+Lee Stewart Posted November 14, 2019 Share Posted November 14, 2019 1 hour ago, TheBF said: For whatever reason this little program has captivated me. Yeah—me too! I am still not done, but I was stymied awhile by what was going on in TYPE-A1 with V2 . After sleeping on it, I finally figured out that this was handling leading zeroes. I have fbForth 2.0:12 down to 1:58 and will probably get it down a little further before I hang it up, but I will not likely beat CAMEL99 Forth v2.53. ...lee 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted November 14, 2019 Share Posted November 14, 2019 Thank goodness someone else is in on it! I punted on the leading zeros by using SKIP, which is fair ball for you to. Mine is part of the system in CODE, but because it only has to scan through a small number even in Forth it's still pretty fast in this case. I also realized that once I had converted to a string, I could just scan the string for ASCII 7 which meant I could use an ordinary do loop instread of stepping version. I am working now on changing the calculation function to be 7^X ( power --) I can remove the length variable but I think the remainder variable will come back to keep me more sane. (less crazy? no sure which applies here) : /STRING ( c-addr1 u1 n -- c-addr2 u2 ) ROT OVER + -ROT - ; : SKIP ( addr len char -- addr' len') >R BEGIN OVER C@ R@ = WHILE 1 /STRING REPEAT R> DROP ; Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HOME AUTOMATION Posted November 14, 2019 Share Posted November 14, 2019 3 hours ago, TheBF said: Stop me before I code again! Rampart base... This is Rescue 51... The patient is coding again... we're gonna try the paddles this time! 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted November 14, 2019 Share Posted November 14, 2019 2 hours ago, TheBF said: I punted on the leading zeros by using SKIP, which is fair ball for you to. Since we are only cutting 1 char off the string this is much faster in Forth. : /SNIP ( adde len -- addr' len' ) 1- SWAP 1+ SWAP ; : SKIP ( addr len char -- addr' len') >R BEGIN OVER C@ R@ = WHILE 1- SWAP 1+ SWAP ( /SNIP inlined ) REPEAT R> DROP ; Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted November 14, 2019 Share Posted November 14, 2019 (edited) "I'm coding and I can't get up!" This version is about as good as I can get it on the computation side without resorting to inlining or some Assembler assistance. It runs on Camel99 Forth V2.53 in 1:21 and on Turbo Forth in 1:13. This would take the time on the CAMEL99 TTY version below 1 minute. I make use of a variable to remember the quotient in the divide operation. I am pretty sure that the Forth overhead would swamp the divide operation time if I did it without using divide. It's a different story if we allow Assembler of course. But at least in the version we traverse the array using a value on the data stack that be increment by 2 each time through. \ Sevens problem factored Style ANS Forth \ Need for Turbo Forth only \ : /SNIP ( adde len -- addr' len' ) 1- SWAP 1+ SWAP ; : SKIP ( addr len char -- addr' len') >R BEGIN OVER C@ R@ = WHILE 1- SWAP 1+ SWAP ( /SNIP inlined ) REPEAT R> DROP ; : BOUNDS ( addr len -- addr2 addr1) OVER + SWAP ; \ --- PROGRAM BEGINS HERE --- \ INCLUDE DSK1.TOOLS debugging DECIMAL 180 CONSTANT SIZE CREATE A1 SIZE CELLS ALLOT \ calculation buffer \ MACRO to remove noise in code : 10/MOD ( n n -- quot rem ) S" 0 10 UM/MOD" EVALUATE ; IMMEDIATE VARIABLE QUOT \ quotient must be retained : 7^X ( power -- ) BEGIN A1 SWAP 0 DO DUP @ 7 * QUOT @ + 10/MOD QUOT ! OVER ! CELL+ LOOP DROP QUOT @ WHILE REPEAT ; 55 CONSTANT '7' : 5SEVENS? ( $addr len -- n|0) 1- 0 -ROT \ counter on stack under args BOUNDS DO 1+ \ bump counter I C@ '7' = \ test for a '7'. TRUE= -1, FALSE=0 AND \ AND flag with count (replaces IF) DUP 5 = \ is count equal to 5? IF LEAVE THEN \ if so, leave the loop, return flag LOOP ; \ Convert A1 to A1$ (text string) 48 CONSTANT '0' VARIABLE HP \ "HOLD" pointer. Where to put DIGIT in the string : <# ( -- ) PAD HP ! ; \ setup HOLD buffer : #> ( -- pad length ) PAD HP @ OVER - ; \ compute length of string : HOLD ( char -- ) HP @ C! 1 HP +! ; \ hold digit in pad, bump pointer : <#..#> ( addr len -- ) \ convert (addr,len) to digits in HOLD buffer CELLS BOUNDS SWAP DO I @ '0' + HOLD -2 +LOOP ; : >BIG# ( addr len -- $addr len ) 1- <# <#..#> #> '0' SKIP ; DECIMAL : RUN CR A1 SIZE CELLS 0 FILL 7 A1 ! \ initial value of 7^1 2 \ intial POWER value lives on stack BEGIN CR ." SEVEN TO THE POWER OF " DUP . ." IS" DUP 7^X 1+ ( bump the exponent) A1 OVER >BIG# 2DUP CR TYPE CR ( convert A1 & display) 5SEVENS? ( read string for 7s) UNTIL DROP CR ; \ Turbo Forth theBF's Factored 1:22 \ with 7^X 1:13 \ Camel Forth v2.53 \ Lucien's single array version: 2:16 \ Lucien's with +! incrementing 1:55 \ theBF's factored version 1:32 \ theBF's with stack pointers 1:26 \ with 7^X 1:21 Here's Willsy showing off. TForth sevens new computation.mp4 Edited November 14, 2019 by TheBF Code comments 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Lee Stewart Posted November 15, 2019 Share Posted November 15, 2019 I think I have gone as far as I can without resorting to Forth Assembler. I got it down to 54 seconds by the metric I was using, but it seems that metric is flawed. I timed it with a stopwatch and it seems that I lost a minute’s worth of interrupts during all the display sections! That is what I get for using the screen timeout counter. Oh, well. That means I am really at 1:54. I obviously need to implement the TMS9901 timer as Brian did. Anyway, here is the code (sorry about the missing spoiler—the editor options seem to have changed again) : \ Lee Stewart's mod of Lucien2's code for the sevens problem... DECIMAL : CREATE2 ( -- ) <BUILDS DOES> ; 180 CONSTANT SIZE CREATE2 A1 SIZE ALLOT \ A1 = inverted digit array 0 CONSTANT LENGTH \ current number of digits in result : A1*7->A1 ( -- ) \ perform 7 * last result 0 \ initialize carried digit on stack 1 ' LENGTH +! \ assume we will increase length by 1 digit A1 LENGTH + A1 DO I C@ \ get cur digit as next higher digit 7 * \ cur digit * 7 + \ add carried digit from stack 0 10 U/ \ make result ud..unsigned divide by 10 SWAP I C! \ store rem as cur digit..carry on stack LOOP DROP \ clean up stack \ eliminate leading 0 A1 LENGTH 1- + C@ 0= \ highest digit = 0? IF -1 ' LENGTH +! \ correct digit count THEN ; : TYPE-A1 ( -- ) LENGTH PAD C! \ store string length PAD \ copy of PAD to start string storage loop A1 1- DUP LENGTH + DO \ DO A1+length-1 to A1 1+ \ next PAD location I C@ \ get next digit 48 + \ convert to ASCII OVER C! \ store ASCII digit in PAD -1 +LOOP DROP \ clean up stack CR PAD COUNT TYPE CR ; \ type number : >5SEVENS? ( -- f ) \ Brian Fox's technique 0 \ initialize counter to no '777777' A1 LENGTH + A1 DO \ DO A1 to A1 + length 1+ \ increment counter I C@ 7 = * \ "AND" with counter DUP 5 > IF \ more than '77777'? LEAVE \ yup..we're done THEN LOOP 5 > ; \ insure actually '777777' or more HEX : 7'S-PROBLEM 0 83C4 ! \ disable Forth ISR CLS A1 SIZE 0 FILL 7 A1 C! 1 ' LENGTH ! 