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The Official "Thrift finds" Thread


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Today at a local thrift:


Original Gameboy, Big case that looks like a gameboy, Gameboy Light, Gameboy batterypack and charger, Gameboy magnifier, Lighted magnifier, six games.


Links awakening, Donnkey Kong, Pokemon yellow, toy story, Donkey kong land 2, Wario Land.


All for $12.96 + tax.


I have to admit I cheated a bit. I usually don't go to this thrift because they have really high prices ($5.98 for common 2600 games is only the tip of it). Anyways a guy was pricing stuff at the counter and priced the gameboy for $12.96 with the case, he picked up a game and was about to price it but was called to the back. He then put all the games and magnifiers etc back in the case and headed to the back, leaving the case full of stuff on the counter so I picked it up and checked out before he could get back. :evil:


-Tim :D


Edited by pmpddytim
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Found a nice tan (of course) SNES console for $3.99 at GW.

Also, SNES controller for $1.99 and PC game pad for $1.99.


They had a SNES Super Scope complete in box, but for some reason wanted $24.99 for it. So I had to pass on that one.


I wonder what black hole the power supplys and a/v hookups, for all those bare consoles, disapears down???

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Picked up at Goodwill in Dallas:


Sega Dreamcast, with modem and 1 game inside (no power cord, but it isn't proprietary) - $3.99


Sanyo Beta HI-FI VCR - $19.99


Both with Goodwill's 10-day electronics warranty  :D




My folks had a Beta back in the day. My dad still swears by his, he thinks its the far superior version of the videotape.

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I wonder what black hole the power supplys and a/v hookups, for all those bare consoles, disapears down???


Go to a swap meet sometime, there are usually a few sellers with tangled piles of assorted wall warts and cables. Also, if they get separated from the equipment at a thrift store, they often get put on a pegboard or in a bin for separate sale. But if they don't sell in a couple of weeks, they usually go in the trash. That's an issue I have with thrifts - if they can't sell something, they'd rather trash it than lower the price or give it away free.
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Nada this week, the same common carts I passed on last week:


Goodwill (2600 Missle Command, Asteroids, Quadrun.....er I mean Home Run).


Goodwill #2 Nothing....just a few common NES and Genesis games.


Thrift #1- Intellivision Skiing and 2600 Barnstorming carts. Left 'em.


Thrift #2- 2600 Armor Ambush and Enduro (I left those last week).


Flea Market-A few consoles scattered about (Dreamcast, Genesis, NES). Nothing of note game-wise (mostly common NES stuff).

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Went to a guy today where i used to work with. He had some stuff for me:

2 atari 2600 black, 1 2600 Jr. rev a.

1 coleco gemini

1 msx mouse

Loose cart for 2600: Demon attack, Cosmic ark,Galaxian, Missile command, pac-man, ms. pac-man, Pitfall II, Video Olympics, Solar Fox, Action man Action Force and Frogger.

And a Philips :YES a 80186 pc.

All for nothing. And he maybe having a Amiga CD32 for me to :-).

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Picked up a Genesis 1 that looks to be complete. There are two joypads, the power supply, and the RF modulator, plus six games and a six-button Sega-branded arcade stick to boot. The price, $19.49 before tax, was very reasonable. Of course, this was after Goodwill was first asking $70 for it. Week by week they chipped at the price until I finally snagged it.


In case anyone reading this is thinking Goodwill might be coming to their senses, read on: I had to stop myself from laughing out loud when I saw what was in their display case: a selection of laserdisc movies, all of which are now on DVD, with price tags of $10 to $20 each.


Keep dreaming, Goodwill!

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skunkworx, you've got to start going to better thrifts. I just took a look at Google Maps in a search for "thrift" in Houston, and there's a few good places. There's a Disabled American Veterans Thrift in Houston. There's one here, and they always have good stuff there.



I went out to the flea market today, and picked up the following games, mostly for the Atari 2600.


Winter Games

Smurf Rescue in Gargamel's Castle

Return of the Jedi

The Empire Strikes Back


Casino (no end label)

Raiders of the Lost Ark (with a really bizarre end label)

Fire Fighter

Football (white label M-Network)

Night Driver

Football (Sears)

Target Fun (Sears)


Championship Soccer

Bowling (Sears)

Baseball (Sears)

Video Pinball


Star Trek Strategic Operations Simulator for the Colecovision

King's Field for the Playstation for $3

Devil's Crush for the TurboGraphx-16 for $20


Most of the Atari 2600 games I picked up in a heap for $3 total, and the rest were bought for $1 each at another booth. The Star Trek Colecovision was in the middle of the $3 heap, that's one reason I bought a bunch of commons.

