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IDE Plus 2.0 - new IDE host adapter


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Tried it but just with a USB thumbdrive.

Impressive so far. Seems you need to read the "Phyiscial Device" rather than the "Logical Device" otherwise it doesn't read the first sectors with partition info etc.

Once I get another SD card setup with some experimental stuff, I might give a backup/restore operation a shot.

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I got the issue with booting Spelunker sorted, I must have forgotten to redirect the drive first time around.


Got a question re the 8-pin header on the interface, I've not yet set mine up, will likely go the cartridge route and use an old network cable to carry the signalling and power.


- The VCC (+5V) pins - can they supply power for the board itself allowing me to disconnect the +5V from my 800XL PBI ? Or are they only used to generate logic level or something?

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I got the issue with booting Spelunker sorted, I must have forgotten to redirect the drive first time around.


Got a question re the 8-pin header on the interface, I've not yet set mine up, will likely go the cartridge route and use an old network cable to carry the signalling and power.


- The VCC (+5V) pins - can they supply power for the board itself allowing me to disconnect the +5V from my 800XL PBI ? Or are they only used to generate logic level or something?

Following the traces on the pcb reveals that it is "strong" enough; and there are 2 pins on the IDE for 5V+. So yes :D


On the other hand, supplying +5V via pbi seems to be "normal", since the original design of hte pbi (600XL) uses pin 47 & 48 for +5V. Using several different pbi devices proofed to me, that this is the easy and "correct" solution. And when using a hard drive (might suck more than 1 Amp), the power can be directly taken from the 5V input connector and therefore will not stress the pcb or the components of the XL.


But - why do this? There are very few cartridges that need to be run "behind" sdx on the interface -> OSS supercarts e.g. or cards you might want to flash. All standard (game) carts will ran from the normal cart port on the XL. And Draco wrote some routines in the bios to handle standard carts from the port on the interface as well. Depends on you daily business and the 8-pin cable isn't an absolute need ...

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Just trying to get my head around the combinations. I guess running no carts, we can do without the header.


But running e.g. a language cart from the 800XL I guess we need to disable the internal SDX to avoid conflict. Or run it from the board's slot with the header attached to have both language and SDX ?

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Just trying to get my head around the combinations. I guess running no carts, we can do without the header.


But running e.g. a language cart from the 800XL I guess we need to disable the internal SDX to avoid conflict. Or run it from the board's slot with the header attached to have both language and SDX ?

With language carts you're talking about oss-carts, I guess - yes, then the add-on cable is a must. For games not - see pics here http://www.abbuc.de/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5947&start=86


When starting standard game carts I shut the complete ide + sdx down. Just tested that, normally I use file versions to test if they are compatible with SDX.

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Just trying to get my head around the combinations. I guess running no carts, we can do without the header.


But running e.g. a language cart from the 800XL I guess we need to disable the internal SDX to avoid conflict. Or run it from the board's slot with the header attached to have both language and SDX ?



you shouldnt use the SDX on the IDE+ on an XL unless the 8pin header is attached... if the SDX is disabled, then you can use any cart in the XL...




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you shouldnt use the SDX on the IDE+ on an XL unless the 8pin header is attached... if the SDX is disabled, then you can use any cart in the XL...



But I do always and there is no creason why not. Only carts who need CCTL (and S4/S5/RD4/RD5) require the 8-pin cable, since they have to be controlled by SDX and therefore have to be attached to the cart slot on the IDE board. And I use SDX with the XL as well as with the XE. I like this flexible design, which allows me to attach the IDE with the hard drive to any of my XL/XE machines in a plug'n'play manor. :lust:

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But I do always and there is no creason why not. Only carts who need CCTL (and S4/S5/RD4/RD5) require the 8-pin cable, since they have to be controlled by SDX and therefore have to be attached to the cart slot on the IDE board. And I use SDX with the XL as well as with the XE. I like this flexible design, which allows me to attach the IDE with the hard drive to any of my XL/XE machines in a plug'n'play manor. :lust:

I still haven't hooked up the 8-way XL cable (mainly because I haven't got into gear finding a suitable IDC header), but I tend to agree that the IDE+ should work with the on-board SDX activated providing you're using no "external" carts (unless the +5v trace on the XL just isn't up to the job). However, while I'm not, the interface currently doesn't want to work at all with my XL. It's always been hit-and-miss at best (with either the cable or direct connection, SDX on or off), but when I plugged it into the XE for the first time it was like a different world: totally stable, no hanging on power-up, etc.


So I've been blaming my XL troubles on the lack of this 8-way connector. However, another forum member told me his IDE Plus "wouldn't work for s**t" until he hooked up the extra XL connections, so I guess the proof will be in the pudding, so to speak.

Edited by flashjazzcat
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But I do always and there is no creason why not. Only carts who need CCTL (and S4/S5/RD4/RD5) require the 8-pin cable, since they have to be controlled by SDX and therefore have to be attached to the cart slot on the IDE board. And I use SDX with the XL as well as with the XE. I like this flexible design, which allows me to attach the IDE with the hard drive to any of my XL/XE machines in a plug'n'play manor. :lust:

I still haven't hooked up the 8-way XL cable (mainly because I haven't got into gear finding a suitable IDC header), but I tend to agree that the IDE+ should work with the on-board SDX activated providing you're using no "external" carts (unless the +5v trace on the XL just isn't up to the job). However, while I'm not, the interface currently doesn't want to work at all with my XL. It's always been hit-and-miss at best (with either the cable or direct connection, SDX on or off), but when I plugged it into the XE for the first time it was like a different world: totally stable, no hanging on power-up, etc.


