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Is there a BASIC for it? Or some simple dev options?


That to me is the C64 of today. Don't see it on the phones, closed up as they generally are.


You know, it's about the selling point.

A universal device. Running Android is not a pro argue, but maybe a good friend to Linux users.

The main difference could be the processor, which is a top notch on the market, not just as retarded as in the C64... ;)

Edited by emkay
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Nice link! Thanks. That is why I asked. I will be getting a droid phone soon.


Re: It's about selling point.


Sure, if we are talking about the chumps, or people who really don't care about accessable tech. I do care about those things and generally won't invest too much in closed up tech. That app linked is very interesting, and potentially entertaining, though I suspect it would be on most any android phone.

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