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Colecovision Auction Watch


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Don't know how high this auction will end up, but this new in box Wico Joystick (not mine) looks nice.

The bid was at $15 last time I checked.



eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1507287668641?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=150728766864&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

This is from the same seller that has already auctioned off 4 other New/CIB WICO Controllers... the seller stated that they came across a large box of them. The first one went for $76, the second for $56 and the next two sold for in the upper $30 range. I got one a couple weeks ago and the box and controller were/are in excellent condition and the seller shipped the package out very quickly.


Don't know for sure how many more the seller has, so if you want one of these CIB, you better jump on it. Otherwise, they can be bought loose from www.atari2600.com for around $15 loose.

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Here is an incredibly low price Mr. Do's! Castle CIB "Buy it Now" !!!


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1306277169691?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=130627716969&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


Problem is that with that price and a stock photo instead of actual photo there could be a reason it is so cheap. The only reason to use a stock photo is to hide a bad looking CIB and hope nobody pays attention when they are buying.

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Here is an incredibly low price Mr. Do's! Castle CIB "Buy it Now" !!!


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1306277169691?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=130627716969&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

Plus it "makes a great addition to anyone's Intellivision collection!". I'm not so sure that Intellivision collectors would agree :)


Lol! I saw that and laughed, although as an Intellivision collector I strangely have 3 of these CIB. No matter how many times I try to cram these into one of my INTVs, they just don't work! Damn false advertising! :)

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Uh, yeah, I know. I tend not to post auctions when they are active.

Then we would have to change the name of the thread from "Watch" to "History". ;)


Does it not become history after the auction is over?.

Ummm, yeah. :?


Besides, I was watching the auction

While a thread like this is very fun to follow and discuss amongst fellow members, it stinks (for lack of a better word) when items that you are interested in get posted about here in this thread. Although I personally don't think it it will add a tremendous number of new "Watchers" or "Bidders" since most who follow this thread also follow eBay pretty religious hoping for those missing items to show up. We are all probably butting heads for items a lot more than we realize.

Edited by NIAD
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While a thread like this is very fun to follow and discuss amongst fellow members, it stinks (for lack of a better word) when items that you are interested in get posted about here in this thread. Although I personally don't think it it will add a tremendous number of new "Watchers" or "Bidders" since most who follow this thread also follow eBay pretty religious hoping for those missing items to show up. We are all probably butting heads for items a lot more than we realize.


Yes, I agree. The extra advertising for an auction potentially creates more competition, and among a relatively friendly collecting group, why do that to a fellow collector? A few years ago, a small group of AAers would PM each other about auctions and ask if anyone intended to bid. It was a nice way of avoiding unnecessarily jacking prices up on each other. I think if a person is interested in something on eBay, that person will invariably have set up a search for the item and so catch the vast majority of auctions that come up (the occasional "here's a pic, I'm too lazy to list the contents" type of auction aside).

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eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1906254911551?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=190625491155&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

What is it with these numbskulls that bid on a BIN auction when the BIN is clearly a great price. The same happened with Cye, the BIN was $25 then someone placed a bid and when the auction ended it was over $80. Fools!!!

Edited by Ikrananka
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I think you can still buy this game from gooddealgames.com for $34.

I already have the game - I'm just blown away by people throwing away a great BIN price.


There are a lot of cheapscates in this world that sit there and go oh if no one else bids I can get it for 5 bucks instead of 20. They always ruin it for someone that would have gladly paid the buy it now.

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