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The Official "Thrift finds" Thread


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Finally some luck this morning, All $2 Aus each


Intellivision, boxed, overlays, instructions


Tron Solar Sailor


Arcadia 2001, Boxed, overlays, Instructions, Waranty, Brochures

Space raiders

American football

Missile war

Tanks Alot







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I saw one last year at the Midwest Classic, and thought that it was really cool - though I'm sure the gameplay on it is less than stellar.  I can't find any info about it on the net anywhere.  Any leads?




Good link.


Weird Supervision sighting: on "The Price Is Right!" Several years ago, I saw this system with an assortment of games on TPIR. They used it as a qualifier to get out of contestants' row on several occasions. This just seemed bizarre to me, since this indicated a promotional budget for a product that was not available at retail ( at least not nationally... I never saw it here in the Midwest).


Where were these things sold, anyway?




[ObThreadTopic] I found two CV SuperAction controllers yesterday for $1.99 each... combined with my recent 5200 finds (Miner 2049er, Popeye, and a few others @ $1.49) plus a 2600 towering inferno for $.99, it's been a good week!

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Spent all day and got a few cool things.


Frogger mini arcade game. 3.00 works awesome

Atari 600 computer and 7 cartridges. 3.00 with some books and controllers.

Atari 2600 15 carts. 15.00

mad catz racing steering wheel and pedal. 5.00

3 other controllers 1.00

super nintendo 1 game 5.00

whew think that bout covers it. :roll: Now im too tired to play anything.

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I never saw the Supervision at retail either. I figure that it might have been a catalog item, a "superstore" kind of item (you know those stores that sell warehouses full of cheap knockoff crap), or like a gas station gift shop item. I'd love to hear more about where people may have seen these.


I was just lamenting not too long ago that I miss Pac-Man breakfast cereal. I know that it was just a rip off of Lucky Charms, but I liked it back then. I even like the highly dorkwad commercials that encouraged kids everywhere to do the Pac-Man dance.


I also really miss Cracker Jack cereal, but it's probably better that I didin't eat more breakfasts created by a dog food company. The world would also make me happy by bringing back Boo Berry, Franken Berry, and Fruit Beast...

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Found some NES games at a Salvation Army yesterday:


Ghosts N Goblins

Wrath of the Black Manta


Time Lord


Mighty BombJack



Not bad. All untested but I paid about $14 ($2 each game) and these were most of the carts worth getting..everything else was doubles or really common games.


I still gotta look up the value of these carts sometime.

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I thought I was lucky finding one at all in the wild, let alone for $7, well I found another at a local thrift today for $8! Now if I could only find some games I would be all set.


Also picked a few NES games I needed, not sure what it puts me up to, upper 300's I think. Been a little dry cart wise. But yard sale time is here, so should pick up again.

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Not bad. All untested but I paid about $14 ($2 each game) and these were most of the carts worth getting..everything else was doubles or really common games.


I still gotta look up the value of these carts sometime.


I recommend the Video Game Bible. It's not perfect, but no price guide ever is - however this one is REALLY damn comprehensive. I picked it up at the Expo last year and it's been an invaluable resource to help me in my collecting ever since.

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My friend found me an original Odyssey in the original box and Magnavox shipping box for $7 dollars at one of the Goodwills. It has a bunch of overlays and dice and the cards for the football game, but it's missing the RF adapter and I've never seen one like it before so I haven't been able to hook it up yet and test it.



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IBM Thinkpad 760XL laptop & docking station. 8 bucks. :)


Thats a pretty sweet deal.


Does it work?


Where did you get it.. a thrift store? If that was in any thrift store around here I am sure it would have a $150 or more price tag.


Only "laptop" I have ever found was a Toshiba T1100+ for $15.00. I still haven't got it up and running yet.

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This is why I started this thread, not only am I now "Really" broke but

also the thrifts around here are compleatly dry. It's good that I can

see people are still finding stuff :)


@badbrad, :o :lust:


O.K, my finds this week involved moving the rest of my stuff out of my

parents house. Remember Tazo's and POG's (the round cap things NOT punkoffgirl ;) )

well I seem to have had quite a collection. Also a lot of cards.... Football,

basketball, Ninja Turtles (movie and cartoon) "Garbage Pail Kids" :D

And lots of Comics from simpsons, Xfiles, mortal kombat and garfeild magazine.

Sadly no games apart from the Ninja Turtles and the X files card games.

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IBM Thinkpad 760XL laptop & docking station. 8 bucks. :)


Thats a pretty sweet deal.


Does it work?


Where did you get it.. a thrift store? If that was in any thrift store around here I am sure it would have a $150 or more price tag.


Only "laptop" I have ever found was a Toshiba T1100+ for $15.00. I still haven't got it up and running yet.


Goodwill. Yeah, it works. P166 MMX, 82megs of ram, 20x cd-rom, 12.1" svga screen, stereo sound.


But it sucks because the laptop unit itself is almost useless in the field. No Serial or Parellel ports on it. Just a single propriatory connector to plug into the docking station. The docking station gives you serial & parellel.


So basiclly, you have no really easy or convienent way to get info off the machine, particualarly in the field.


Other then that, it's a nice machine.

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Got myself a Sega Master System today for six bucks at Goodwill. It didn't have any hook-ups, but the Genesis hook-ups I have work. They only had seven loose copies of Great Football for games and wanted five bucks each , so I stuck one in the cartridge slot and they didn't charge me for it. :twisted:

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I got two loose Intellivision games today for 50 cents: Horse Racing and Nova Blast. The latter has gunk all over it (like pop or something sticky) so I'm a little worried whether or not it will work, but for 25 cents it seemed too good to pass up. :D

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I've had a stroke of luck lately, and had some half-decent scores in the last week or so!


Score #1: (Odyssey^2 Day!)



Quest For The Rings (O2)

Conquest Of The World (O2)

K.C. Munchkin (O2)

Freedom Fighters (O2)

Speedway/Spin-out/Crypto-logic (O2)


Score #2: (No-Name Day!)


Canyon Bomber

Arcade Mania board game (described in another thread)


Score #3: (SNES Day!)


Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES)

F-Zero (SNES)

Stunt Race FX (SNES)

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES)

Missile Command (Atari 8-bit)

Qix (Atari 8-bit)

E.T. Phone Home (Atari 8-bit)


Considering how little I've found in the last few months, this is a LOT of stuff! I'm glad that I finally managed to find some of the SNES games I've been wanting, but didn't want to pay the high prices for. I got them for $4 each, but I usually see them selling for $15 or $20 or more!



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Man I feel bummed out you guys had a good weekend all I got was compu-visioin pong game in box for 2 bucks, and wizard and warriors for nintendo for 1.50. The older lady in front of me got the 2 nintendos and a butt load of games for 5.00 thats right 5 bucks.!!!! I wanted to tackle her in the driveway and choke her with the light gun cord. but I had to refrain.

Well maybe next weekend. :x

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