2 \ starting power BEGIN A1*7->A1 DUP \ dup power for display CR ." SEVEN TO THE POWER OF " . ." IS" 1+ \ increment power TYPE-A1 >5SEVENS? UNTIL ; DECIMAL You will see in the above code that I dispensed with most of the variables ( V1 V2 POWER ). I changed LENGTH to a constant, but I do not think I saved much doing that because I had already hoisted LENGTH out of the loops. I unabashedly copped Brian’s =5SEVENS? for my >5SEVENS? . I found that I needed to redo the check outside the loop to avoid a final, smaller-than-6 set of ‘7’s passing the test. I also avoided checking for leading zeroes in TYPE-A1 by not allowing them in A1*7->A1 in the first place. One last change I made that saved a little time and code (I think) was to make A1 a byte array instead of a cell array. ...lee 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted November 15, 2019 Share Posted November 15, 2019 It's wonderful to see another solution. Thanks!!! (been staring at mine for too long) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Willsy Posted November 15, 2019 Author Share Posted November 15, 2019 On 11/13/2019 at 8:15 PM, TheBF said: I finally got around to making a vanilla ANS/ISO Forth version that I am happy with. The previous version relied on more variables than is acceptable for Forth programmers. This version compiles on Camel99 and TurboForth. The only ANS Forth enhancement used is to use text macros for array access which is also supported by TurboForth. I pushed this code onto real iron over the serial port as well. You can clearly see in the video how the screen write times affect this program's run time a great deal. This same code running with VDP I/O CAMEL99 1:32 , TurbForth 1:22. VDP screen writes take a lot of time. Reveal hidden contents \ Sevens problem factored Style ANS Forth \ Need for Turbo Forth only : /STRING ( c-addr1 u1 n -- c-addr2 u2 ) ROT OVER + -ROT - ; : SKIP ( addr len char -- addr' len') >R BEGIN OVER C@ R@ = WHILE 1 /STRING REPEAT R> DROP ; \ --- PROGRAM BEGINS HERE --- DECIMAL 180 CONSTANT SIZE VARIABLE LENGTH CREATE A1 SIZE CELLS ALLOT \ allocate memory \ array access words as ANS Forth text macros : A1@ ( ndx-- n ) S" CELLS A1 + @" EVALUATE ; IMMEDIATE : A1! ( n ndx -- ) S" CELLS A1 + !" EVALUATE ; IMMEDIATE : A1*7 ( -- length) 0 \ index on stack 0 >R \ remainder on return stack BEGIN BEGIN DUP A1@ 7 * R@ + 0 10 UM/MOD R> DROP >R OVER A1! 1+ DUP LENGTH @ > UNTIL R> WHILE ( "while there is a remainder") REPEAT ( Do it again) DUP LENGTH ! ; : SEVENS? ( length -- ?) 1- 0 \ counter on stack SWAP 0 DO 1+ \ bump counter I A1@ 7 = \ test for a '7'. TRUE= -1, FALSE=0 AND \ AND flag with count (replaces IF) DUP 5 = \ is count equal to 5? IF LEAVE THEN \ if so, leave the loop, return flag LOOP ; \ Convert A1[] to A1$ (text string) 48 CONSTANT '0' VARIABLE HP \ "HOLD" pointer. Where to put DIGIT in the string : <# ( -- ) PAD HP ! ; : #> ( -- pad length ) PAD HP @ OVER - ; : HOLD ( char -- ) HP @ C! 1 HP +! ; \ hold digit in pad, bump pointer : A1>#S ( -- pad length ) 0 LENGTH @ DO I A1@ '0' + HOLD -1 +LOOP ; : A1$ ( -- addr len ) <# A1>#S #> '0' SKIP ; DECIMAL : RUN CR A1 SIZE CELLS 0 FILL 7 A1 ! 1 LENGTH ! 2 \ intial POWER value lives on stack BEGIN A1*7 CR ." SEVEN TO THE POWER OF " DUP . ." IS" CR A1$ TYPE CR 1+ SEVENS? UNTIL DROP CR ; \ Turbo Forth 1:22 \ Camel Forth v2.53 1:32 He he! Great to see this thread come back to life - I'm really enjoying it. I'd be interested to see how fast TF is with the screen scrolling switched off: FALSE SSCROLL ! The problem with screen scrolling is we're adding the time taken to scroll the screen into the measurements. By removing it, I think you'll see the effects of your optimisations much more clearly. Have fun ? 