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Unsure if invoking the scanline 240 hires bug would cause DLIs to keep triggering beyond normal display, my guess would be since only PMG can be shown in that area it's a case of probably not for DLIs.


Not that I can tell from the schematics. DLI occurs if the delta counter compares equal, that's suppressed in vertical blank, and vertical blank is scanlines 248-7. The hires bug causes ANTIC to send confusing signals to GTIA, but ANTIC itself isn't confused. Similarly, VBI is triggered simply by Y=248, so not much room to go wrong there, either.


Sequencing the VBIs with the DLIs is an option but it has to be done exactly right. One extra or missing DLI and you're toast. This includes the first frame, which can be subtly munged if you're not completely studious about clearing every single display state. Testing for the VBI means that at least if you run over somewhere there's a chance the VBI handler will get everything back on track.


If you really want to pinch cycles, the STA NMIRES in the VBI handler can go. VBI resets DLI and DLI resets VBI, so it's not normally needed unless you're testing for it in the IRQ routine too.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Nice! .. so basically IRQ's are the "future"? x)


Probably I'm going to look at your source to see if I was doing it right all this time..



Yep it looks similar. From what I see you have two irq's (IRQ and IRQ2), for odd and even frames, one dli (dli0) at the start of the frame (I suppose), to init stimer and irqen, and one vbi.

Also you use the same trick of one irq every two scanlines (this seems to be the fastest way, but needs to burn some cycles in the middle..is that what you do with "#cycle #13"? .. is that Mads?).

The only differences with my code is that I never use a vbi (I deactivate them and just put a dli there, if I need one at the bottom of the screen), to simplify the NMI handler.

Also I only set stimer one time, at the start of a program (not every frame), but my horizontal sync looks more complex because I need to burn some cycles (after calling two "sta wsync" in a row), so the first irq is always called at the same horizontal position (in the scan line).

Edited by NRV
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As a DLI replacement you generally have Pokey in the 16 KHz mode and lose use of a channel so some suffering there.


Alternate to that is use a single voice in the 1.79 MHz mode though that means you have an IRQ trigger interval of about 259 cycles at best, though maybe desirable for a time-saving kernal situation like Project-M.


Alternate to that is persist with the 64 KHz (default) mode though the suffering there is you have granularity of 28 cycles which doesn't fit in with the 114 cycle scanlines.


A possible fix could be to walk through a series of AUDF values - I've not investigated that, possibly there might be some usable series that allows reasonable sync of IRQs to a point on the scanline. The advantage of using 64 KHz mode of course is that most 3 voice music would be unaffected and you have a reasonable range of intervals between IRQs available.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...



This is my first post here and I want to wish Happy new year to all.

I really like this Wolf3D project on Atari, but I have problem running it with Atari800 emulator under Raspbian Linux on Raspberry Pi.

Colors are messed up and doesnt looks like on a real machine.

It is interesting that the first version (Project-M1) shows the correct colors.

Does this game works properly only on Altrira emulator and whether it can somehow make it to work properly with Atari800 emulator, which is my only choice on Linux?

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Atari800 just isn't accurate enough for Project-M.


Altirra works okay under Wine, try it out.


I use Raspbian Linux on Raspberry Pi 2 and Wine does not support Arm processor, thats why is Atari800 emulator only choice I have.

I was hoping that Project-M author may be able to make a proper version that on Atari800/Win Plus emulator.
He offered something like this earlier in thread and I hope that such a thing is possible...
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  • 8 months later...

The big question is : How to get a coder on the A8 to create the best "3D game" with the A8's capabilities?


Project-M is marvellous. But, a Wolf 3D clone is possible.... just with some less colours and unusual opcodes of the CPU.

20fps beats even a 386 PC.... and the A8 has the ability of showing typical visuals....

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The big question is : How to get a coder on the A8 to create the best "3D game" with the A8's capabilities?


Project-M is marvellous. But, a Wolf 3D clone is possible.... just with some less colours and unusual opcodes of the CPU.

20fps beats even a 386 PC.... and the A8 has the ability of showing typical visuals....

Let's use legitimate 802/816 opcodes.

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