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The Official "Thrift finds" Thread


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Wow, can i make you feel better by letting you know that i picked up a complete performa 6400 and a complete power pc at my local thrifts? Not to mention the power cd. Ok, this is a while back, im waiting for a good priced g3


But more importantly i got zelda windwaker limited edition with majoras mask for $10


You may have already won a free Gameboy Advance. I'll deliver it in person, and you have to sign for it. You may also feel a sharp pain in your neck, but it will pass as you lose consciousness.


Not quite, but i did buy a gold coloured (thats colored) gameboy pocket for 50 cents today.

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Hey CharityCaseGreg... there are some very nice scores there - especially since you seem to have paid my fave price for a lot of it... FREE! ;)


Just out of curiosity, in the second pic from the bottom there is a black object in the lower right corner (under Demon Sword). It looks like some kind of GB adapter thingy - what is it?

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So I've been thrifting in two states in the last week! I spent the weekend in Dallas/Fort Worth and went thrifting with Paul Slocum. It was fate that we'd find a 2600 while we were out, but it was ridiculously priced at $16. I did find a few cherry things tho:


Game Boy Color - $3

Virtual Boy complete - $8

Myst for Saturn - $2

Zelda for SNES - $2

Arcade joystick for SNES - $1.20

Cakepan that looks like a Devo hat - .60 (and yes... I do intend to wear it!)


I've mentioned in the past being into home movies, and Dallas was a treasure trove. These weren't family home movies, but home versions of Hollywood features in Super 8 (with sound even!). Each reel is usually an assortment of clips totalling about 5 minutes. I found the 5min. version of Empire Strikes Back in German, and hour long versions of Star Wars and Empire.


I also found a machine that lets you add magnetic tape to movie film so you can add sound to silent films. Needless to say that these things are exceedingly rare, so I was tickled to find them.


The only problem is that I don't have a projector that's set up to accomodate the massive Star Wars reels! Still, I'd rather watch these than Lucas' butchered Special Edition versions that just came out on DVD.


Okay - so my luck was still good when I went thrifting here in Chicago today. Here's what I scored:


Maxtor sealed 17 gig hard drive - $3

Coleco Gemini + Space Invaders - $4

Atari 2600 6 switch, 18 games, joysticks, driving controllers, manuals - $20

(the carts were all very common, except for Fast Eddie (with docs!) and Deadly Duck which I didn't have already).


I could have gotten a SubScan for an additional $1.50, but a lady picked it up the second before I was going to. I hold no malice, and genuinely hope that she enjoys it. Though I did harbor thoughts of trading her some of the games that I was holding in my hands - then I would have felt a bit on the pathetic side. :)

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Hey CharityCaseGreg... there are some very nice scores there - especially since you seem to have paid my fave price for a lot of it... FREE!  ;)


Just out of curiosity, in the second pic from the bottom there is a black object in the lower right corner (under Demon Sword).  It looks like some kind of GB adapter thingy - what is it?


Its a game genie for game gear

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In another episode of Shitty Thrift Adventures...


Goodwill (Salem, Ohio): There are tons of InTV games there, but NOTHING ELSE. Oooh, a boxed Genesis game! Ah, with no game inside. 9_9

I ended up buying a boxed Tandy joystick ($1). Now I have 3, but Megabug is only 1 player.


Goodwill (New Castle, Pennsylvania): Still cleaned out. More InTV games, but without a system, I have NO interest in them. Bought a USB Joystick ($2.50) and a mini-vac minus a few attachments ($1). There were a few PC keyboards, nothing special, and an IBM monitor, but the plug looked broken. There was some sort of small film projector that worked... or at least the batteries in it worked. I have no need for it.


Goodwill (Hermitage, Pennsylvania): There's nothing there but Saturn and Genesis sports games. Maybe a few InTV games, I forget, but NOTHING else game-related. A few PC keyboards, nothing special, some oddly-shaped Xerox printer, that's pretty much it. I got a V.


The only other Goodwill store in my now-curtailed range is the one in Andover, OH. It's generally shitty, the only good stuff I've ever gotten from it are Hydelide 3D for Saturn and an iomega tape drive with a 1GB tape. There's a store in Ashtabula, but that's a two hour drive ;_;, much too far for a longshot. There's another store close to Ashtabula, too, but I don't think I can stand four+ hours of driving through the more redneck-sections of Ohio. Anyone evern been on the Queen Elizabeth Way? It's like the section just outside of Niagra, only slower and more desolate.

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You certainly have a thing for "V" dont ya? :P


Today my mom brought me home something from a thrift store as a gift:

>Realsports: Volleyball

>Pitfall x2

>Othello x2

>Defender x2

>Combat x2

>Missile COmmand


>Human Cannonball

>Video Olympics

>Sky Diver




>Demons To Diamonds


and for NES:


>Wheel of Fortune

>RBI Baseball


and for Sega

>a bunch of sportsgames to add ot my collection



There are 3 carts for some system I do not know of. They are small carts, black, with a slanted front (like a wedge |___ ) and I have

>NFL Football


>Major League Baseball


She said it was only $16.32 for all of that. :) What an awesome gift! :D

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You certainly have a thing for "V" dont ya? :P
Not really. Unless the V is red, nobody will get it.
They are small carts, black, with a slanted front (like a wedge |___ )
Intellivision. Again, I've never even seen the actual system.


