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Newbie with a game idea

Brian O

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Hi everyone,


I'm a new member here on the forum, but I've been a regular of the site for quite a while. First off, I just want to say that I love all of the new games that have been, and continue to be, created for the 2600. You guys never cease to amaze me with your knowledge of all things Atari.


That said, I would love to be able to create an Atari homebrew game, but I'm just not a programmer. I read half the posts re: programming on here and am lucky to understand 10 percent of what is discussed. However, I've always wanted to (at least) conceptualize a 2600 game, even if it never gets developed. Recently, I started to seriously begin concepting a game for the 2600. I call it "Fear of the Dark." I have fleshed out some of the gameplay, and was just hoping to get your feedback in terms of if the game is even doable and, if not, what could change to make the game work. It's a pretty basic game, but I know that games for the Atari must be created in a certain way in order to work properly.


The basic premise of the game is that you're a little red alien named Jumpy. You basically need to jump from platform to platform while a wall of solid black chases you. If you fall off a platform, you die. If the black square (or "dark") gets you, you die also. Along the way, the platforms get more narrow, and some of the platforms move side to side (not sure about up and down). In many cases the player has to land on a specific platform in order to open doors, which otherwise block the path. In addition, in some areas walls jut up from the ceiling and floor, blocking Jumpy's path, and forcing the player to backtrack and choose a new path. All the while the black wall chases him. The wall also will get progressively faster as the game goes on. The object is to stay alive as long as possible. Points are calculated based on how many platforms you jump onto. If you backtrack, no points are given, only if you step onto a new platform. Lastly, there are three items placed on various platforms: 1) A green box with a plus sign that speeds up Jumpy (temporarily), 2) A red box with a minus sign that slows Jumpy down (also temprarily), and 3) An orange box with a curved line that increases Jumpy's jump distance and height (temporarily). I am guessing he would glow or turn a different color (gold?) during these times when he picks up a boost/non-boost object.


Here's some concepts I have created, nothing fancy, and definitely not to Atari specs.



Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2


Concept Sketches:

Sketches 1

Sketches 2


If you don't feel like wasting your time with a noob like me, just tell me to go crap in a hat. I won't be offended. But I would appreciate any thoughts you may have.


Thanks in advance.


- Brian

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Hi everyone,


I'm a new member here on the forum, but I've been a regular of the site for quite a while. First off, I just want to say that I love all of the new games that have been, and continue to be, created for the 2600. You guys never cease to amaze me with your knowledge of all things Atari.


That said, I would love to be able to create an Atari homebrew game, but I'm just not a programmer. I read half the posts re: programming on here and am lucky to understand 10 percent of what is discussed. However, I've always wanted to (at least) conceptualize a 2600 game, even if it never gets developed. Recently, I started to seriously begin concepting a game for the 2600. I call it "Fear of the Dark." I have fleshed out some of the gameplay, and was just hoping to get your feedback in terms of if the game is even doable and, if not, what could change to make the game work. It's a pretty basic game, but I know that games for the Atari must be created in a certain way in order to work properly.


The basic premise of the game is that you're a little red alien named Jumpy. You basically need to jump from platform to platform while a wall of solid black chases you. If you fall off a platform, you die. If the black square (or "dark") gets you, you die also. Along the way, the platforms get more narrow, and some of the platforms move side to side (not sure about up and down). In many cases the player has to land on a specific platform in order to open doors, which otherwise block the path. In addition, in some areas walls jut up from the ceiling and floor, blocking Jumpy's path, and forcing the player to backtrack and choose a new path. All the while the black wall chases him. The wall also will get progressively faster as the game goes on. The object is to stay alive as long as possible. Points are calculated based on how many platforms you jump onto. If you backtrack, no points are given, only if you step onto a new platform. Lastly, there are three items placed on various platforms: 1) A green box with a plus sign that speeds up Jumpy (temporarily), 2) A red box with a minus sign that slows Jumpy down (also temprarily), and 3) An orange box with a curved line that increases Jumpy's jump distance and height (temporarily). I am guessing he would glow or turn a different color (gold?) during these times when he picks up a boost/non-boost object.


Here's some concepts I have created, nothing fancy, and definitely not to Atari specs.



Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2


Concept Sketches:

Sketches 1

Sketches 2


If you don't feel like wasting your time with a noob like me, just tell me to go crap in a hat. I won't be offended. But I would appreciate any thoughts you may have.


Thanks in advance.


- Brian


Sounds kinda neat actually. :) My main focus for me, however, is sprites, so I'm a bit "in the dark" when it comes to programming. :P Nice concept though.

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Sounds kinda neat actually. :) My main focus for me, however, is sprites, so I'm a bit "in the dark" when it comes to programming. :P Nice concept though.


Thanks, PAC-MAN-RED, I was just checking out your sprites the other day. Great stuff! :)


Thanks buddy. :) I've been busy on a web page for the sprites, and I'm branching off into 5200 sprites atm...but shh don't tell anyone. :D I may have a bit of time to practice making some animated sprites with your alien you've made. I'll post some when they're ready.

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Thanks for the positive feedback, everyone. I tried to keep in mind the constraints of the 2600 (at least those I understand) when I concepted this. Unfortunately, I'm not a programmer, or I'd be posting a BIN file for review instead of JPEGs and pencil sketches. :( I recently watched a video on using the Visual bB editor, and got pretty excited because everything looked as if it were drag and drop. I was like "I can do this." The minute the guy in the video started laying down his own code, however, I quickly changed my mind! :)


PAC-MAN-RED -- Can't wait to see your sprites webpage. Hope it goes up soon. I'd love to see any alien sprites you whip up.

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I love the idea and the name of the game.


Love your concept sketches also.


Hi everyone,


Here's some concepts I have created, nothing fancy, and definitely not to Atari specs.



Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2


Concept Sketches:

Sketches 1

Sketches 2


If you don't feel like wasting your time with a noob like me, just tell me to go crap in a hat. I won't be offended. But I would appreciate any thoughts you may have.


Thanks in advance.


- Brian

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PAC-MAN-RED -- Can't wait to see your sprites webpage. Hope it goes up soon. I'd love to see any alien sprites you whip up.


The -> Fear of the Dark <- Sprites are done. :grin:


Can't tell you how much I love these. Great job as usual! Thank you. :)


Thanks guys. :) What's next on the agenda?


I used the Halo2600 manual as a template to create a Fear of the Dark manual. Let me know what you think. PAC-MAN-RED, I used one of your sprite animations in the manual, too ;)





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Now, all that's missing is an actual game to go with it! :)


Those manual screens look awesome! Hey I added the PowerUp Sprites into the post -> here <-


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


You, sir, rock! If this game ever does get made, your name should come first on the Thank You page :)


I'm going to work on the box art today, too, hopefully. I'll post when it's done.

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