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Willsy Posted November 15, 2019 Author Share Posted November 15, 2019 Also, I wonder how fast it would be with no screen I/O at all? Just output the final result? Then you're really timing your algorithm (and the underlying Forth system, of course) and removing the I/O. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted November 15, 2019 Share Posted November 15, 2019 6 hours ago, Willsy said: Also, I wonder how fast it would be with no screen I/O at all? Just output the final result? Then you're really timing your algorithm (and the underlying Forth system, of course) and removing the I/O. Guillaume and I went down that road a while back. He got it down in the signal digit seconds 7..9 in Assembler and his MLC language. An earlier version that I did in CAMEL99 Forth that only printed the final result ran in the 33 second range and TF was 500mS or so faster. I will try my new code and see what happens. For comparison the original version ran in about 1:09 seconds and simple using +! for incrementing variables got it down to 0:43 At some point we decided to be Orthodox and abide by your sacred text written way back in 2011. That's how the screen I/O came back. Good to hear from you. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted November 15, 2019 Share Posted November 15, 2019 15 hours ago, Lee Stewart said: I think I have gone as far as I can without resorting to Forth Assembler. I got it down to 54 seconds by the metric I was using, but it seems that metric is flawed. I timed it with a stopwatch and it seems that I lost a minute’s worth of interrupts during all the display sections! That is what I get for using the screen timeout counter. Oh, well. That means I am really at 1:54. I obviously need to implement the TMS9901 timer as Brian did. Anyway, here is the code (sorry about the missing spoiler—the editor options seem to have changed again) : You will see in the above code that I dispensed with most of the variables ( V1 V2 POWER ). I changed LENGTH to a constant, but I do not think I saved much doing that because I had already hoisted LENGTH out of the loops. I unabashedly copped Brian’s =5SEVENS? for my >5SEVENS? . I found that I needed to redo the check outside the loop to avoid a final, smaller-than-6 set of ‘7’s passing the test. I also avoided checking for leading zeroes in TYPE-A1 by not allowing them in A1*7->A1 in the first place. One last change I made that saved a little time and code (I think) was to make A1 a byte array instead of a cell array. ...lee I added a short translation harness to your code and it compiled on my system. I had to change the '*' operator to 'AND' so that the 7 detection would work on CAMEL99. Your version runs on CAMEL99 V2.53 in 1:12 seconds on the stop watch versus my last version that ran in 1:21. Dr. Stewart, you have done it again. Felicitations. A fine example of stack coding to be sure. (I got it to compile on TurboForth but it didn't run. However it would be sub-one-minute time based on previous comparisons) LeeStewarts7solution.mp4 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Lee Stewart Posted November 15, 2019 Share Posted November 15, 2019 Converting CAMEL99 Forth's ELAPSE.FTH (except for ELAPSE ) to fbForth 2.0:12, the times in MM:SS format reported by .ELAPSED for differing kinds of output of 7'S-PROBLEM are: No modification: 00:53.41 Printing just powers until the end: 00:24.98 Printing just progress dots until the end: 00:22.45 Printing nothing until the end: 00:22.11 ...lee 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lucien2 Posted November 