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Beware Ebay Buyers! Bubboboo

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would like to warn you from Ebat user Bubboboo


Ebay User Bobboboo creates fake Ebay Account and bidds against himself, to raise up his auction.. then few seconds he retracts his bidds.. with silly commnet (like wrong auction, do not needs this item etc..)


as a proofe look at his past auctions.. (i was also one of his victims)




http://cgi6.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?...item=1384924888 and more..


the fake account he use to have where: bodbidder, breathofryu, vargjtgy, etc..


now he is doing it again on the auction he recently posted.. with "drakemater" account and he made his feedback invisible.



All I wanted to do was say that the member was previously suspended for false bidding and looking at these selection of auctions they look suspiciously similar to his previous false auctions.



how can ebay member protect ourself against such scamm???

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Here are some "Red Flags" that should be obvious with suspicious sellers:


-Lots of negative comments

-Hidden Feedback

-Suspicious item description

-Grammatical errors

-Suspicious addresses


Look carefully before bidding. If you can, send an email and ASk questions about the item up for bids. Keep a good eye on the auction for suspicious doings.


It's not hard to protect yourself if you take the right steps.

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