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Question about the cloud.


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You can already copy your gamertag profile to any USB stick and use it in any 360. You can already copy game saves to any USB stick and take them with you on the go.

Neither is a difficult task that takes very long. Do "mirror" and "copy" mean the same thing? No.

That is not true. Not any USB stick will do. Microsoft requires a certain speed and you have to format it on the XBOX.

They tried to tell me a fast USB stick of mine was too slow. I got around it eventually but it was clearly an attempt to get me to buy their USB stick.

That happened right after one of their "upgrades".


To copy your game saves you simply have to keep up with your game save files and transfer them yourself to whatever USB stick you want. To mirror your games saves to any 360 or USB stick in any 360 attached to the internet in the world, requires a network, storage servers, software to sync and transfer the files, and people to keep it all running. They are different.

And you totally went into left field. This had noting to do with mirroring over the net, you added that because it suited your argument. And frankly, even if you do mirror to a remote machine over the internet, it's a quick hit to a database and the data can be transferred directly over the internet without touching another server *if* the other system is on.

If you want to use Microsoft's storage... sure, they deserve the right to charge for "the cloud" (*cough* client server *cough*) or any other services for that matter.

But I see no reason in paying someone for something I can get for free and it may very well convince many people to buy a PS3 instead of an XBOX.


I can understand how anyone would love services provided to them for free. Who wouldn't?

Still, I seriously doubt anyone (well, except maybe a few people on AA) feel that they are being strong-armed by MS to pay $3 a month for Gold so they can use the cloud, and all the other things I mentioned that go along with it, especially when they have a free alternative. I think to many, the $3.00 a month is a fair price to pay for not only this service, but many others, some of which also offer free alternatives (Netflix) and others that do not (discounts on DLC)

Blah blah "you just want something for nothing"... I get most of what LIVE offers for free already and as a result, the XBOX goes unused unless I'm playing a game.

$3 a month for what is free elsewhere? No thanks. Netflix, Hulu, Vudu, facebook, twitter, etc... all free everywhere but on XBOX.

I do like the ability to download rather than stream movie rentals... but I don't need a gold subscription for that and "zune" charges more than most services.


For sure I'd love to get my cell phone use for free every month. Does anyone here get their cell phone use for nothing? How about Cable TV? Does anyone get free cable TV? Does anyone here have an electric bill sent every month? Is it free? I ask these things because some people complain an awful lot about Live Gold and it's cost. I never hear them complain about other services that cost significantly more cash (even $100's a month) and one could argue, significantly less service in return for their cash. Just wondering why that is?

I have a pay as you go cell phone because I'm not a talkaholic. I don't pay a monthly fee, I only pay for it when I need it.

I can go several months of cell phone service for what you pay a month.

I guess you are so used to dolling out the monthly cell phone fee that you didn't even bother to check if there was an alternative.

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For sure I'd love to get my cell phone use for free every month. Does anyone here get their cell phone use for nothing? How about Cable TV? Does anyone get free cable TV? Does anyone here have an electric bill sent every month? Is it free? I ask these things because some people complain an awful lot about Live Gold and it's cost. I never hear them complain about other services that cost significantly more cash (even $100's a month) and one could argue, significantly less service in return for their cash. Just wondering why that is?

I have a pay as you go cell phone because I'm not a talkaholic. I don't pay a monthly fee, I only pay for it when I need it.

I can go several months of cell phone service for what you pay a month.

I guess you are so used to dolling out the monthly cell phone fee that you didn't even bother to check if there was an alternative.


Well that's not really fair either. Pay as you go cell phones can be found in any Wal-Mart, Target, or grocery store for that matter. They're not utilized nearly as much as cell plans by the populace because most people get value from their cell plans. Whether it's that they have axed their landline and therefore use cell alot, are on the go alot (and therefore again use cell alot), utilize a lot of data, like having a subsidized handset. Or maybe just knowing that they never have to worry about recharging their card. I for one get value out of 'dolling out the monthly cell phone fee', such as I apparently do in a mindless fashion :)


I can just attest to myself and the value that I get from Xbox Live. Just as you and your pay-as-you go cell plan wouldn't work for me, I can't argue that the value that I get out of Xbox Live would be gained by everyone. However, it's not any one of those items that you mentioned that you can get for free that makes me enjoy Xbox Live so much. It's the entire package that I love, and makes me more than happy to doll out my ~$3 per month (the Dunkin' coffee I'm drinking right now cost $2....that's all I'm going to say). It's the fact that dollar for dollar (yes, even against free comparisons!) Xbox Live has by far the best user interface and the best integration of services.


