with an on-board parallel port set to bidirectional or ECP and the ability to boot from USB devices.

3. An Atari Portfolio with a parallel interface and cable connected to the PC as per the instructions that came with the parallel port interface

The portfolio Parallel interface instructions:PParallel.pdf.zip




1. FT.com file transfer program from atari

FT.com can be found here:http://ftp.pigwa.net...comm/index.html

2. utility to make USB jump drives bootable and write DOS files too.

3. MSDOS files possibly extracted from a boot disk or image


making the environment:

Instructions for making the USB drive bootable and writing DOS files to it as well as the DOS files and utility needed can be found here:http://www.biosflash...t-usb-stick.htm Just ignore the part about copying flash programs. we just want to make a bootable MSDOS USB stick. We will copy our own files to it.

Copying the needed files:

once the USB Jump Drive is ready, just copy FT.com to the drive. For those familiar with DOS, you can also create autoexec.bat and config.sys files and copy them to the jump drive as well as any other files you might want for your DOS environment. I would also recommend making a separate folder called Portfolio or Files or something just to keep things tidy. Anything you want to transfer to / from the Portfolio should then go into this folder.

Nearly all PCs now have a key you can press on start-up to be able to select a boot device on the fly. For example, for most Dell PCs, its F12. Consult your PC or motherboard manual for the appropriate key and pick the USB Jump drive from the list of boot options and you should see MSDOS start up to a command prompt. Just type ft.com and the file transfer utility should start. On the Portfolio, hold down the Atari key and press "s" to get to the setup menu, press f for file transfer menu and press s for server mode. (I find that having the Portfolio in server mode is the easiest way to transfer files) On the PC, you should be able to send and receive files.


When you are done, hit escape until you are back at a command prompt and from there you can shut down the PC or press CTRL-ALT-DELETE to reboot and go back to your usual OS.


Unless someone writes a file transfer utility that's compatible with Atari's FT.com for a more modern OS, I think this is the best we can do.

Edited by puppetmark
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Hi Akator,


You could also try "Transfolio" from


which is an open source replacement for FT.COM.

It comes with precompiled executables for Windows and Linux.

I've tested it with Windows 2000, but I'm not sure if it also

runs in newer Windows versions.





Cool. Thanks, I did not know about that - I will check it out. What I would REALLY like is an interface that would accept USB drives and would also plug into the portfolio's parallel port and acts as a "server" so files could be copied to and from a USB jump drive directly. That way, the whole parallel port issue with modern PCs would not matter any more. It should be possible with a modern microcontroller. I could design the circuit, but I need to be better at coding microcontrollers to make it work. Hopfully someday!

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You could also try "Transfolio" from


which is an open source replacement for FT.COM.

It comes with precompiled executables for Windows and Linux.

I've tested it with Windows 2000, but I'm not sure if it also

runs in newer Windows versions.


I had hoped there was a modern version of FT.COM. Thank you :D


Cool. Thanks, I did not know about that - I will check it out. What I would REALLY like is an interface that would accept USB drives and would also plug into the portfolio's parallel port and acts as a "server" so files could be copied to and from a USB jump drive directly. That way, the whole parallel port issue with modern PCs would not matter any more. It should be possible with a modern microcontroller. I could design the circuit, but I need to be better at coding microcontrollers to make it work. Hopfully someday!


That would be awesome. A flash drive solution of any kind would make the Portfolio much easier to use...

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  • 4 years later...

I am sorry if I revive an old thread but yesterday I connected my Portfolio with a modern Windows 7 64-bit PC.


You must have

- Portfolio

- Portfolio parallel interface

- a parallel DB25 Male to Male cable

- a parallel PCIe card (I bought this one)

- Transfolio PC software


Here is a screenshot of the Properties of my card:



In Transfolio folder, replace file impout32.dll with the updated file with the same name you can find in the package here.


To transfer files, connect Portfolio to PC and put Portfolio in Server mode.


On Windows Command Prompt type:


Replace 0xe010 with your parallel port address (you can find it in card's properties/resources)


If on the PC you get the message "Waiting for connection." the connection doesn't work.


Install "InstallDriver.exe" you can find in the package above (where you find impout32.dll) and retry.



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  • 4 years later...

Yu can also hook your Atari Portfolio up to a Lantronics UDS-10 modem device and set it up as a server on the lantronics device, it is really easy, just get xterm .com onto your Atari portfolio with a program called (once I switch computers I will let you know its name and upload the files needed with a full description of how to do just that.)


Anyways use Sync-term on your PC, and once you have Acom.exe , it will allow you to send x modem files via telnet. Yes you heard me, you can telnet into your Atari Portfolio, provided A) you hook up a lantronics device to the serial port, and B) you are running xterm or acom on the Atari Portfolio. I will look up the docs for Xterm2.com, and let everyne know how to xfer files on the Atari Portfolio end. Russ


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OK: You need a null modem cable   to start with, and a serial interface for the Atari Portfolio. You then set you baud rate on the Atari Portfolio to 110 , connect the Portfolio from one end to a USB to serial device, unless you have a com port on your PC, if not get a USB to serial cable, use Windows 7 or 10, plug one end of the null modem cable into the serial port on the Atari Portfolio, the other end into your serial device on the PC. Windows 7 and Windows 10 will automatically detect your USB cable. (At least the newest version of Windows 10 will). 


Next you get xload.zip  from here:   Port.zip

and unzip it run startx.bat with the "startx 3" or whatever port you have set up. I have edited the batch file to add port 3 in the listing anyways. Copy startx.bat, and xload.com, and xterm22.com to an empty directory and run the file as I mentioned , follow the prompts on your screen to transferxload.com to your Atari Portfolio, then run xload,com on the Atari Portfolio at 1200 Baud, it will download xterm2.com and rename it xterm.com. Russ


Edited by rcamp48
adding files
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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 6 months later...

I am working on Transfolio Shell ,,a shell that makes things simpler to transfer files to and from the Atari Portfolio


Some of the changes :


The ability to send to sub-directories on your Atari Portfolio

I hope to integrate creating and sending to all chosen sub-directories.


More info is coming , I am still working on this. (And the MIDI stuff).


On 10/31/2020 at 11:02 AM, Hiddenevil said:

My apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but I find myself in the same boat at the OP. 

Thought I do have access to a Windows XP system and both a real serial port and a USB to serial adapter.

I will have something in about 8 hours, gotta get some sleep.


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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have finished Version 3.0A of Transfolioshell, it still needs old school Parallel ports , but I will be working on  Version 4.0 of the program which will incorporate PCI, PCI_E and possible USB adapters. All you have to know is the memory address of the card.


Here is the file: TransfolioShell.zip


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Hi @rcamp48


is there any particular requirement to run this I have an old Athlon xp cpu in a machine and I get a not a valid win32 application. 

does this need a CPU with sse2 to run? Or is this not for an x86 cpu.


i know this machine is long in the tooth but nice as it has the requisite parallel port. 

I’ve a few other machines to try with as  also a more modern machine and a usb dock with parallel I can also use.

I saw this and got excited as an easy win to talk to my portfolio. 

I’m new to owning one and yet to get files on it. 


Edited by Mike1978uk
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