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Season 5 Round 6 *Montezuma's Revenge*


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  • 2 weeks later...

Man, thanks to whoever posted the high score sheet today. That reminded me that I had created one for myself many years ago. I just took a look at it (I don't actually print it out, just keep it on hard disk and would update it when needed with new scores). I was going to record my 88,950 score for Montezuma's Revenge only to find I already had 449,651 filled in for it!!!


I know back in the olden days I used to play this game for hours and hours, but after struggling to come in with 88,950 for this contest, I can't imagine how I ever got to 449,651. This had to have been from the late 80s and has been passed down by myself for years and years. I rarely delete computer files...just store them away.


Montezuma's Revenge - 88,950




Got lost in the dark!!!

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