I gain value and I enjoy being able to watch Netflix, Hulu, whatever and still get my friend requests for games, messaging, anything. I gain value and I enjoy being able to post my achievements onto Facebook the instant I earn it. I gain value by being able to set a beacon to let my friends know what game I'd like to get going. I gain value by being able to buy video content from Zune and then be able to play it on my PC.


So, for me personally, this tit for tat comparison just doesn't work. Yes, there are alternatives to some of the services or apps that are found on Xbox Live that you can get for free. Yet in this case I would put forth that Xbox Live is more than the sum of its parts.

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this thread is so far off topic now. thanks James, nuclear...


my cousin is like James. he has a pay as you go Android cell phone in addition to using Skype on his PSP (when it's connected to someone's WiFi). so basically no one can call him. no one can contact him when they need to in an emergency. no one knows his whereabouts. he brags about how he can use Skype and call people for free. But then he adds he drives to Starbucks or McDonald's or uses someone's Internet in order to do so. well, at least he saved $15/month.

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I guess you are so used to dolling out the monthly cell phone fee that you didn't even bother to check if there was an alternative.



Except that I work for a company that gives me a free cell phone (and a concession for internet) so I have no need to check for an alternative right now.

I was mearly bringing up examples of things some people pay for monthly and don't think twice about and certainly don't complain about it over and over. It sounds like you have no monthly bill you are paying simply for your own enjoyment, and that is fine. It does explain a thing or two.


That is not true. Not any USB stick will do. Microsoft requires a certain speed and you have to format it on the XBOX.


Hmmm I'd say at this point you're bordering on nitpicking, but of course you're riight, In fact I've listed links to the hundreds of USB sticks that will work in other threads so I'm well aware of this. My suggestion in the future when purchasing any product would be to take some time to research the purchase briefly. It's funny telling a guy who seems to have a major issue paying $3 a month for services something as simple as this. One would assume you were very frugal and purchase savvy already.


As far as Gold goes, "many of the numorous perks are free is elsewhere" is in addition to main use of Live Gold in my eyes. At this point I've stated it over and over in threads where you complain about it. Online co-op and vs. on a fast, stable network, that includes in game (or out of game) voice chat, in addition to discounts on game and movie purchases none of which can be found elsewhere for free is what Live is about. Once again I will tell you, and I'll bet many many many people will back this up, the other stuff is just gravy.


You don't think the $3 is worth it. We all get it I think. LOL You now can cease derailing others peoples threads, with the same, redundant aurguments about Live Gold being a rip-off for you. Rest assured it has been noted. Not everything is for everybody. I refuse to get a smart phone because I don't want to pay for a monthly data plan. No one probably knew this before now, because I know no one really cares what I would buy or wouldn't buy and my reasons for it. :cool:


To steer this back on topic, I'm using the cloud almost exclusively now. As someone currently with 5 Xbox 360, this is a GREAT perk. I'm keeping many Arcade title saves and currently played games in the cloud, and use a 10 GB USB to back up other, older game saves I'm not currently using but may in the future and to hold my music game songs and videos (Lips, Rock Band, Guitar Hero etc...) which take up a lot of space but can be easily transfered between units with the USB.

Loving it!

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Seriously, the point of Xbox Live Gold is the social aspect. The Xbox is by far the most social system. It's very easy to see what your friends are doing and to interact with them. You can hang out and talk, watch movies together, etc.


This seems to completely go against what James and Nuclear want which is private gaming. If you want private gaming and the single player experience, there are plenty of other systems out there that cut out all the social chaff. Or if you want the private experience, you can just stay with Xbox Live Free.


I have a friend who could live happily with Xbox Live Free. He doesn't have a Facebook account. He doesn't give out his email readily. He won't create message board accounts because he doesn't want any of his information out there. His cell phone has very limited minutes and is only for emergency purposes. He has a very select group of friends. James and Nuclear, you could hang out with him and talk about the doom of the world. He was a Commodore fan (C64 and Amiga 500) so if that was your inkling, the more the merrier.

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Seriously, the point of Xbox Live Gold is the social aspect. The Xbox is by far the most social system. It's very easy to see what your friends are doing and to interact with them. You can hang out and talk, watch movies together, etc.


This seems to completely go against what James and Nuclear want which is private gaming. If you want private gaming and the single player experience, there are plenty of other systems out there that cut out all the social chaff. Or if you want the private experience, you can just stay with Xbox Live Free.


I have a friend who could live happily with Xbox Live Free. He doesn't have a Facebook account. He doesn't give out his email readily. He won't create message board accounts because he doesn't want any of his information out there. His cell phone has very limited minutes and is only for emergency purposes. He has a very select group of friends. James and Nuclear, you could hang out with him and talk about the doom of the world. He was a Commodore fan (C64 and Amiga 500) so if that was your inkling, the more the merrier.

