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HSC9 *Games List* & *Suggestions*

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Suggest some games to play in HSC Season 9 folks :)


Up to 10 each for now!


Will keep the same voting system 5 games to pick from with the runner-up game being kept on for the next poll. The others will re-appear in later votes. Scoring 12pts for the winner, down to 2pts for 11th and 12th places.


If anyone can get an extra player to join in (even occasionally!) that would be great :thumbsup:


Standard rounds will be one game every two weeks. Will probably run 3 'special' rounds including a Team round late in the year. I will also endeavour to support new releases as we need to do all we can to encourage new games. If you have any good smaller games more suitable for a bonus round or any theme/bonus round ideas list them here too. If you are bereft of inspiration checkout the Ratings and Records 8)


Don't be shy ;)


My list: (so far - might change this too!)

1. Trolls and Tribulations

2. Millipede

3. Zybex

4. Fire Fleet

5. Robix

6. Gumball

7. Diamonds (ESC)

8. Alley Cat

9. The Extirpator Transmuter

10. Frogger II: Threedeep

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How about doing theme sets? say "Synapse" games or "English Software":


English software:

  1. Jet-Boot Jack
  2. Firefleet
  3. Diamonds
  4. Dan Strikes Back
  5. Captain Sticky's Gold
  6. Hyperblast
  7. Electraglide
  8. Chop Suey
  9. Neptune's Daughters
  10. Breath of the Dragon


  1. Shamus
  2. Necromancer
  3. Rainbow Walker
  4. Blue Max
  5. Fort Apocalypse
  6. Alley Cat
  7. Dimension X
  8. Nautilus
  9. Encounter
  10. Zeppelin

P.S. I would love to join in but I just don't have time :( may be in a few years IF i get chance to retire :(

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hmm, well I don't know too many games... but I guess I could suggest a few. of my personal (~10 game) collection, I like asteroids, river raid, space invaders, and super breakout.

List all 10 if you like - there are a couple of players with only a small collection so it helps to know what you have :)

[quote name=Sub(Function( :)' timestamp='1327002823' post='2448117]

How about doing theme sets? say "Synapse" games or "English Software":


P.S. I would love to join in but I just don't have time :( may be in a few years IF i get chance to retire :(

Funnily enough I had thought of doing an ESC vs Synapse round (lots of great titles* - there may be some ESC games that don't run on NTSC?). The odd game every two weeks c'mon 10 mins that's all it takes - ok and there's the 10 just one more go goes too ;)


* though Breath of the Dragon might drive a few people nuts!

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Scalak - Getris (innuendo) is a great Tetris game could also go for Fortress or Atartris II. Panther mastertronic diagonal scroller great game and did you mean The Great American Cross County Road Race? Or is there a game I haven't played!!!


*** I've put the VOTE on for the first round ***

(from then on I'll use suggestions from this thread)

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Any chance at a "knock-out" tournament this year?


In any case, my possible suggestions for HSC 9 would include:


1. Mr. Robot

2. Up Up and Away

3. Ollie's Follies

4. Miner 2049'r

5. Jump Man

6. Blue Max 2000

7. Dave's Midnight Magic

8. Planetary Defense (ANALOG)

9. Caverns of Mars

10. Jet Set Willy (2007) or Montezuma's Revenge


Lastly, a bonus "Mail Order Monster" tournament could be interesting, though I'm not sure how this would work.

Edited by Fallout_002
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Any chance at a "knock-out" tournament this year?


In any case, my possible suggestions for HSC 9 would include:


Lastly, a bonus "Mail Order Monster" tournament could be interesting, though I'm not sure how this would work.

Nice list :thumbsup: Fantastic too see some new players (we seem to lose them as fast as I can round them up) like runnaway MULEs :) A knock out tourney is a nice idea for a bonus round (might add a few handicaps to keep things interesting).


I loved playing M.O.Monsters but it was a pain with all the disk swapping - I think I hacked the disk for extra cash once. Geat satisfaction when you nuke your opponent on the map :evil: If anyone's a fan of Archon or The Adept then M.O.M. is their evoultion - awesome game. To play it competitively might be difficult (ok all round to my house!) but give it some thought - perhaps so many goes: # wins / $ won - I really can't remember so will dig it out sometime for a play ;-)

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I'll take many of the ones mentioned above and raise it by a few more:


1. Abracadabra

2. Bristles (great music and fun challenge!)

3. Jet Boot Jack

4. Necromancer

5. Pastfinder (like to figure out, since no idea what's going on in this one..:ponder: )

6. Quasimodo

7. Shamus

8. Shamus: Case II

9. Tapper (drinks all around, courtesy of Atari :) )

10. Trolls & Tribulations (amazing what can be done with just 3 colors...:grin: )

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