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What are the must-have links for newbies and pros?

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I require a list of good quality links to put on adapted tutorial pages about Atari 2600 programming.


Here are the links I have so far:


Guide to 6502 Assembly Language Programming by Andrew Jacobs


6502 Instruction Set






Atari 2600 Specifications




Nick Bensema's Guide to Cycle Counting on the Atari 2600


Machine Language For Beginners


TIA Color Charts and Tools


The Atari 2600 Music and Sound Page


Game Standards and Procedures




Please post your favorite must-have links and please let me know if any of the links I posted are redundant or if they should be put in a certain order or if you have any other ideas.




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I also found Nick Bensema's How to Draw a Playfield to be very helpful.

Thanks. It took longer than I thought, but I just got done making an HTML version of that asm file so I would have a real page to link to:







Not strictly related to actual programming, but some mention should be made of testing your output. So maybe mention Stella and the Harmony project. And of course batari Basic should be there too.

Thanks, I'll add them to the list.

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OK, I think my list of links is finished. Please let me know if you think I forgot any must-have links:







Did you have this one. This is an html version of the TIA manual by Jay Miner in 1976. I like the way it has everything layed out. Anything you want to know about the TIA is here. http://classic-web.archive.org/web/20060924093654/http://www.howell1964.freeserve.co.uk/Atari/tia/index.htm

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Did you have this one. This is an html version of the TIA manual by Jay Miner in 1976. I like the way it has everything layed out. Anything you want to know about the TIA is here. http://classic-web.archive.org/web/20060924093654/http://www.howell1964.freeserve.co.uk/Atari/tia/index.htm

Thanks. I can't get most of the pages to come up fully or at all, but it looks like the info might be included here:



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Did you have this one. This is an html version of the TIA manual by Jay Miner in 1976. I like the way it has everything layed out. Anything you want to know about the TIA is here. http://classic-web.archive.org/web/20060924093654/http://www.howell1964.freeserve.co.uk/Atari/tia/index.htm

Thanks. I can't get most of the pages to come up fully or at all, but it looks like the info might be included here:




A good portion of it is however, the wording may be a bit easier to understand and the diagrams for me at least are easier to follow (they are colorized :)) and it also has the schematics too.


It's this part of the site I thought might be helpfull:



And perhaps this:


Edited by grafixbmp
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A good portion of it is however, the wording may be a bit easier to understand and the diagrams for me at least are easier to follow (they are colorized :)) and it also has the schematics too. But it ONLY deals with the TIA, nothing more :(

I still can't get the images to display on the Figures page. Do they look the same as the ones on this page:



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A good portion of it is however, the wording may be a bit easier to understand and the diagrams for me at least are easier to follow (they are colorized :)) and it also has the schematics too. But it ONLY deals with the TIA, nothing more :(

I still can't get the images to display on the Figures page. Do they look the same as the ones on this page:




I can't seem to get the figures to load either. They may be the same. THe address details and summary are the best parts that load and the schematics won't load either. If all of it won't work then ya can ignore it. I did an archive of the best parts for future reference.


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