That's right, deride other people for liking classic computer gaming, and single player gaming on an all classic gaming message board. Please get away from the personal attack, that's not really needed. You guys are taking things way out of context, I'm willing to talk about the future of gaming, but this isn't really the thread for that I readily admit. Here come you guys throwing personal insults, deriding classic-style gaming no less, with no other argument put forth other than everyone who doesn't pay for Gold is dumb and lives in a bomb shelter. Great argument.

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That's right, deride other people for liking classic computer gaming, and single player gaming on an all classic gaming message board. Please get away from the personal attack, that's not really needed. You guys are taking things way out of context, I'm willing to talk about the future of gaming, but this isn't really the thread for that I readily admit. Here come you guys throwing personal insults, deriding classic-style gaming no less, with no other argument put forth other than everyone who doesn't pay for Gold is dumb and lives in a bomb shelter. Great argument.


The thread was about cloud saves and the point of how it was designed on the Xbox 360. The question was answered by multiple people. James and Nuclear then jump in, criticizing not only the whole idea of the cloud but Xbox Live and modern gaming as a whole. And then writing essays about how Microsoft is forcing everyone to do it their way. People answer back that Microsoft is not forcing anyone to do anything. That if you don't like something, don't buy it. Buy what fits your personality. If you like Xbox Live Free, stay with Xbox Live Free. Xbox has always been about choices. You don't want a hard drive? You have the arcade system. You don't need a Kinect? Don't buy a Kinect.


I've skimmed the above posts and nothing is criticizing your love of classic gaming. I love classic gaming as much as everyone else. I had a 2600, a 1200XL, a 1040STf, a Lynx, a Jaguar, a Dreamcast, an SNES, a PS2, and an Xbox1. And last I checked, I haven't seen people go into classic gaming threads and say that classic gamers are dumb. But yet an innocent thread about use of cloud saves get polluted by people saying how evil modern gaming systems are or potentially could be.


There. all the facts laid out. If you think it's a personal attack, I apologize. I really do think that you just want classic gaming on a modern console rather than all the features of a modern console. That's not an attack. That's the underlying truth. You need to look within yourself and find out what you really want and then get what matches your personality.

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You left out the fact about your friend that you make fun of for being a hermit and playing C64. You use that to liken me and some other guy as being the same. You don't know what I want from gaming and are making wild assumptions really. My personal predictions one way or another about services on Xbox are not necessarily a slam against Xbox, and you seem to be taking it personally.

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with no other argument put forth other than everyone who doesn't pay for Gold is dumb and lives in a bomb shelter. Great argument.


I think the issue is people are simply letting you know, you don't represent anyone but yourself. If you don't like something, say your peace and move on. Granted no one is going to care one way or the other, but once said, focus on something else rather than try and convince others to see things your way. You're getting increasingly negative responses to your posts because you keep on keeping on in an inappropriate thread. It's not that you're not dumb, you're just being extremely annoying and ruining a perfectly fine topic about The Xbox Live cloud all because you feel the need to convince others to think the way you do.


I agree you should start your own thread.

Maybe title it, "All the predicted bad thing that are going to happen when the next gen consoles come out" you might should also add a sub-title "No disagreeing or arguing with the original post allowed" to dissuade people from trying to point out any errors in your predictions. I will tell you this, most predictions are bogus, and most people know this, and most discussion predicting something end in "Well I guess we'll just have to see" so I don't think the thread will be as compelling as you might be imagining.

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with no other argument put forth other than everyone who doesn't pay for Gold is dumb and lives in a bomb shelter. Great argument.


I think the issue is people are simply letting you know, you don't represent anyone but yourself, don't like something, say your peace and move on. Granted no one is going to care one way or the other, but once said, focus on something else rather than try and convince others to see things your way. You're getting increasingly negative responses to you posts because you keep on keeping on. It's not that you're not dumb, you're just being extremely annoying and ruining a perfectly fine thread about The Xbox Live cloud all because you feel the need to convince others to think the way you do.


I agree you should start your own thread.

Maybe title it, "All the predicted bad thing that are going to happen when the next gen consoles come out" you might should also add a sub-title "No disagreeing or arguing with the original post allowed" to dissuade people from trying to point out any errors in your predictions.

meh...I mostly agree, it's not like I'm anti-xbox live, and I already admitted this wasn't the thread to talk about the next xbox so I'll leave it at that.