15, 2019 Share Posted November 15, 2019 1:10 for the GPL version printing only the final result: 7's problem no printing.g.bin The display of results takes a lot time because I use a C style "format" function that replaces %'s by values. grom >6000 data >aa00,>0100,>0000 data menu data >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000 menu data >0000 data start stri '7''S PROBLEM' copy "libdefs.gpl" copy "libsubs.gpl" text stri 'SEVEN TO THE POWER OF % IS' intro stri 'THE GPL INTEPRETER IS RESOLVING THE 7''S PROBLEM. PLEASE WAIT.' buf equ >a000 a equ buf+256 length equ a+180 power equ length+2 s equ power+2 free equ s+181 start call initStack call loadStdChars dst 1,@length dst 1,@power dst 180,@arg L1 dclr @a(@arg) ddect @arg dcz @arg br L1 st 7,@a dst intro,@arg dst buf,@arg+2 call formatString dst buf,@arg call print L2 call multiplyBy7 call sixTimesSeven br L2 call scroll call printResult L3 b L3 multiplyBy7 *********** dclr @arg clr @arg+4 ;carry mul1 st @a(@arg),@arg+2 mul 7,@arg+2 add @arg+4,@arg+3 div 10,@arg+2 st @arg+3,@a(@arg) st @arg+2,@arg+4 dinc @arg dch @length,@arg br mul1 cz @arg+4 bs mul2 st @arg+4,@a(@arg) dst @arg,@length mul2 dinc @power rtn printResult *********** dst text,@arg dst buf,@arg+2 dst @power,@fac call formatString dst buf,@arg call print dclr @arg dst @length,@arg+3 pr1 st @a(@arg),@arg+2 add >30,@arg+2 st @arg+2,@s+1(@arg+3) dinc @arg ddec @arg+3 dch @length,@arg br pr1 st @length+1,@s inc @s dst s,@arg call print call scroll rtn sixTimesSeven ************* dclr @arg clr @arg+3 st3 st @a(@arg),@arg+2 ceq 7,@arg+2 bs st1 clr @arg+3 b st2 st1 inc @arg+3 st2 ceq 6,@arg+3 br st4 ceq @arg,@arg rtnc st4 dinc @arg dch @length,@arg br st3 rtn end 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted November 15, 2019 Share Posted November 15, 2019 1 hour ago, Lee Stewart said: Converting CAMEL99 Forth's ELAPSE.FTH (except for ELAPSE ) to fbForth 2.0:12, the times in MM:SS format reported by .ELAPSED for differing kinds of output of 7'S-PROBLEM are: No modification: 00:53.41 Printing just powers until the end: 00:24.98 Printing just progress dots until the end: 00:22.45 Printing nothing until the end: 00:22.11 ...lee FYI I have been tardy in publishing my latest code. (too many distractions like this) \ ELAPSE.FTH elapsed time measurment words \ Thanks to Tom Zimmer for the good ideas in FPC circa 1990 \ Ported to HsForth 08MAR91 Brian Fox Canada \ Ported to CAMEL99 Nov 29 2017, \ Simplified with SEXTAL Dec 6 2018 \ Good for 9 minutes maximum duration \ *** YOU CANNOT CALL KSCAN WHILE TIMING *** HEX 83D6 CONSTANT TICKER \ screen timeout counter increments by 2 /16mS DECIMAL : SEXTAL 6 BASE ! ; : <:> [CHAR] : HOLD ; : <.> [CHAR] . HOLD ; : TIME$ ( n -- addr len) \ string output is more flexible BASE @ >R \ 100ths secs minutes 0 <# DECIMAL # # <.> # SEXTAL # <:> DECIMAL #S #> R> BASE ! ; : .ELAPSED ( -- ) TICKER @ 5 6 */ TIME$ CR ." Elapsed time =" TYPE ; : ELAPSE ( -- <text> ) 1 PARSE TICKER OFF EVALUATE .ELAPSED ; I have significantly simplified the original version of ELAPSE after re-viewing the pages of Starting Forth. It it simpler to understand IMHO but gives the same results and it's more accurate because it captures the time string to the data stack right away before printing. It's yours to do with as you see fit. My results with your code clearly show Camel99 needs some work on the VDP I/O TYPE routine Using the ELAPSE timer (which is 2 seconds more than stop watch on the 1st measurement.) No modification: 01:14.68 Printing just powers until the end: 00:17.95 Printing just progress dots until the end: 