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The Official "Thrift finds" Thread


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I too haven't posted in here for a long time, basically because I've all but stopped collecting and switched to "collection maintenance mode" these days. That said, a buddy of mine messaged me the other day and asked if I could give him a ride to the train station (we do automotive writing and he was returning a press fleet vehicle and catching a train home). He tossed me this Game Boy Color and Tazmania GB cart as a thank you. It's in nicer shape and works better than the identical GBC I already had, and the Tazmania game isn't a bad little platformer. Now that I have two, I think I might mod the original one I had a bit now that I have a good working unit for originality. 


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6 minutes ago, Silverfleet said:

I too haven't posted in here for a long time, basically because I've all but stopped collecting and switched to "collection maintenance mode" these days. That said, a buddy of mine messaged me the other day and asked if I could give him a ride to the train station (we do automotive writing and he was returning a press fleet vehicle and catching a train home). He tossed me this Game Boy Color and Tazmania GB cart as a thank you. It's in nicer shape and works better than the identical GBC I already had, and the Tazmania game isn't a bad little platformer. Now that I have two, I think I might mod the original one I had a bit now that I have a good working unit for originality. 


Nice, I'd look into the modern IPS drop in solution.  NO cutting, no soldering, no trimming or anything is needed if you want to leave it alone from an outside look.  It doesn't cost that much at all, and you can have a good iphone quality screen in a stock GBC and it makes it such a stunningly fun choice to use for all things 8bit Gameboy.  That's what I did with the Atomic Purple I have.  Had it not been for the fact the only other GBC I have is a nicely surviving pokemon GBC model I'd restore my atomic and put it back in its box since it's complete but I don't want to wreck the other on accident.

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