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You left out the fact about your friend that you make fun of for being a hermit and playing C64. You use that to liken me and some other guy as being the same. You don't know what I want from gaming and are making wild assumptions really. My personal predictions one way or another about services on Xbox are not necessarily a slam against Xbox, and you seem to be taking it personally.




I wasn't making fun of my friend and wasn't making fun of his Commodore love. He's actually one of my best friends, but that doesn't take away the aforementioned facts about him. But I can see how you interpreted being associated with Commodore as an insult. So I apologize for that! Atarians, unite!

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Well that's not really fair either. Pay as you go cell phones can be found in any Wal-Mart, Target, or grocery store for that matter. They're not utilized nearly as much as cell plans by the populace because most people get value from their cell plans. Whether it's that they have axed their landline and therefore use cell alot, are on the go alot (and therefore again use cell alot), utilize a lot of data, like having a subsidized handset. Or maybe just knowing that they never have to worry about recharging their card. I for one get value out of 'dolling out the monthly cell phone fee', such as I apparently do in a mindless fashion :)

A valid argument isn't "fair"? Oh please, and constantly regurgitating that it's only $3 / month and you get so much value is? Really? When most of that "value" comes from charging for services you get free elsewhere? I call that a stupid waste of money. $3 is not what MS is asking btw. That's only if you can get a subscription card for a deal.

It's normally closer to $5/month... which is almost double what you quote.



So, for me personally, this tit for tat comparison just doesn't work. Yes, there are alternatives to some of the services or apps that are found on Xbox Live that you can get for free. Yet in this case I would put forth that Xbox Live is more than the sum of its parts.

It doesn't work because you are just trying to justify paying that much just for online multi-player gaming.

There are free alternatives to ALL the apps except the online gaming.

If you like multi-player gaming over the net, you have no other option with the XBOX.

I usually play single player or spend a day at someone's house playing multi-player on one console.


Sure, the giant popcorn at the movie theater is the better value... if you eat it. If you don't need it, then it's a waste of money.

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Seriously, the point of Xbox Live Gold is the social aspect. The Xbox is by far the most social system. It's very easy to see what your friends are doing and to interact with them. You can hang out and talk, watch movies together, etc.


This seems to completely go against what James and Nuclear want which is private gaming. If you want private gaming and the single player experience, there are plenty of other systems out there that cut out all the social chaff. Or if you want the private experience, you can just stay with Xbox Live Free.


I have a friend who could live happily with Xbox Live Free. He doesn't have a Facebook account. He doesn't give out his email readily. He won't create message board accounts because he doesn't want any of his information out there. His cell phone has very limited minutes and is only for emergency purposes. He has a very select group of friends. James and Nuclear, you could hang out with him and talk about the doom of the world. He was a Commodore fan (C64 and Amiga 500) so if that was your inkling, the more the merrier.

To me, social is in person... not over the internet. I get together and game with people in the same room, have pizza, beer... kinda like when we used to do lan parties in college.

And I have plenty of friends. Most of my friends aren't gamers, of the ones that are, some have the Wii and some the PS3.

And of the friends I have with 360s, most have different tastes in games.

My brother and nephew like realistic war games, I like stuff like Bioshock, Tomb Raider, Batman: Arkham City, gears of War, etc..,

And playing with random strangers online has pretty much been casual gamer me vs kid who lives on the game and talks s**t constantly. Not really appealing to me.

Not much has changed that way since I first played Diablo online.

FWIW, I don't actually play a lot of classic games even though I have a lot of different systems. I prefer the new games for the most part.


Frankly, if I want to see what my friends are doing online I go to facebook on my computer. facebook on the 360 sucks a** by comparison.

I can text, video call, etc... with multiple people at the same time and browse the web.

The experience is so much better on the computer I see no reason to use the XBOX.

I have a life, not a live.

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First off, the 'not really fair' comment came about because I was simply pointing out that the reasons you gave for a pay as you go cell plan being 'better' simply don't work for everyone. I think I've been pretty upfront that the arguments I'm putting forth may not hold true for everyone. I'm not getting that same vibe from you, just statements that valid reasons I may be giving amount to 'regurgitation' and 'stupid'.


So, for me personally, this tit for tat comparison just doesn't work. Yes, there are alternatives to some of the services or apps that are found on Xbox Live that you can get for free. Yet in this case I would put forth that Xbox Live is more than the sum of its parts.

It doesn't work because you are just trying to justify paying that much just for online multi-player gaming.


Um, no, it doesn't work because of the reasons I gave above, when I pretty explicitly said that the value I get wouldn't be gained by everyone. I'm personally not trying to justify anything to anyone, simply stating why I get value out of my big whopping $3 per month expenditure. I couldn't really care less whether someone else subscribes or not, but just as I can sit hear and see how others might not get the value out of it that I do, don't sit here and tell me that the value I gain from it isn't really there. The fact that I say it's there means it is for me. And apparently 10 of millions of others.