00:16.70 Printing nothing until the end: 00:16.43 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Lee Stewart Posted November 16, 2019 Share Posted November 16, 2019 That is impressive! I will post a port of most of this to fbForth in a bit. I cannot do ELAPSE because fbForth does not have PARSE and EVALUATE to allow it to work. A couple of comments: You probably should manipulate the timer with unsigned operations because any value greater than 32767 is treated as negative by */ and will yield erroneous results. Something like U*/ would be nice. Barring that, there is U* and U/ that can be used. The first leaves the unsigned double number required by the second. I like to use TYPE immediately after <# ... #> because I never remember what other words use PAD and might step on the output of <# ... #> (probably a minor nit). ...lee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Lee Stewart Posted November 16, 2019 Share Posted November 16, 2019 OK, here is the port to fbForth of most of Brian’s CAMEL99 Forth timer code: \ Timer words for fbForth... HEX 83D6 CONSTANT TICKER \ screen timeout counter increments by 2 /16mS DECIMAL : OFF ( addr -- ) 0 SWAP ! ; : SEXTAL 6 BASE ! ; : <:> ASCII : HOLD ; : <.> ASCII . HOLD ; : TIME$ ( n -- addr len) \ string output is more flexible BASE->R \ 100ths secs minutes 0 <# DECIMAL # # <.> # SEXTAL # <:> DECIMAL #S #> R->BASE ; : .ELAPSED ( -- ) CR ." Elapsed time = " TICKER @ 5 U* 6 U/ SWAP DROP TIME$ TYPE ; \ need to define PARSE and EVALUATE before following will work \ : ELAPSE ( -- <text> ) 1 PARSE TICKER OFF EVALUATE .ELAPSED ; \ Forth TMS9900 Assembler code for U*/ ASM: U*/ ( u1 u2 u3 -- uquot ) *SP+ R1 MOV, \ pop divisor u3 to R1 *SP+ R2 MOV, \ pop multiplicand u2 to R2 *SP R2 MPY, \ u1*u2 R1 R2 DIV, \ (u1*u2)/u3 R2 *SP MOV, \ quotient to stack ;ASM \ machine code of above word CODE: U*/ ( u1 u2 u3 -- uquot ) C079 C0B9 3899 3C81 C642 ;CODE \ .ELAPSED with the above-defined U*/ : .ELAPSED ( -- ) CR ." Elapsed time = " TICKER @ 5 6 U*/ TIME$ TYPE ; Usage is TICKER OFF <words to execute for timing> .ELAPSED ...lee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted November 16, 2019 Share Posted November 16, 2019 7 hours ago, Lee Stewart said: That is impressive! I will post a port of most of this to fbForth in a bit. I cannot do ELAPSE because fbForth does not have PARSE and EVALUATE to allow it to work. A couple of comments: You probably should manipulate the timer with unsigned operations because any value greater than 32767 is treated as negative by */ and will yield erroneous results. Something like U*/ would be nice. Barring that, there is U* and U/ that can be used. The first leaves the unsigned double number required by the second. I like to use TYPE immediately after <# ... #> because I never remember what other words use PAD and might step on the output of <# ... #> (probably a minor nit). ...lee Good Insights as always. I think I have been saved from the overflow because I don't test really long durations. The current version can time 9 mins and my patience is low. To be sure its risky to rely on the hold buffer for very long. It's not task friendly in the FIG Forth version. My PAD adds an offset for each task so that there is in effect a different PAD address for each task so I am a little more cavalier. I am not currently using interrupts for screen printing, but your concern is well founded. I implemented ELAPSE based on FPC by Tom Zimmer. I was using HsForth which was not ANS either. This was how it was done on older systems: : ELAPSE ( -- <forth word> ) TICKER OFF INTERPRET .ELAPSED ; It should work on FIG-Forth I think. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Lee Stewart Posted November 16, 2019 Share Posted November 16, 2019 26 minutes ago, TheBF said: I implemented ELAPSE based on FPC by Tom Zimmer. I was using HsForth which was not ANS either. This was how it was done on older systems: : ELAPSE ( -- <forth word> ) TICKER OFF INTERPRET .ELAPSED ; It should work on FIG-Forth I think. Indeed, it does! Thank you. I just did not see the (now) obvious—too myopic, I guess. ...lee 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted November 16, 2019 Share Posted November 16, 2019 12 minutes ago, Lee Stewart said: Indeed, it does! Thank you. I just did not see the (now) obvious—too myopic, I guess. ...lee I don't think you are myopic. (or we both are) When I first saw the code I was shocked too. I had never considered using INTERPRET like that. Zimmer is/was a total genius. I read that in the '90s he was was asked to re-write a big APP that he had written for DOS using his FPC system. It was some kind of scientific application and pretty complex. Of course the customer wanted a Windows version now. Tom reviewed the current offerings for Forth systems for Windows and concluded that they all were not good enough. He licensed a Forth Assembler for 32Bit Intel by Andrew McKewan(?) and re-wrote his DOS development system including the hyper-text editor for Windows and adding Forth OOP language in a few months and then re-wrote the application for Windows in the new system... and it all worked!. Win32 Forth still has a following today. His last verson (4.x) is available. New people have continued maintaining it and there is a version 6.x. They used Assembler code to boot into windows and the last I heard it was tripping all the virus detectors so that made a lot of problems. Hmm... If they fixed it I should consider porting my cross-compiler to make a nice Windows version. So much code... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Lee Stewart Posted November 16, 2019 Share Posted November 16, 2019 14 minutes ago, TheBF said: Win32 Forth still has a following today. His last verson (4.x) is available. New people have continued maintaining it and there is a version 6.x. They used Assembler code to boot into windows and the last I heard it was tripping all the virus detectors so that made a lot of problems. Hmm... If they fixed it I should consider porting my cross-compiler to make a nice Windows version. That effort is part of ForthWin-Users-Group (a FaceBook group). I am over there but very, very peripherally. Erik Olsen is also over there. If you have a FaceBook presence, I will suggest you be added to the group. ...lee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted November 16, 2019 Share Posted November 16, 2019 I have Facebook accounts but I don't use them. I just checked Win32Forth and it still tripped my AVG anti-virus. I think I will pass for now, but I may ask you in future for a recommendation. Thank you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GDMike Posted November 17, 2019 Share Posted November 17, 2019 Tripping the av code isn't hard, it's just a pattern that the av doesn't like because it's in it db..I'd ignore it myself..but then again, I'm also set up to throw an OS with all sw in a few mins together.. But I think that site is safe. