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Displaying text in assembly


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Well I have made tons of Video on how to do GPL and it is very similar.


This has all the Zip files links to the videos.

I should add that the sequence of learning goes Basic, Extended Basic, GPL, Assembly or Forth or C.

You also have Logo or Pascal that is like between XB and GPL so watch my videios on GPL and it should help.

Edited by RXB
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Hi there,


I cant seem to get my program to display any text properly so was wondering if there was the source for a "hello world" program in assembly floating about which i could use. Also if you knwo any sites that have any tutorials on this, that would also be useful.







How about........




def start

ref vmbw

start li r0,40

li r1,hworld

li r2,11

blwp @vmbw

die limi 2

jmp die

end start

hworld text 'hello world'

Edited by marc.hull
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Also if you know any sites that have any tutorials on this, that would also be useful.


I would have to say this forum is very useful... Start here: http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/162941-assembly-on-the-994a/


Here are two examples without dependencies:


      DEF  MAIN

VDPWD  EQU  >8C00             * VDP write data
VDPWA  EQU  >8C02             * VDP set read/write address
WS1    EQU  >8300             * Workspace memory in fast RAM
R0LB   EQU  WRKSP+1           * Register zero low byte address


MAIN   LIMI 0                 * Disable interrupts
      LWPI WRKSP             * Load the workspace pointer to fast RAM

* Clear the screen
      CLR  R0                * Start at top left corner of the screen
      LI   R1,>2000          * Write a space (>20 hex is 32 decimal)
      LI   R2,768            * Number of bytes to write

      MOVB @R0LB,@VDPWA      * Send low byte of VDP RAM write address
      ORI  R0,>4000          * Set read/write bits 14 and 15 to write (01)
      MOVB R0,@VDPWA         * Send high byte of VDP RAM write address

CLS    MOVB R1,@VDPWD         * Write byte to VDP RAM
      DEC  R2                * Byte counter
      JNE  CLS               * Check if done

* Write the text message to the screen
      LI   R0,395            * Screen location to display message
      LI   R1,MSG1           * Memory location of source data
      LI   R2,MSG1E-MSG1     * Length of data to write

      MOVB @R0LB,@VDPWA      * Send low byte of VDP RAM write address
      ORI  R0,>4000          * Set read/write bits 14 and 15 to write (01)
      MOVB R0,@VDPWA         * Send high byte of VDP RAM write address

DISP   MOVB *R1+,@VDPWD       * Write a byte of the message to the VDP
      DEC  R2                * Byte counter
      JNE  DISP              * Check if done

      LIMI 2                 * Enable interrupts
INFLP  JMP INFLP              * Infinite loop




      DEF  MAIN

* VDP Memory Map
VDPRD  EQU  >8800             * VDP read data
VDPSTA EQU  >8802             * VDP status
VDPWD  EQU  >8C00             * VDP write data
VDPWA  EQU  >8C02             * VDP set read/write address

* Workspace
WRKSP  EQU  >8300             * Workspace
R0LB   EQU  WRKSP+1           * R0 low byte reqd for VDP routines

* Data

* Program execution starts here

* Clear the screen
      LI   R0,>0000          * Start at upper left corner of the screen, assume name table is at >0000
      LI   R1,>2000          * Write >20 (32 decimal), remember the MSB is sent to the VDP
      LI   R2,768            * 768 screen locations (32x24 tiles)
      BL   @VSMW             * Write the space 768 times

* Write the text message to the screen
      LI   R0,395            * Screen location to display message
      LI   R1,MSG1           * Memory location of source data
      LI   R2,MSG1E-MSG1     * Length of data to write
      BL   @VMBW

      LIMI 2
LP9999 JMP  LP9999

* VDP Single Byte Multiple Write
* R0   Starting write address in VDP RAM
* R1   MSB of R1 sent to VDP RAM
* R2   Number of times to write the MSB byte of R1 to VDP RAM
* R0 is modified, but can be restored with: ANDI R0,>3FFF
VSMW   MOVB @R0LB,@VDPWA      * Send low byte of VDP RAM write address
      ORI  R0,>4000          * Set read/write bits 14 and 15 to write (01)
      MOVB R0,@VDPWA         * Send high byte of VDP RAM write address
VSMWLP MOVB R1,@VDPWD         * Write byte to VDP RAM
      DEC  R2                * Byte counter
      JNE  VSMWLP            * Check if done
      B    *R11
*// VSMW

* VDP Multiple Byte Write
* R0   Starting write address in VDP RAM
* R1   Starting read address in CPU RAM
* R2   Number of bytes to send to the VDP RAM
* R0 is modified, but can be restored with: ANDI R0,>3FFF
VMBW   MOVB @R0LB,@VDPWA      * Send low byte of VDP RAM write address
      ORI  R0,>4000          * Set read/write bits 14 and 15 to write (01)
      MOVB R0,@VDPWA         * Send high byte of VDP RAM write address
VMBWLP MOVB *R1+,@VDPWD       * Write byte to VDP RAM
      DEC  R2                * Byte counter
      JNE  VMBWLP            * Check if done
      B    *R11
*// VMBW



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I cant seem to get my program to display any text properly so was wondering if there was the source for a "hello world" program in assembly floating about which i could use.



I assume you know how to enter code, assemble and run then. Many ways lead to Rome, be it cross assembly, emulation or real iron.


Also if you knwo any sites that have any tutorials on this, that would also be useful.


I assume you have the Editor/Assembler manual. If not good, then at least reference for the instructions.


Then there's many nice Assembly books available for download on the TI-99/4A Home Computer Book Archive.



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