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Forum Suggestions


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I'm open to suggestions on what you'd like to see changed now that I've upgraded the forum. First, before you say anything, I will be working on a new AtariAge-themed skin, but I won't be able to spend a significant amount of time on it until Monday and Tuesday of next week (my days off). I may also install some additional third-party skins later tonight (I have a list of a few I like).


So, I'm looking for suggestions for things I can (hopefully) change relatively quickly. For instance, I added a "Messenger" link to the upper-right corner of the page. I'll also add a "My Posts" link back, although you can get to that from your Profile and clicking "Find My Content".





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I seriously dislike the way things move around as I scroll down the page (font sizes change, boxes get bigger or smaller). There is also this little box with an arrow that follows me everywhere. Both are very irritating. Is there a way to turn these things off?

I am not seeing this, nor should this be the normal behavior. Can you tell me which OS and web browser you're using so I can try to reproduce it? I assume you are using the default "IP.Board" skin?





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I seriously dislike the way things move around as I scroll down the page (font sizes change, boxes get bigger or smaller). There is also this little box with an arrow that follows me everywhere. Both are very irritating. Is there a way to turn these things off?

I am not seeing this, nor should this be the normal behavior. Can you tell me which OS and web browser you're using so I can try to reproduce it? I assume you are using the default "IP.Board" skin?





It happens on "New Content." I am using Windows 98 and Firefox with the Clean Cut skin. I'll try a different skin and see if that makes a difference.

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I'd like to see more updates to the front page of AtariAge. There used to be news every few days or even more often, where now, it's been over 4 months. Sure, there will be lean times, but I'm guessing that some noteworthy items could have been added, even if it was new products or relevant threads.


I know this has been suggested a number of times... maybe we need a new way to enter suggestions/topics/write-ups for the front page. In the least, we need to be encouraged to send in news.


Out of topic perhaps, but the front page is a good gateway to getting people to look at the forums (checking out the latest news, and seeing something of interest in the recent forum posts sidebar)... actually, looking at the home page just a minute ago, the "recent posts" listing has been removed.

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The search function for the forums & the super-strict flood control.


Okay, let me break it down you. The first time I try doing a forum search, I'm going to get something wrong. I either put in too vague of a search, don't get the syntax right, or forget to specify the forum(s).


Naturally, I get an error message.


So I quickly try again. It then doesn't let me do it due to "flood control". That makes me unhappy. I ain't floodin'. You don't know me!


Solution: If you have x amount of posts, let me do searches without that stupid flood control.

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I'd like to see more updates to the front page of AtariAge. There used to be news every few days or even more often, where now, it's been over 4 months. Sure, there will be lean times, but I'm guessing that some noteworthy items could have been added, even if it was new products or relevant threads.


I know this has been suggested a number of times... maybe we need a new way to enter suggestions/topics/write-ups for the front page. In the least, we need to be encouraged to send in news.


Out of topic perhaps, but the front page is a good gateway to getting people to look at the forums (checking out the latest news, and seeing something of interest in the recent forum posts sidebar)... actually, looking at the home page just a minute ago, the "recent posts" listing has been removed.

Yes, there needs to be a better process where people can submit news. I simply don't have the time to do it as often as I'd like to. Perhaps we need a forum where people can submit news and images for the news and then I can go through them and post the ones I feel are relevant and/or interesting?



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Me again. Another suggestion: keep the spy tab. It's pretty cool if you "need" to keep on top of things.

Oh, I'm removing that, it's a damn cool feature. :) I'm talking about the sidebar that was on the front page. It was causing the "Loading..." message to appear (literally) every five seconds. Looking for a solution to this.



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The search function for the forums & the super-strict flood control.


Okay, let me break it down you. The first time I try doing a forum search, I'm going to get something wrong. I either put in too vague of a search, don't get the syntax right, or forget to specify the forum(s).


Naturally, I get an error message.


So I quickly try again. It then doesn't let me do it due to "flood control". That makes me unhappy. I ain't floodin'. You don't know me!


Solution: If you have x amount of posts, let me do searches without that stupid flood control.

I'll take a look at the flood control. I know I cannot alter it based on the number of posts, but I can change it by the user group. In fact, I have it setup right now so Subscribers bypass the flood control.



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This might already be possible (I've tried searching for a way) but is there any way to exclude certain threads from the "my content" section. I posted in the "what song are you listening to" thread, but I don't really need to see when that thread has new posts.

It's unlikely I'll be adding this particular feature, but you never know. :)



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Not every topic does it, but check out the second topic "The last good console generation" in both pics. The first pic is what the topic looks like without the cursor on it, the second pic is what the topic looks like after the cursor is on the same vertical level as the topic. When the cursor is moved down below the topic's level or above the topic's level it returns to what it looked like in the first pic. So, as the cursor is moved down the page there is a lot of movement going on.





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