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HSC Season 3 Week 2: Dig Dug

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Dig Dug

Dig tunnels underground and use an air pump to inflate and blow-up your enemies. You can also drop rocks on your foes. Dislodge two rocks and a bonus fruit or vegetable will appear in the center of the screen. A level ends when all the enemies have been destroyed.


Game Information

Game Name: Dig Dug [Rev 1]

Released By: Atari, 1982

MAME ROMset: DigDugb

Dip Switches: Bonus Life: 10k, 40k and every 40k; Lives: 3; Difficulty: Medium

Chosen By: Mister VCS

ROM Location: http://romhustler.net/download/mame/6341

Twin Galaxies M.A.M.E. World Record: 4,011,700


Note: Use of the Double-Kill technique, where an enemy is killed by both pumping them up and dropping a rock on them simultaneously, resulting in a freeze of the game action, is considered an intentional glitch of the game, and is therefore a banned tactic.




1. 95,580 patbb

2. 66,480 rmaerz

3. 54,860 HatefulGravey

4. 53,180 roadrunner

5. 29,040 ClassicGMR

6. 28,380 Mister VCS

7. 25,120 FlyingTurtle




Competition ends Sunday, August 22 @ 12PM EDT



Season Standings

Calculations through week 1

1. patbb 35

2. roadrunner 32

3. LarcenTyler 23

4. ClassicGMR 22

5. rmaerz 18

Edited by rmaerz
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digdug : dd1.7 (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND

digdug : dd1.15 (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND

digdug : dd1.13 (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND

digdug : dd1.12 (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND



Where can I find those files? They're not in the .zip file.


Download all the dig dug files from this link

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A little bit off topic but what the hell,

where can i get the sound samples for Subroc 3D and Tailgunner?

I don't see them at ArcadeAtHome.com


And i'm i the only one that had some trouble trying to get a good control set up for Battlezone?

And how about Front Line. This game seems very difficult to play on MAME, or is it just me?


Beep! Beep!

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A little bit off topic but what the hell,

where can i get the sound samples for Subroc 3D and Tailgunner?

I don't see them at ArcadeAtHome.com


And i'm i the only one that had some trouble trying to get a good control set up for Battlezone?

And how about Front Line. This game seems very difficult to play on MAME, or is it just me?


Beep! Beep!



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Thanks for posting the tips - the game is more fun when you learn these strategies: 49,000


Hey folks just a reminder to please post your list of 10 games that you would like to see in the Labor Tournament here


Also, it's great to see everyone bumping up their scores. Hopefully you will find the new point system to be more rewarding:


1st = 20 pts

2nd = 15 pts

3rd = 12 pts

4th = 10 pts

5th = 8 pts

6th = 6 pts

7th = 5 pts

8th = 4 pts

9th = 3 pts

10th = 2 pts

11th and lower = 1 participation point

Edited by rmaerz
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Hey folks:


I've been getting game requests sent via PM and some have been posted to different threads in this forum. I have created a thread dedicated to game requests for you to post to here:




I will maintain a queue in the first post.


Also, what I will do is take any games that a player nominates for a tourney which was not selected and enter that into the queue under that player's name. I will go back to the July 4th tourney nominations and add those into the queue.

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