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Ram It end label


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I just picked up Telesys' Ram It ( for $1 at a flea :D ) and was wondering if the black/white label version had an end label. It probably does because there's room for it, but AtariAge doesn't have a picture of it. If anyone has a pic of it, I'd appreciate it.


I also picked up Sega's Up N' Down for $1 today so I'll be a little giddy the rest of the weekend 8)

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I just picked up Telesys' Ram It ( for $1 at a flea  :D  ) and was wondering if the black/white label version had an end label.  It probably does because there's room for it, but AtariAge doesn't have a picture of it.  If anyone has a pic of it, I'd appreciate it.


Hmmm, I could TAKE a picture of mine and e-mail it to you if you wish (I have Yahoo Photos, but apparently they have some kind of limit and half the time I put one up and people say they can't see it), mine doesn't have one either.


I think most Telesys games came in two different types: a black and white picture with no end label, and a color label with a hook at the end with the cartridge name on it, which my Ram It is the black and white with no end label, but my Demolition Herby and Cosmic Creeps ones were the hooks with color photos and end label (well, except an ex-friend lost D. Herby, damn it).

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The b/w picture label I have is intact, I was asking only about the end label, there seems to be a place for a label but since yours doesn't have one either maybe they don't exist. So I don't need a pic of your cart, but thanks for offering :)

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  • 1 year later...



So what's the scoop?


I thought maybe mine had just fallen off, I'm printing new end labels for all my missing ones, & 8-bit carts, just noticed there were no end label scans in the database, for Ram It or Demolition Herby with B&W labels. These carts clearly have a spot for them, just not put to use or are they just real bad about falling off?

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I'm pretty sure the black and white Telesys games DON'T have end labels, since I bought my Ram It new "back in the day", which it doesn't have one.


These carts clearly have a spot for them, just not put to use or are they just real bad about falling off?


(Shoulda done Reply with Quote, whoops! :))


They don't fall off, the black and white ones just don't have end labels, is all. (My guess is Telesys was trying to save money and trying to survive the crash when it happened?)

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My black and white Ram It doesn't have an end label. Jerry Gs Guide to the Classic Video Games - First Edition says the black and white top label cartridge doesn't have an end label. Gerry G values the regular label cartridge at $40.00 and the black and white one at $35.00. Congratulations on your $1.00 flea market purchase.

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