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The PITFALLAIMEE Clean Up My Room Contest


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OK, Yes I agree we should stop talking about underwear..... right after I clear up the myth that no-one wants Pitfall Aimee's panties. I personally know 27 people that want them.


Ok thats it. That's all I had to say.


Underwear....under where?

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As soon as the person recieving the panties posts a pic of themselves WITH the aforementioned panties (or as soon as Aimee sends ME a pair of them), you people will see cold hard cash. NOT before. :ponder:


That depends on how much Pitfallaimee wants YOU to suffer! :D She can still throw the panties in the post, if she wants to. I'm game. What's your wager that you'd be willing to pay her?


Number 4 is BadBrad. Since I'm donating the carts to the local gaming pub that offers free play while drinkin', I'll prolly send him the Pong Sports cart once I get it.

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These would only look like the DP forums if you wore very dark prescription sunglasses while browsing and blanketed everything in a thick coat of animated GIFs...


But yeah, lets cool it with the panties. When I have kids I won't be able to defend this to them... "But MOM, you gave your panties away over the internet!!!" "JUST WAIT TIL YOUR FATHER GETS HOME!"


You'll all find out what happened once I've posted Sir Plus's package, so, lets end the speculation. And if Stan loses, I'm going to make him watch Scarecrow & Mrs. King until he passes out, at which point, I get to give him a makeover. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Sir Plus is still here, dummies, he's just not Sir Plus. I mailed off the package today (got busy). And YES, I sent the panties with it. :D


Wassn't all this discussed in another thread like a month ago?? or did I imagine that as well? *starts to wonder just how many pills did I take today 1,2,3, 27 oh well :P :wink: *

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Sir Plus is still here, dummies, he's just not Sir Plus.

A Sir Plus by anyother name just isn't the same :wink:


Not quite sure why I did that, just re-read the last few post and it just kinda jumped in my head and felt the urge to share it with you all. I know, I know Time Out in the corner I'll go *sulks off to the corner* :wink: :P

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