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted November 19, 2019 Share Posted November 19, 2019 I have been using Lee's version of this program to evaluate my screen I/O routines. I found a small improvement. We don't have to make a counted string since TYPE uses a stack string (addr,len) and we have LENGTH. It takes a few milliseconds off. : TYPE-A1 ( -- ) \ LENGTH PAD C! \ store string length PAD \ copy of PAD to start string storage loop A1 1- DUP LENGTH + DO \ DO A1+length-1 to A1 I C@ \ get next digit 48 + \ convert to ASCII OVER C! \ store ASCII digit in PAD 1+ \ next PAD location -1 +LOOP DROP \ clean up stack CR PAD LENGTH TYPE CR ; \ type number 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted November 21, 2019 Share Posted November 21, 2019 (edited) I noticed a SEVENS program in BASIC. It uses HCHAR() to output numbers but it actually goes quite a bit quicker if you use PRINT CHR$(A(I)+48; Original code: 10 DIM A(256) 30 PRINT "7's Problem" 31 A(1)=7 32 WIN=0 33 POWER=1 41 NUMLEN=1 45 POWER=POWER+1 46 PRINT "7 ^";POWER;"IS:":: 48 CARRY=0 49 INAROW=0 50 FOR I=1 TO NUMLEN 60 A(I)=A(I)*7+CARRY 70 CARRY=INT(A(I)/10) 80 A(I)=A(I)-CARRY*10 82 IF A(I)<>7 THEN 89 83 INAROW=INAROW+1 84 IF INAROW<>6 THEN 90 85 WIN=1 86 GOTO 90 89 INAROW=0 90 NEXT I 100 A(I)=CARRY 101 IF CARRY=0 THEN 109 102 NUMLEN=NUMLEN+1 109 H=3 110 FOR I=NUMLEN TO 1 STEP -1 120 CALL HCHAR(23,H,48+A(I)) 121 H=H+1 122 IF H<32 THEN 130 123 H=2 124 PRINT : 130 NEXT I 131 PRINT :: 140 IF WIN<>1 THEN 45 150 PRINT "WINNER IS 7 ^";POWER Faster version 100 DIM A(256) 110 PRINT "7's Problem" 120 A(1)=7 130 WIN=0 140 POWER=1 150 NUMLEN=1 160 POWER=POWER+1 170 PRINT "7 ^";POWER;"IS:" 180 CARRY=0 190 INAROW=0 200 FOR I=1 TO NUMLEN 210 A(I)=A(I)*7+CARRY 220 CARRY=INT(A(I)/10) 230 A(I)=A(I)-CARRY*10 240 IF A(I)<>7 THEN 290 250 INAROW=INAROW+1 260 IF INAROW<>6 THEN 300 270 WIN=1 280 GOTO 300 290 INAROW=0 300 NEXT I 310 A(I)=CARRY 320 IF CARRY=0 THEN 340 330 NUMLEN=NUMLEN+1 340 FOR I=NUMLEN TO 1 STEP -1 350 PRINT CHR$(A(I)+48); 360 NEXT I 370 PRINT :: 380 IF WIN<>1 THEN 160 390 PRINT "WINNER IS 7 ^";POWER Edited November 21, 2019 by TheBF Fixed spoiler 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
unhuman Posted November 23, 2019 Share Posted November 23, 2019 On 11/21/2019 at 5:02 PM, TheBF said: I noticed a SEVENS program in BASIC. It uses HCHAR() to output numbers but it actually goes quite a bit quicker if you use PRINT CHR$(A(I)+48; Original code: Hide contents 10 DIM A(256) 30 PRINT "7's Problem" 31 A(1)=7 32 WIN=0 33 POWER=1 41 NUMLEN=1 45 POWER=POWER+1 46 PRINT "7 ^";POWER;"IS:":: 48 CARRY=0 49 INAROW=0 50 FOR I=1 TO NUMLEN 60 A(I)=A(I)*7+CARRY 70 CARRY=INT(A(I)/10) 80 A(I)=A(I)-CARRY*10 82 IF A(I)<>7 THEN 89 83 INAROW=INAROW+1 84 IF INAROW<>6 THEN 90 85 WIN=1 86 GOTO 90 89 INAROW=0 90 NEXT I 100 A(I)=CARRY 101 IF CARRY=0 THEN 109 102 NUMLEN=NUMLEN+1 109 H=3 110 FOR I=NUMLEN TO 1 STEP -1 120 CALL HCHAR(23,H,48+A(I)) 121 H=H+1 122 IF H<32 THEN 130 123 H=2 124 PRINT : 130 NEXT I 131 PRINT :: 140 IF WIN<>1 THEN 45 150 PRINT "WINNER IS 7 ^";POWER Hide contents 100 DIM A(256) 110 PRINT "7's Problem" 120 A(1)=7 130 WIN=0 140 POWER=1 150 NUMLEN=1 160 POWER=POWER+1 170 PRINT "7 ^";POWER;"IS:" 180 CARRY=0 190 INAROW=0 200 FOR I=1 TO NUMLEN 210 A(I)=A(I)*7+CARRY 220 CARRY=INT(A(I)/10) 230 A(I)=A(I)-CARRY*10 240 IF A(I)<>7 THEN 290 250 INAROW=INAROW+1 260 IF INAROW<>6 THEN 300 270 WIN=1 280 GOTO 300 290 INAROW=0 300 NEXT I 310 A(I)=CARRY 320 IF CARRY=0 THEN 340 330 NUMLEN=NUMLEN+1 340 FOR I=NUMLEN TO 1 STEP -1 350 PRINT CHR$(A(I)+48); 360 NEXT I 370 PRINT :: 380 IF WIN<>1 THEN 160 390 PRINT "WINNER IS 7 ^";POWER If I remember correctly, I used HCHAR b/c printing with ; puts an extra space in on the TI, unlike other basics. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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