So I've been blaming my XL troubles on the lack of this 8-way connector. However, another forum member told me his IDE Plus "wouldn't work for s**t" until he hooked up the extra XL connections, so I guess the proof will be in the pudding, so to speak.

I'm pretty sure that the beast lives somewhere else. The IDE V2 Plus runs with all my 600XL/800XL/130XE machines using SDX. Just plug it in and give it a go - it's absolutely amazing. Never had something like this in before. :).


All of them have different memory extensions. But there were people in ABBUC having troubles with an XL because of their many hardware add-ons.

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I'm pretty sure that the beast lives somewhere else. The IDE V2 Plus runs with all my 600XL/800XL/130XE machines using SDX. Just plug it in and give it a go - it's absolutely amazing. Never had something like this in before. :).


All of them have different memory extensions. But there were people in ABBUC having troubles with an XL because of their many hardware add-ons.

I suspected as much. Since the IDE Plus took a vacation on the XE, it won't work AT ALL on the XL. It's not the ribbon cable, since results are identical if I plug it in directly (upright) using the connector on the PCB. It prevents the machine booting, SDX on or off, HDD present or not. All this XL has in it is a VBXE - other than that, it's a stock Rev A board. If I plug it back in the XE (which is a Christmas Tree of upgrades), it works great. Unfortunately I bought the IDE+ for the XL...

Edited by flashjazzcat
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I'm pretty sure that the beast lives somewhere else. The IDE V2 Plus runs with all my 600XL/800XL/130XE machines using SDX. Just plug it in and give it a go - it's absolutely amazing. Never had something like this in before. :).


All of them have different memory extensions. But there were people in ABBUC having troubles with an XL because of their many hardware add-ons.

I suspected as much. Since the IDE Plus took a vacation on the XE, it won't work AT ALL on the XL. It's not the ribbon cable, since results are identical if I plug it in directly (upright) using the connector on the PCB. It prevents the machine booting, SDX on or off, HDD present or not. All this XL has in it is a VBXE - other than that, it's a stock Rev A board. If I plug it back in the XE (which is a Christmas Tree of upgrades), it works great. Unfortunately I bought the IDE+ for the XL...

Ok, "All this XL has in it is a VBXE" seems to be shuffled into Candle's focus ;).

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Jon, have you tested my 800XL (obviously in a dark room to avoid yellowing :D )?


with only a UV bulb for light, so the sun doesnt hit it? :'D

I actually buried it in the garden... might be a bit muddy, but sure won't see any UV light. Hopefully the black polythene bag I wrapped around PCB kept the water out...


Anyway, your 800XL was next (i.e. last) on my list to try, and I'll do that when I get back from my job interview tomorrow morning.

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It's been just "glorious" the past two days (at least if you like intense sunshine, which I don't much). Deborah and I had a relaxing afternoon sitting in our friends' garden yesterday and I caught the sun a little. Not so much as Deborah, however, whose back and shoulders were just a little sore. Silly girl wouldn't wear sunblock. :)

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Anyway, your 800XL was next (i.e. last) on my list to try, and I'll do that when I get back from my job interview tomorrow morning.


Good luck with the interview Jon. You deserve it!


(Mind you I will admit to being conflicted, if you get that job that means less Atari coding time for you ... hmm ;) )

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Mine works fine OK with 800XL / VBXE. Only issue I have with it is the problem of the BIOS dropping off the "SDX enabled" setting occasionally.


As for the computer, the problem I have with graphical glitches from garbage being sometimes read from $E000 has gotten worse. But that thing all started when I installed the 32in1 OS.

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An update to IDE Plus BIOS v. 0.8 is available on my website:




The most important changes are:


1) fixed the bug (reported by twh/f2) in slave device handling, it now works (according to beta-testers)


2) added a binary-file loader


The loader is a version of SD-Load, expanded to be able to read Atari DOS and MyDOS disks (besides SpartaDOS disks, of course). It now mostly resides in IDE Plus ROM and RAM, so the MEMLO during loading is rather low ($092A for a DD512 disk).


The IDE Plus loader may also be used to load program files (games, demos etc.) from SIO, and with USpeed SIO on it will use the UltraSpeed protocol.


Bomb Jack (275 KB), if the pic pause during loading is not counted, loads 6 seconds :)

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An update to IDE Plus BIOS v. 0.8 is available on my website:




The most important changes are:


1) fixed the bug (reported by twh/f2) in slave device handling, it now works (according to beta-testers)


2) added a binary-file loader


The loader is a version of SD-Load, expanded to be able to read Atari DOS and MyDOS disks (besides SpartaDOS disks, of course). It now mostly resides in IDE Plus ROM and RAM, so the MEMLO during loading is rather low ($092A for a DD512 disk).


The IDE Plus loader may also be used to load program files (games, demos etc.) from SIO, and with USpeed SIO on it will use the UltraSpeed protocol.


Bomb Jack (275 KB), if the pic pause during loading is not counted, loads 6 seconds :)

-> 2) Works great and even allows easier/faster access to FDISK2 :). BTW, could DMA OFF speed up loading even more?

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