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The Official "Thrift finds" Thread


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Here's a list some of the games and units I got from all the thift store in the past years, (this do not inclused the consoles and games I brouht when they first came out in stores)


Number of consoles:

29 - 2600.

04 - 5200.

03 - 7800.

06 - Odyssy 2.

13 - Intellivision 1.

05 - Intellivision 2.

10 - Colecovision.

14 - NES (Old Model).

02 - NES (New Model).

20 - SNES (Old Model).

03 - N64.

16 - Sega Master System 1.

04 - Sega Master System 2.

24 - Genesis 1.

10 - Genesis 2.

04 - Genesis 3.

02 - Sega CD (first model)

02 - Saturn.

06 - Dreamcast.


Number of games (all of them are copys) Like 12 Pac-Man for 2600:

358 - 2600.

144 - 5200.

53 - 7800.

206 - Odyssy 2.

213 - Intellivision.

160 - Colecovision.

314 - NES.

120 - SNES.

53 - N64.

115 - Sega Master System

135 - Genesis 1.

73 - Sega CD.

18 - Saturn.

22 - Dreamcast.

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I hit all my favorite thrifts, but didn't find much I wanted to buy. One store I went to today usually has something good. The last time I went there, I bought an Atari 5200 with 9 games, all for $7. Today, they had a Game Gear missing a battery door, in a case with 4 other games, for $49.04! What were they smoking when they marked that one? I just bought a plastic bag with 9 TI-99/4A cartridges in it for $4. Later, I found Star Wars for the Game Gear for $4, and a boxed Roller Controller for the Philips CD-i console for $19.99. Normally I wouldn't have paid $20 for a used trackball, but I remember reading that the CD-i Trackball was fairly rare. So, what the heck.

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:x Man, I went to a garage sale yesterday cause my freind nik said they had 2 large tmnt figures. So I went to the sale and got them for a buck a peice. Then I ask the lady if they have any video games, she said she had a nes, a snes, a n64, and an xbox but she just sold them a little bit ago. I askd how many games she had, and she said she had the most for the nes and about 50 games or so total. I was so angry, I didnt even want to know how much she sold them for or what the games were or if they were boxed or not. The TMNT figures are from 1989 and are like a foot and a half tall.
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Decided to put an ad in the local paper and see what happened - had four calls so far, with mixed results.


First guy tried to tell me that Frogger for the Colecovision was worth $300. I wasted no more time with him.


Second guy pulled a fairly grubby Atari 2600 out of his garage, along with about 15 common carts and said he wasn't sure if it worked or not (probably not, seeing as it's Thunder Bay and how cold it gets in winter in an unheated garage here). He wanted $50 for it. I made my excuses and left.


Third guy had a treasure trove of Commodore stuff. For $50 I picked up two boxed VIC 20's, about 4 or 5 unboxed C64's, loads of disk drives, joysticks, a printer, some games on cassette and disk, tons of manuals and books. I don't think I did too badly on that one.


Fourth lady had a dirty Atari 2600, a decent looking Odyssey 2 and an Atari XE computer. Probably about 20-30 common games in total. She told me she didn't even know which cartridges plugged into which consoles, but when I offered her $60 for the lot (which I felt was over-generous, but I'm a softy) she suddenly became a retrogaming expert and told me that wasn't nearly enough. Oh well, she'll probably sell the machines for $10 apiece at her next yard sale or something.


Kind of a frustrating day overall. It seems a lot of people round here overvalue their stuff. Let's be honest here - none of the stuff I turned down was worth what the people were asking, but they all seemed to have the same mentality of "I paid 200 bucks for this console in 1982, I don't care if it's dirty and might not work, you can't be telling me it's only worth $20 now!" I guess news of the money to be made in retrogaming has even managed to make its way to Thunder Bay.


Oh well, perceived value and all that - they think their stuff is worth more than I'm willing to pay. It seems a shame that it'll all get shoved back into a cupboard or garage and forgotten again, though.

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The trick with the old lady anyway, is to look disgusted at the stuff she had and make it sound like you're doing her a favor for taking the stuff. Let her make the first offer and then furrow your brow and shake your head, stuff like that.


Hey, she's making a few bucks for something she didn't think was worth anything. She should be happy with $60


BTW, how many of the carts were 8-bit? Even common ones are worth 2 - 3 times (maybe more) of the same title cart on the 2600.

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Hmm...I should put an ad in the paper...can't hurt anyways...but all people seem to have around here are Sega Genesis(model 1) systems that they sell from 10$ to 60$ dollars...but, I might try that anyways


Malc, what did your ad say? I want to have a clear wording and make it be sensical and understandable but I don't know how i should word it exactly...