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Well, I got a bunch of N64 games, many for a buck each, and some moderately rare ones for 3 or 4 bucks. Many of the ones that I got for a buck were commons that I already had, like Madden 64, for parts if I need to repair a broken cartridge someday. Hey, it's a dollar.


But the interesting thing was what I found at the goodwill salvage store when I was down in San Antonio today. While grabbing a bunch of legos, I threw a couple of YuGiOh cards in. Turns out one of the two cards is relatively rare: Tyrant Dragon LOD-034, holofoil, 1st Ed. Okay, so it ain't exactly in mint condition after being in the bins (there's a crease mark along the back where a corner got bent), but it's not exactly the kind of thing I expect when throwing random CCG cards in during my bottom-feeding activities.


Another interesting thing I found was an LP: Robin Williams "44 lines". Promotional copy, not for sale, even. And edited for radio, ha ha. It seems to be a comedy album by Robin Williams from back in 1979 or so, and the disc itself looks like it's hardly been played. (Actually, there's a scratch on the back side, but it's a one-sided LP, so it doesn't really matter.)

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Some rampaging the last couple of weeks while out of town produced a few interesting finds:


$3 -- 2600 Threshold

(At a flea market seeing bright orange in a stack of carts from 15 yards away required immediate investigation!)


$5 -- Boxed Supercharger with Phaser Patrol


$1 each IBM/PC 5-1/4" boxed games:

SSI AD&D The Dark Queen of Krynn

SSI Sword of Aragon

SSI Phantasie

SSI Battles of Napolean


And also for $1 a complete Origin Ultima IV for the Atari 8-bit computers. Pretty cool with the mint looking cloth map and Ankh thingy.


The Threshold is a keeper. Not too often lately when I find a cart I don't already have. I don't know the computer stuff so hopefully I can sell those. I know I can at least get my money back for this stuff ebaying the Supercharger.

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Yay for me being outta FL right now. Went to a flea market near some relatives up in central GA. I managed to find the following:


Atari 400/800 label Pac-Man cartridge ($1)

Atari 400/800 label Donkey Kong cartridge ($1)

NES "Vaus" controller for Arkanoid ($3!!!)

Epyx XJ500 Joystick for NES ($3)

The Official Nintendo Player's Guide (1985 book from Nintendo) ($3)


Didn't have a chance to go to the one back home in Albany, but depending on Wilma (and now Tropical Depression 25/Tropical Storm Alpha.. why God, WHY??), I might try next weekend.

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Found a very dirty Commodore SX64 at a garage sale for $20. Fellow said it had been up in his attic for at least 15 years.


Came with some carts, a box of floppy disks (mostly C64 but also some Apple II and IBM PC stuff), a parallel printer adapter and RS232 adapter. The adapters look pretty cheesy as they must somehow connect thru the proprietary commodore ports??


Powers on and loads carts & disks, keyboard seems to work fine but has stains of some sort on it. Case has a few scratches, but given its over 20 years old I can't complain.


Also came with a home-made A/V cable to hook it to an external monitor/TV.


Two of the disks are MULE and Archon (my favs back in the day). Figured after I clean it up, I'll hook-it up to the 36" TV and show my kids some wholesome 8-bit fun.


Excuse the poor photo quality as I'm still using one of those freebie digital cameras.


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skunkworx, you've got to start going to better thrifts. I just took a look at Google Maps in a search for "thrift" in Houston, and there's a few good places. There's a Disabled American Veterans Thrift in Houston. There's one here, and they always have good stuff there.


Heh, there's a DAV thrift near me and they never have anything good. I don't know why I keep going back.

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skunkworx, you've got to start going to better thrifts. I just took a look at Google Maps in a search for "thrift" in Houston, and there's a few good places. There's a Disabled American Veterans Thrift in Houston. There's one here, and they always have good stuff there.


Heh, there's a DAV thrift near me and they never have anything good. I don't know why I keep going back.



The one near me is pretty great. The place is built like a labrynth, so to get to where the electronics are kept, you have to go through four different doors. I think that a lot of people never find a lot of the good stuff that's usually kept way back there.


When I first started shopping there, they had well over a hundred NES carts, stacked up on a shelf. They had a basket filled with Atari 8-bit carts, and piles and piles of Genesis carts. Now, there's only about a dozen regular NES games, and around 20-30 Super Mario Bros. carts. They still have a lot of Genesis carts, though.

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The one near me is pretty great. The place is built like a labrynth, so to get to where the electronics are kept, you have to go through four different doors. I think that a lot of people never find a lot of the good stuff that's usually kept way back there.
Back in the '90s, the DAV thrift in San Antonio was one of my better sources of good stuff. I think I even saw a Tomy Tutor there once but (duh) was too stupid to get it. Anyhow, it all ended when the place burned down.
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