I'm at the point in my life where $3 per month (or $5, or even $6!, though it's not as if I have to search at all to find a discounted Live membership) is worth it to get the services I want along with the convenience that comes along with it. I don't care that I could scurry around to piece free things together.


As far as the 'I have a life, not a live' comment, well good for you. So do I. Which is why I value the convenience that Xbox Live affords myself and my friends. Many different friends with different hobby's and tastes. I game in person a lot, but also a lot on Live with college friends. Sorry, but kind of difficult to get in the same room for "pizza, beer... kinda like when we used to do lan parties in college" when some live in Cali, some in Virginia, still others in Mass, etc., etc. Yes, just to get a game of whatever going we could all round robin on the phone, or send an e-mail, mass text., whatever. And all those options are wonderfully free. Or, we could just send a Live invite, or just set a game beacon to see who pops on to join.


If I value my time at nothing, then even spending a few extra minutes trying to set a gaming session up is no big deal. However, speaking for myself, I'm too busy between work and family to waste even an extra 5 or 10 minutes that I simply don't have with that stuff. There, value, for me, in spending my $3 per month.


Sorry OP, I'm signing off this thread for now....I'd discuss 'till the cows come home if this was the actual topic of the thread, but I do feel bad keeping to feed into this derailment.

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JamesD here... http://www.amazon.co...26995003&sr=8-1


That's $3.33 a month. I can honestly say I've never paid $5 a month since I got a 360 in 2007. In fact I've even paid less than $3 some years, there are deals all the time. Let the people who actually subscribe tell you how much they paid.


Trying to explain the reasons a person thinks Live Gold is a value to someone who doesn't is like clapping with one hand. Some people don't think it is. Fine.

Who here honestly gives a crap what someone else likes or what they spend their $$ on ?

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And again, why do you give such a crap if I think it's a waste of money?


I don't. Here you missed this I think....


Who here honestly gives a crap what someone else likes or what they spend their $$ on ?


Why do you seem to give such a crap that others do find value in Live Gold at $3.33 a month, even enough to ruin another AA member thread with your tired opinion? I only posted that link to help you understand where we are coming from when we state that it's $3 a month.


BTW I have no stake in MS, see what it is, is I like certain things, and I am willing to pay money I earned to enjoy those things, and I think it's pretty lame you trying to convince others to think like you (The only reason I can't think you keep going on with this). I've already stated over and over and over and over, WHO CARES WHAT OTHER PEOPLE LIKE....and you keep on stating what you don't like in a thread that has nothing to do whatsoever with JamesD. I'm not defending MS at all, defending my desire to NOT read your spam in a thread about the cloud available to Live Gold members. :P

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And again, why do you give such a crap if I think it's a waste of money?

And before you say you don't, then why do you keep replying and defending Microsoft so much?


because you constantly go into threads and crap on it for no apparent reason other than to satisfy your sour grapes. You didn't even contribute to the guy's question with any meaningful answer.

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And again, why do you give such a crap if I think it's a waste of money?

And before you say you don't, then why do you keep replying and defending Microsoft so much?


because you constantly go into threads and crap on it for no apparent reason other than to satisfy your sour grapes. You didn't even contribute to the guy's question with any meaningful answer.

Sour Grapes would imply that I can't have it so I crap on it. If I wan't to pay for it I can afford to, I just get nothing out of it I don't already have which is the point.

And you defend it like a true fanboy and your replies aren't contributing either.

BTW, you just proved my point. Any claims about not caring are totally bogus.


If you never complain about a product, the product will never change. That is why I make a point of complaining.

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And again, why do you give such a crap if I think it's a waste of money?

And before you say you don't, then why do you keep replying and defending Microsoft so much?


because you constantly go into threads and crap on it for no apparent reason other than to satisfy your sour grapes. You didn't even contribute to the guy's question with any meaningful answer.

Sour Grapes would imply that I can't have it so I crap on it. If I wan't to pay for it I can afford to, I just get nothing out of it I don't already have which is the point.

And you defend it like a true fanboy and your replies aren't contributing either.

BTW, you just proved my point. Any claims about not caring are totally bogus.


If you never complain about a product, the product will never change. That is why I make a point of complaining.


stop crapping on threads. the guy asked a question about cloud saves and it was answered by many people except for you and nuclear. do the people in power care about what you say? no. but you make the rest of us have to sift through these threads to find meaningful answers to our questions.

Edited by onlysublime
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