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Atarileaf - Only about 5 or 6 Atari 8-bit carts. Most were 2600, with a few boxed O2 games.


Tom - Here's my ad.


Wanted! Video games and systems from the 1970's to early 1990's. Cash paid. Call Malcolm on ......


That's basically it. I also give my website address as well, which basically has a big list of the stuff I'm interested in buying, plus a FAQ to help weed out anyone who thinks Frogger for the Colecovision is worth $300 (obviously didn't work though!).

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I went down to a local Goodwill this weekend and ended up having what I feel the best finds I've ever come across. I got a boxed NES power set, sega gene model 1, 2 SNES games, I NES game, 4 2600 games, and an extra original sega gene controller and the arcade stick for $35. the games aren't rare but good ones. Not to bad figuring my NES is complete in a nice box.

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I had a pretty good day today, with buys that pushed me to over 400 different total games in my collection. So, this whole purchase makes me even happier :D :D ...Anyhow, here'es the stuff:


First thrift: Looked around, didn't see anything except a couple Atari joysticks and a dirty Genesis controller, in an unpriced bag..Was going to get them, passed it by. Looked through the shelves again and found in a dirty box: Sega Genesis system, two controllers, hookups and some printer cables( :? ) and the following games(all cart only): Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic 3(x2), Mortal Kombat II, Vectorman, GoldenAxe II, Road Rash II, Lion King, Hard Drivin'. So I grabbed the box and bought it. 20$ total :D


Second thrift: Nothing too good here at first, but the I find 2 Sega CD games(Jeopardy and Double Switch, both complete)...99 cents each..got them, then looked at the counter, saw some Genesis games, got those for 99 cents each too. The games were: Aladdin, NBA Jam T.E., Flashback, and Fun 'N Games...The last two WERE STILL SEALED!! Major awesomeness for 1$ games :D


Yard Sale Nothing too interesting at first(a whole apartment complex was doing garage sales, so I took a look)..happened upon a Complete in box Sega Genesis model 2 system, with controller and hookups along with Madden 95(CIB)...price 10$..Bought it and put it in the car with the rest of my stuff..very :D moment again..


So, roughly 36$ for all that stuff today, and two more Gennys to add to the pile(I'm at 5 now)...and enough games to push me over 400 total :D, and I now need to majorly update my collection page..A very good day in all, but I also ran out of room on my shelves :sad: I have no place to put the boxed games and extra systems, but I'll go out and find shelving one of these days..[/b]

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I found:

A yellowed snes for $2.00

A genesis controller for $.75 (they 2 others but for $2.00)

Metalhead for the 32x $1.00

Dig Dug for the 5200 $2.00


Now I just need a genesis and a 5200 (Acctualy I just bought dig dug for the rom). there were a couple of other 5200 games, but no system that I could see, no power cords or controllers for the snes, which is strange seeing as the had 5 or so of them.

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I went by a Goodwill today and found a nifty looking calculator. It was solar powered, had the hexadecimal keys where I would want them, etc.


Then I looked it up on Google. Seems a Casio CM-100 Computer Math Calc went for $65 on ebay back in April, and they show up less than once a year on ebay. I paid $4 for mine.


I also got a TI-81 graphing calc with dead batteries for $2, just because. This thing looks like the Speak & Spell designers worked on it. Midnight blue with a hard plastic slide cover.

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Found a few things over the past week.

Tengen Tetris $2

Suikoden 2 $7.50 (missing back insert and has some scratches)

MegaMan 7 $2.99


Also found a Super Mario Bros. Arcade Cabinet for $20 (powers up but the tube does'nt work)


I included a pic of the 3 games, so hopefully is works right.



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Ok, In my absence due to being banned from internetting at work I've picked up stacks of stuff, Highlights only


Panasonic 3d0 - with 21 games etc


Ms Pacman - SMS

Altered beast - sms


Ikari Warriors - A2600


Duke 3d - saturn

Daytona cc edition - saturn

Panzer dragoon 1 & 2 - saturn

Wingarms - saturn

bug & bug too - saturn

Sea bass fishing - saturn



And heaps more, I lurv the saturn!

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Shitty day thrifting today...I guess I need to wait a few more weeks.....But I ended up buyin 3 Genesis games(CIB) for 2$ each: Zero Tolerance, College Football, and NHL Hockey...not much but, I wanted to at least walk away with something...and then I ended up going to the gamestore to buy some games and make myself feel better... :sad:

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