October 29th will probably be the last time I go thrift hunting for a long time. Tired of this area having nothing but fucking garbage.

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More Shitty Thrift Adventures:


At my nearby Goodwill, there was a boxed Phantasy Star II. I asked to see it, the instructions were really wrinkled, but they were there. Then I noticed there wasn't a price on it. They were selling it along with four other unmemorable games and a system for 50 bucks. Um, I already have enough Genesis consoles, thank you very much. And even in mint condition, no way is that one cartridge worth 50 bucks.

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Well if we're moaning about thrift stores...

Up until a few months ago I'd have said I had it pretty good with the Value Village up here, but recently they've gone completely barmy regarding pricing (when they actually have any video game stuff on the shelves) - including NES SMB/Duck Hunt for $3.99 (used to be $1.99 or even 99c a few months back) and a boxed Genesis Golden Axe for $5.99 (they sold a bunch of boxed Genny carts a couple of months ago, including GA for $2.99 each). To make matters worse, I found a couple of old boxed PC DOS games that the silly buggers had taped shut - meaning that firstly I couldn't check whether the bloody things where complete and secondly if I bought them I'd ruin the boxes taking the tape off.

Luckily the Sally Army here is still relatively okay - I picked up a complete Genesis yesterday for $5.99, and Genesis TazMania and an old Mac game (The Pawn, by Magnetic Scrolls/Rainbird) for $1.99 each.

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I imagine that this has been mentioned in these hallowed boards before, but you can sometimes get tape off using a heat gun. Heat guns are for stripping paint or applying shrinkwrap tubing - it's kind of like Gozilla's hair dryer. You can also try just a regular old hair dryer. SOmetimes that's enough to get the tape to come off smoothly.


And then sometimes you have to just swear at it. The place that I go the most used to use packing tape which always tore up paper boxes, but recently they've been using fillament tape that tends to come off pretty well.

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I'd punch a baby in the face for that Megaman 2 NP.


More thrift reviews, but I haven't been to these in months:


Warren, Ohio

Medium sized, pretty bare as far as game stuff goes. Barely even Combat/Asteroids to be found. Almost never computer stuff.


Youngstown, Ohio

Big. I clean it out every time I go there. Occasionally computer stuff, rarely game stuff. Software, VHS aplenty.


Lorain, Ohio (I haven't been here for ten years)

Small. The last time I was there, I bought a universal remote for a dollar. Of course, finding game shit in Goodwill back in 1994 was HAW HAW YEAH RIGHT.


Sally Army, Warren, Ohio

Big. Lots of computer crap, mostly 8086 to 386 PC stuff.


Sarah's High Class Junk, Warren, Ohio

Big, but dangerous. The floor is literally collapsing. The only thing of any interest there is an IBM PCjr with the monitor, and a Commodore monitor. They want $20 for each. >_< You guys are welcome to them. Right next to Sunoco on Todd Avenue.

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You're very lucky dude. :P There's not much where I live:


The Castaways (Rockport, TX):

I haven't seen any game stuff here EVER. You can soot thru the stuff before it gets on shelves for free if it is placed outside the 'drop door' but there's not much to get.


B & P Resale (Rockport, TX):

This is where my mom got me all that stuff listed up there. :)


Goodwill (Corpus Christi, TX):

Pretty much the same as The Castaways, not much here worth getting. I managed to find a Game Player's GameTape (it's got NES game hints on them) for $1 once.

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Lucky my ass. Most of the shit I buy from the stores I listed is blank media, manuals for shit I'll never see or use, and keyboards. Woo, I'm the king of thrift hunting with my UBER RARE IBM KEYBOARD LOT and 50 blank 5.25" disks. 9_9


My last haul was the shit I bolded up near the top of the page, and that took NINE HOURS of driving to get!

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Genesis with cables and 3 controllers $1.50

Genny games

Awesome Possum $.50

6-Pak $.50

Willaims Arcade Greatest Hits $.50


Intellivision games all $1.00 each

Masters of the Universe The Power of He-Man

River Raid

Sewer Sam


Ice Trek

AD&D Treasure of Tarmin


Beauty and the Beast

Burger Time

Demon Attack

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Holy crap. This isn't a thrift find per se, but I just started cleaning up my storage space - adn it's a LOT of crap that I'd forgotten I'd even found. I feel like I shoud keep a journal of lal the stuff I find... That's kind of why I post here - it's the only way that I'd remember when I got certain games and how little I paid.


Anyway, I'm going to grab some pictures of my furniture before I stuff it into storage (since a couple of you were so kind as to request it). There's enough junk in there to set up a little living room right there in my building's basement! :)


Anyway, while it's always nice to go trolling through the thrift, it's equally nice to wallow in all of the drek you brought hom and forgot about. :)

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