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Forum Upgrade (mostly) Complete!


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Did we lose the ability to search only topic titles? I only see "topic titles & posts" and "posts only."


Oh, so we use a check box near the top, not the drop-down "Search in" thingy. Thanks.

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More blog idiocy.


In this entry, I posted some links to Amazon that used to read:





(I always strip out non-essential info from Amazon links.)


But now, they read:




I never posted links that way. Especially with the "atariage" tag in there.


So then... what's going on?

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So then... what's going on?

This can't be blamed on the blog software--I am changing these links myself to include the "atariage" referrer information. I follow an Amazon link, copy a special link generated by Amazon, and then change the original link here in the forum. If someone clicks on that link and actually buys something from Amazon, I get a small amount of money. It's not much, but it's better than nothing. I do a similar thing with eBay links (when don't use the ebay bbcodes or cannot use them for some reason). It's a non-intrusive means of getting some money back for the time and money spent on the site every month without having to put ads on the site (subscriptions also help).



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I can't say I'm particularly happy about this. I was given no notice ahead of time that my blog content was going to be edited without my permission. Those links were placed there for the convenience of my readers, not for the purposes of generating income. I don't recall agreeing to that at any point when signing up for AtariAge.


I have since corrected the links back to the way they were. If it happens again, I'll simply remove them entirely.


This can't be blamed on the blog software--I am changing these links myself to include the "atariage" referrer information. I follow an Amazon link, copy a special link generated by Amazon, and then change the original link here in the forum. If someone clicks on that link and actually buys something from Amazon, I get a small amount of money. It's not much, but it's better than nothing. I do a similar thing with eBay links (when don't use the ebay bbcodes or cannot use them for some reason). It's a non-intrusive means of getting some money back for the time and money spent on the site every month without having to put ads on the site (subscriptions also help).



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I don't think adding references to AtariAge isn't a bad thing in general, if it helps reducing the costs.


But it should be made transparent to the users. At least an update of the terms and conditions for using this website should be mailed to every member.

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I can't say I'm particularly happy about this. I was given no notice ahead of time that my blog content was going to be edited without my permission. Those links were placed there for the convenience of my readers, not for the purposes of generating income. I don't recall agreeing to that at any point when signing up for AtariAge.


I have since corrected the links back to the way they were. If it happens again, I'll simply remove them entirely.

The links take you to the exact same place, so it's transparent to the individual clicking on them. Would you rather have ads appearing in your blog entries, which would probably generate more income than these Amazon referrals but be far more intrusive? I've been doing this for some time and you are the only person who's taken issue with it. Over the years I've been approached by several companies that would take links to external sites such as Amazon and use Javascript to convert them to referral links--all such links would then be converted automatically. I've shunned those companies thus far.


With the dedicated server AtariAge is running on and various software costs, it costs thousands of dollars a year to keep the site up and running. There are very few sites out there that get as much traffic as AtariAge does without trying to at least break even on their costs without using some sort of advertising/referral links.



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BTW: I had to fix lots of emoticons in my blog yesterday. ~1/3rd of the existing emoticons I checked were replaced with random other emoticons.

Can you show me an example of an entry with incorrect emoticons? Very strange that they would be replaced with "random other emoticons". Given Invision's track record with the blog, I'm not terribly surprised, though. I really hope they spend some significant time on it now that they've made (or are making) major updates to all their other apps.



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Can you show me an example of an entry with incorrect emoticons?

I completely fixed to most obvious one (http://www.atariage.com/forums/blog/144/entry-6561-atari-2600-homebrewhacks-aa-store-rankings/, redudancy helped fixing here)


But here you find more:

http://www.atariage.com/forums/blog/144/entry-5452-source-code-found-in-roms/ (:ponder: replaced with :( or :), can't reconstruct all)

http://www.atariage.com/forums/blog/144/entry-6682-elite-like-line-drawing/ (all replaced by ;))

http://www.atariage.com/forums/blog/144/entry-7275-star-castle-brainstorming/ (all replaced by :lol: )

http://www.atariage.com/forums/blog/144/entry-5074-sudoku-kernel/ (all replaced by :ponder:)

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I don't think adding references to AtariAge isn't a bad thing in general, if it helps reducing the costs.


But it should be made transparent to the users. At least an update of the terms and conditions for using this website should be mailed to every member.

Exactly. What I object to is not being asked prior to having my entries edited without my knowledge. If I would have been asked beforehand, or informed that this was going to become a policy so I was aware of it, then I wouldn't be taking issue with it.

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Al, thank you for restoring the old Atari skin!

It still needs some work (I have a list of about 50 items that need to be changed), but someone is actively working on it and I will have an improved version in a few days. In particular, the Gallery is mostly broken at the moment. I'm running an older version of the Gallery module (3.x), because 4.0 was released with a ton of bugs. Waiting on version 4.0.3, which should have already been released, before I pull the trigger on that. The Blog skin also needs a ton of work--that hasn't been addressed yet, but that, too, should be fixed in a few days.



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Yeah, my eyes feel better now. Thanks. Looks like whoever worked on your skin didn't turn your links bold blue and remove the underline the way you like them.


They also didn't move Guidelines somewhere out of the way. It's between My Content and View New Content.

Edited by Random Terrain
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Yes, that's on the list to be changed.

Thanks, so if there is a list you probably already have this stuff on there:


  1. The Guidelines link still needs to be moved somewhere out of the way. It's between My Content and View New Content. They used to be right next to each other and it's weird having Guidelines in the middle.
  2. Custom Status used to be centered and above the avatar instead of under everything and hugging the left side.
  3. The text size of the My Content and View New Content results are too small. They'd be more readable if they were the same size as the larger text in the forums.

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The Guidelines link still needs to be moved somewhere out of the way. It's between My Content and View New Content. They used to be right next to each other and it's weird having Guidelines in the middle.

Fixed, didn't realize this.


Custom Status used to be centered and above the avatar instead of under everything and hugging the left side.

Yes, this is going to be fixed.


The text size of the My Content and View New Content results are too small. They'd be more readable if they were the same size as the larger text in the forums.

Yes, I will be tweaking fonts. It's tough as I am reading this now on a 2560x1440 display, where fonts appear a bit smaller than they might on a less dense display (such as a laptop). I'll work on finding a good compromise. Edit: The search results (which includes "New Content" and "View New Content") will be bold, which will make them stand out better. I think that's the main issue as to why they look smaller at the moment.



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