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Fastest way for a 15 year old to learn 6502?

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can someone help me out? i am only 15 at the moment, stubborn, and need a fast, easy way to learn 6502. not necessarily become fluent just yet, but to learn the basics.


i already read some of "Atari Roots" but i dont have an atari 800 or 400 and i dont plan on buying one.


i know these basic things so far


off/on, yes/no, white/black, the whole concept of the numbers 1 and 0


i know that 1111 1111 = 255 and that's all that 8-bit can handle.


that's all i know about 6502, and i really need help, any help is appreciated!

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  • 1 month later...

This is awesome.


I've been wanting to learn ASM for a while too but I had a hard time with every other resource. I like how this guy compares the routines to BASIC. Makes it so much easier for me to learn.


Though from what I understand this is for the Atari 8-Bit line of computers and not the 2600 eh? Still a good learning point (and I hear the 2600 is much harder anyways).


What's a good assembly compiler for Windows to use for Atari computer applications? Will DASM work?

Edited by Yart
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Can someone show me how to install dasm on my Linux computer?

As far as I can see, the recent stable DASM version 2.20.11 does not come with binaries for Linux, just source. You would have to compile it yourself. Unfortunately, this is not straightforward, so another thing you can do is to download an older version. E.g., you can get


DASM 2.20.10


If you unzip it, there's a folder bin/Linux, which contains three executables. One of them might work for you on Fedora.


You do not have to install dasm. Just copy the executables to wherever you want. E.g. if you copy dasm to /usr/local/bin you should be able to start it in the shell with just "dasm".

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joe got me up and running, butttttttt i have one problem. every time i assemble my source code (see below) i get an error message (see below also!)



LDA 	#4
STA 	400
STA 	1000
LDX 	#5
LDY 	#6
STX 	500
STY 	600
LDA 	1000
LDX 	500
LDY 	600


[root@Esplonky Linux]# ./dasm test.asm
DASM V2.20.10, Macro Assembler (C)1988-2004
test.asm (1): error: Unknown Mnemonic '*=1000'.
test.asm (3): error: Unknown Mnemonic 'LDA'.
test.asm (4): error: Unknown Mnemonic 'STA'.
test.asm (5): error: Unknown Mnemonic 'STA'.
test.asm (6): error: Unknown Mnemonic 'LDX'.
test.asm (7): error: Unknown Mnemonic 'LDY'.
test.asm (: error: Unknown Mnemonic 'STX'.
test.asm (9): error: Unknown Mnemonic 'STY'.
test.asm (10): error: Unknown Mnemonic 'LDA'.
test.asm (11): error: Unknown Mnemonic 'LDX'.
test.asm (12): error: Unknown Mnemonic 'LDY'.
test.asm (13): error: Unknown Mnemonic 'BRK'.


and my code above was changed by me because i was tweaking to see if it would compile, so ive tried with all kinds of indentions and stuff.

Edited by esplonky
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The -f should be followed by an actual number, not #. 3 means don't include the start address as the 2600 doesn't use it. This is how I compile Frantic:

./dasm frantic.asm -f3 -v0 -sfrantic.sym -lfrantic.lst -ofrantic.bin



-v0 is how verbose (wordy) the output is during the compile


-s is the symbol file, it lists all the variables and labels and what their values are. There's no space between the option and the file name (as with the next 2 options).


-l is the full compiler listing


-o is the binary file you want to create


The extra files are helpful for figuring things out, but you don't need to use them.

./dasm test.asm -f3 -otest.bin


you can even leave off the -o part, if you do the .bin would be called a.out

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